Chapter 9

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|Mirrielle Elizabeth Rivantroz|   I decided to sit first on the benches closest to me while waiting for Gillie. I murmured my thanks when the shade of the tree is in place and extending its shadow on the wooden bench. I took a deep breath and savored the breeze as I surveyed the surroundings. I will not be bored while waiting for Gillie since apart from being entertained by the vast garden in front of me, I am also entertained by our staff who come in and out of our storage house.  This place is just a few meters away from our house. This storehouse is even bigger than our mansion. It was way better given the number of barrels of wine we needed to store for years.  I thought I would have to wait a long time for Gillie before leaving. After a few more minutes of sitting on the bench, my personal handmaiden finally went out of the kitchen. He was carrying a basket in one hand and on the other was a parasol and a cloth as he approached me. I also noticed the bouquet of flowers at the top of the basket’s cover. And it was my cue to stand and walk towards him to greet her.  “Everything you need is inside, milady,” she informed as she handed me the basket and the parasol.  “Thank you,” I immediately answered and smiled at her. “And… can you please undo the bun of my hair? My head hurts from the hairpins that are hitting my head. It’s making me uncomfortable,”  And it looked like she was carrying a shawl, so she immediately walked behind me. We’re just the same height, so I know she won’t have a hard time doing it. She wrapped the shawl around me. When she finished, she turned her attention to my hair. I sighed in relief when, one by one, she took the pins out of my hair. I could feel every lock of my hair falling back. And when Gillie was finally done, she came back in front of me to rearrange my hair in the way I wanted.  She parted my wavy blond hair evenly in half. Then she took a few locks on the side of my head, just above my ear, and twirled it to the direction of the back of my head. She did the same on the other side, using the same hairpins to finish fixing my hair. I smiled after knowing that she’s already done. She made it look so clean and decent, how I wanted it to be. I was about to say to her that I will take my leave but I didn’t continue when I noticed her gaze at me. “What?” I unconsciously said. She clings her head on one side. “Maybe it’s better to have someone with you in the wake, milady,” she suggested once again. I let out a deep breath.  “I’m fine, Gillie. Are you still worried? ” I asked.  “I can’t help it, milady. I suddenly remembered that man… you were with yesterday. He did not go with us and went into the forest. Maybe there is a bad person— ”  “No one would dare to trespass my own place, Gillie—”  “But what about that man yesterday—”  “As what I’ve said a couple of times already... he’s one of my friends, Gillie,” I insist. He was then out of words after hearing what I’d said. Her eyes were critical as if she was making sure I was telling the truth or not.  Well… Lorenzo didn’t even claim that he was really my friend. I let out a deep sigh. “Don’t worry too much Gillie. Nothing will happen to me. That man yesterday only visited my parent’s tomb. He told me he knows my parents, so you don’t have to worry, ”  “But milady, now that your parents are gone, you should be more careful,”  “I will be the official countess tomorrow. For you not to worry that much, at that certain time in the morning, I will tighten the security of our entire land and I’ll have my guard around ”  Her lips protruded with my suggestion. I know that’s what it wants to hear.  “And maybe I’ll spend the rest of my day at their grave. Just pick me up at the same time yesterday. And.. just talk and entertain the guest while I am away,” I ordered. She even hesitated to nod before agreeing to what I said because she already knew that she didn’t have any choice but to do what I want.  I know it looks rude for the host of the household to ignore his visitors. Since I am not yet an official countess — even though I really don’t need it anymore — I decided to make the most of the day before I had to take on an enormous responsibility. And I want to spend time again… with my parents. I know everyone will think negatively of what are my decisions that the new countess of House Rivantroz is still mourning the sudden death of her parents.  Gillie seemed to notice that I would have difficulty opening the parasol, so she helped me. I murmured my thanks to her before I turned my back on her and left her. She even reminded me to be careful on the way, even when it’s still early in the morning and we can still surely see if there would be any problem in front of us. I just nodded my head, even though I had already turned my back on her to calm her thoughts down.  I started walking the rough road that would bring me to the hill in front of the lake. And even though the sun was shining brightly, I could see a few farmers on the plantation doing their work. Some who were near the road would stop from what they were doing to greet me and pay their respect. I smiled back at them as my parasol continue to pass by them.  “Remember to rest in the shade. The sun is too hot to bear,” I reminded them.  “No problem, milady!” they responded quickly before I finally passed all of them.  And because I was walking under the heat of one, two o’clock sun, I wasn’t surprised that I was sweating profusely when I finally reached the foot of the hill. But I quickly sighed in relief because I can finally walk under the shades of the trees without using the parasol. The chilly breeze added to the lightness of my feeling. I wipe the sweat forming on my head before I started walking up the hill.  Because my body is used to long walks and hill climbs, even if I am already gasping to get to the top, I still get to the top after a few minutes. I set the basket and the parasol down on the lawn. And before I settled myself, I picked up the flower on top of the basket. I put each on each of my parents’ tombstones then closed my eyes to utter a prayer. When I was done, I opened my eyes again and looked at their name engraved on the stone. To this day, I still can’t believe they’re gone, and it’s all happening to me. The sudden pressure of responsibilities I will face was overwhelming. Sometimes I wonder if I can do it all? And I was still stuck in the question of why I went back in time? But since everything is already done, I gradually came to accept what was happening. It took me a while before I settled down. I dug into the things inside the basket Gillie had given me. There is food there and enough drinks for one person. I took the picnic blanket she prepared and laid it out on the lawn. I also sat down and placed the basket next to me. I haven’t eaten since this morning but I still don’t feel hungry. I took out the pocket watch inside the small purse I have with me. It’s past two o’clock. I looked around, isn’t that man really going to show up?  