Chapter 10

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|Enrique Lorenzo Vasquez| A friend, huh? I can’t help but grin at the thought. That…woman. I didn’t know what she was thinking and she suddenly suggested that we should be friends with each other. Is she fvcking serious? Will she still be able to ask me that once she discovers who I really am? I bet not. Every person who got to know me firsthand immediately withdraws before I could even see their face. But there are also a few who thicken their faces and try to get close to me. As if I didn’t know why those kinds of people tried to befriend me. So I can't help but think of why Mirielle would love to be friends with me. I honestly can’t find any reason. Does she really not know me…or was she just pretending not to recognize me? I froze within my thoughts when I heard three knocks from my bedroom door. I was bitten there from reading a few articles, which I didn't know if anything was entering my mind as I stared and tried to read at the paper I was holding. Less than two seconds passed and the door to my room opened. Matias stepped inside. I turned my eyes to him from my direction and I caught him formally bowing in my direction.  “Your grace. Lord Ramirez wished to talk with you,” Matias announced. I let out a deep breath and returned the article to the table. "Let him in," I said and settled down to sit on the couch. Matias nodded his head and opened the door wide. The man I was expecting stepped inside the room. We both look into each other's eyes with seriousness for a few seconds. Matias on the other hand, left us alone inside the room as he walks out and closed the door from his behind. The man in front of me glanced at Matias for a moment before looking back at me. "How many days have you been here?" my visitor asked seriously as he walked closer in my direction. "Three days," I replied sparingly. His eyebrows met, then he stopped in front of me and stared at me seriously. After a while, he smiled. So I smiled and automatically stood up from my seat. He offered his one hand to me and I accepted it. We exchanged a short hug and pat each other’s shoulders before we pulled away. "How are you? I was shocked when my father told me you were here,” he said and sat across the couch where I was sitting.  “I’m fine Diego. Actually, I must be the one asking you that question and I heard from your father that you are getting married. If I hadn't been stuck here, I wouldn't have known you would have been tied up,” He leaned his back on the couch as he let his hand ran through his brown hair to his back. He smirked at what I said. "Of course, I will definitely send you an invitation. But Fatima and I haven't chosen a date yet so I really could not say when. And I never thought you'll ever hear about this from my father's mouth," I shrugged off my shoulders. "He just broke the news when I asked why you're not here?"  “Is that so. I have some personal business at Canyelles. I was only planning to stay there for two to three days but then it took me longer than I expected,” he informed. Diego and I talked for a bit after that. We had a good time because we hadn't seen each other for almost a few years. Although I don't have many friends, I can trust a few. Especially him. Diego and I met in a war. We were both exiled in the midst of our fathers ’war. Our positions are just different. He was under my unit and he is one of my trusted and loyal soldiers. He’s the eldest son of Baron Lante Ramirez and he’s expected to be the next in line after his father decided to retire. "So, what do you want to talk about now that you've visited me at this time," I immediately changed the topic when I noticed that we were running out of things to discuss about. "What do you think I came here for?" instead he threw back a question. I just frowned causing him to smile at me again. "You still can’t accept certain jokes, can you Enrique?" he asked jokingly when I wasn’t speaking. I just shrugged and didn't respond. Soon, we also had a serious conversation after it. “I heard that Rafael Luis' staff went to Canyelles. I tried to look for evidence there but that bastard man seemed to know that his life was in danger,” he informed. I automatically tighten my jaw at what I heard from him.  “Esteban also informed me that he also lost sight of Rafael Luis' right hand. So now I sent him back to work first,” We were both in silence after I said that. Even though we didn’t have to be vocal, I knew we were both thinking about the reason why we were busy with the king’s private request. And that is to search for the rogue prince who was in hiding since three months ago. "When are you coming back to Seville?" Diego cracked in silence. "In two days," I tell him. We continued talking about what we were doing as we both heard a knock from the room door. Matias came in and announced that the Baron had invited me to join them for lunch. And because that was much a better idea than eating alone in my room I accommodated his request. The lunch was formal and quiet. Diego casually talks to me because he is the only person that is close to me. The Baron and his wife and I just silently watched the entire duration of lunch. And Diego's siblings don't seem to be able to eat well knowing that I am dining with them. I thought that would continue until the end. But Baron Lante could not keep his mouth shut because he wanted to know something. "Your grace… can I… ask something if you don’t mind?" he asked. Almost everyone’s head turned at his courage to speak.  “Father. Let’s just continue eating,” Diego stopped whatever his father wanted to ask from me. But it didn't seem like his father would let him stop him, he just kept looking at me seriously.  “Yes. What is it?” I asked in return instead.  “Is it true—” "Father!" Diego muttered, stopping his father to ask the question. He let go of the spoon and fork he was holding, which eventually made a noise.  “Diego! I just have a question? Be quiet there!” the Baron shouted in a whispering manner to Diego. His father threw a stare at him before Baron Lante turned his gaze back to me. Diego was just shaken and tugged his own hair as if he’s ashamed of what his own father was planning to do. "What is it, Baron Lante?" I asked a serious question and stopped cutting the steak first to accommodate his question and hear him well. I have an idea of what he’s going to ask but I still prepared myself. It was obvious from Diego's reaction what kind of question that his father would ask. Baron Lante quickly turned his gaze back to me. The hope in his eyes suddenly wanted me to puke. I feel like I can see the pride in his eyes especially because I gave him the opportunity to ask me that even, in reality, I do not offer at all to almost everyone. "Is it true that you killed…your…own father?" he was a bit enthusiastic at first, but his voice was also gradually weakening and he was hesitant to notice the change in my reaction. I stared coldly at him, enough to intimidate a man like him which seemed to be very effective. If only a while ago that he bravely met my gaze, now he can no longer look at me properly nor look straight in my direction. He continued to slice the steak as if he had done nothing embarrassing. The Baroness who was silent the whole time did the same. "Why, Baron Lante?" I started. The mocking tone in my voice was dripping from my tone. “Why are you asking such questions when I think you probably knew the answer already?” I asked back. He stoned himself on his seat because of what I said. Trembling, he dropped the spoon and fork. I didn’t take my eyes off of him even though he was already wiping his mouth with the napkin.  “I…I apologize, Your Grace. Curiosity got the best of me,” he stammered and bowed completely on his seat. I sat up straight. I haven't eaten half of what is on my plate yet but I can tell that I've completely lost my appetite. I drank the remaining wine from my goblet before wiping my mouth with the napkin on my thighs. I stood up and threw the cloth on the table. Diego also stood up because of that. I turned to the only friend I have at this table and his apologetic look greeted me.  “Dare say this curiosity of yours once again, Baron Lante. Your tongue will be the next one to serve in the next luncheon,” I threatened and left the table with a bad mixture inside of me. I shouldn’t have been surprised by such questions. Every time I stay in a hotel or manor owned by a friend of mine, their parents would always put shame into their household name. They can't keep their mouths shut from spreading rumors about me. Even a few years later those ‘rumors’ are still very much alive that I don’t know where they all started. The ruthless and merciless murderer duke. The duke killed his own father to succeed the title. I scoffed at that thought. Of course, everyone will believe what they want to believe rather than hear the truth. But well, I don’t give a damn. "Is the carriage ready?" I asked Matthias. I decided to stop by into my room to get some important things to bring along with me. I didn't stay there for long. Matias helped me wear the usual black cape that I always wore then walked towards the door of my room. “Yes, Your grace,”  “Then let’s go,” after I said that he opened the door for me. Some of my men, scattered in the hallway, followed behind me after I passed by them. I continued to walk quietly. No one is scattering around in the hallway as I walk through it. That was the Baron's order every time I left. But the corner of my lip rose when I saw Diego at the end of the hallway, near the door where I always enter and exit secretly. He stood straightly when he got a sight of me. Soon I was in front of him.  “Why are you here? To send me off? I will not leave your territory yet,” I joked. He then gave me a smile. "Well, I just want to apologize for what happened earlier at the dinner," he said. I let out a deep breath.  “It’s fine, Diego. I'll just warn you for your father’s sake. Please refrain him from asking those questions again. You know the extent of my patience. It’s not very long,” I smiled in his direction but without humor. I know Diego got what I meant right away.  “I understood. I’m grateful that you have let him ask his query. So I apologize again for his stead," I just nodded. I don't know why all the people I trust come from worthless families. I just shrugged and bid him goodbye when he reached for my one hand and did a handshake. I immediately got what was going on because of what he said next.  “Souls never forgets, your grace. Be careful where you go,” he said. After that, he simply tapped me on the shoulder and leaned over to give me a way out of their hotel building. I continued while clenching my fist firmly. I climb inside the carriage without looking back at Diego. And not long after, the carriage began to move away. I waited a few minutes before I paid attention to the paper Diego handed me. Souls never forget. My jaw clenched hard. When I heard it earlier, it meant only one thing. Diego was giving me a warning about something. And when I felt that he had handed something to me, it further confirmed my suspicion.  ‘There is a spy among your men. Be