I couldn’t help but be disappointed. It was my first-time offering friendship to someone I just met. Because he knew my parents and for no apparent reason, I was comfortable with him, I did that even though he was a man. And he’s very handsome. He looked like a man with high-rank nobility.  ‘Lorenzo’  I swear the name sounds familiar. Where did I even hear that? Well, the name Lorenzo is not new to this whole place. But… why do I feel strange about that him?  I was busy trying to figure out and remember where I heard Lorenzo’s name when I felt hungry. I ate as I wait for him. We talked, or more like, I insist that he should be here by two. I was quite hoping that he would show himself, but I won’t be surprised that he won’t come.  But well… I am really hoping.  I continued with my meal and just focused on talking in front of my parents ’grave. I used to talk to them when they were alive. It’s our quality time, especially when they are not busy. I couldn’t help but feel lonely and alone as I remembered the random stories they told me about what I was going through in life.  My mother… oh, my mother, who would always preach to me about life. Sometimes I get annoyed with what she teaches me, but in the end… I never thought that this is also what I will look for when she’s gone.  The afternoon wind blew along with my tears. I sniffed and quickly wiped it off with my own shawl wrapped around me. I also have shallow tears. I also cry quickly when my heart is touched by something, when I am scolded and when I feel furious.  A few more minutes passed before I finally calmed down. I looked at my pocket watch once again. An hour has passed. I let out a deep breath and just accepted that Lorenzo would not come.  I would have just spent the rest of the time with my parents. Because tomorrow morning I will take on the responsibility of being the countess of our family. I lay down on the picnic blanket. The wind kept on touching my skin. I closed my eyes but enjoyed the wonderful weather.  I remember the ones why I stayed late last night.  In my previous life, I died in the middle of September. My parents died this summer. I did not accept the responsibility of being a countess and the responsibility I have to face in our business.  I give everything to my uncle. I let him manage everything I couldn’t, or was too scared to handle everything in my palms. But his advice that I should start having classes and to help him run the business is what I did.  I remained the wallflower daughter of the Rivantroz family because, for me, my uncle is there already, so why do I have to work so hard? As long as he’s with me, everything will be fine.  But that belief would also carry me to my death. That’s why I need to change my habits! The solution I thought to avoid my death was to have allies. I need trustworthy allies who I could ask some favors of. I know it will be a rough road for me, but I will still try even if I’ll have a hard time.  A month from now, they will hold a grand ball in the palace in Madrid. It would be the birthday of the king of Spain, so I had to prepare for that big day. They invited all the few Nobles in the country. And good thing, I found the invitation in my father’s drawers in his office while I was staying up late last night.  I need to socialize to gather friends and allies. That was my shortcoming in the previous life. And that’s also one solution I thought of to solve everything right now. The power of socializing is different. I just need to attend small invitations within the month to hone myself. But attending that party would be a significant chance for me to find some prospective allies.  The thought of being surrounded by many people makes me shiver. But I have to deal with the things I despised in the past, especially if I want to bring Uncle down. But I only know a few things about my Uncle Alfaro. I know that he’s working under the Duke of Valencia. He received the title of being a Baron after proving his loyalty to the duke. I even heard from my father that he’s glad that even though my uncle inherited nothing from my grandfather, Uncle Alfaro has the means to drag himself from nothing to something. He already has property there in Valencia. He has also a business near the port of the province. We visited their manor when I was little. He could also afford to hire some guards of his own, probably because he was close to the duke of Valencia, I don’t know. Probably it’s for his security purposes as well.  I opened my eyes when I just remembered something. Cold washed over me.  Why do I only realize it now? Uncle Alfaro didn’t receive any inheritance from my grandfather?! Was that the reason why he could kill my parents and me in my previous life?  But that thought quickly faded from my mind when I noticed something strange. I turned to a branch of a tree near me and my eyes almost widened in shock to see Lorenzo above, now sitting face down on the branch while staring at me! His one leg was hanging and the other one was placed on the branch, folded and his one arm resting above his knee.  I completely lost my mind about what I realized regarding my uncle.  “You’re here!” I exclaimed and quickly got up to look up at him.  The excitement and pleasure in my voice are really obvious.  He just gazed at me for a few seconds before he spoke.  “Yes,” he said sparingly.  I couldn’t help but smile widely when I recovered from the sudden shock. I even blinked my eyes because I might just be mistaken. But when his statue remained sitting on the branch of the tree, I felt like that was the first time I felt real pleasure since I lost my parents.  He’s really here! Does that mean he accepts my offer to be my friend? I suddenly felt… giddy at the thought of it.  If he really will, then Lorenzo will be my very first friend!
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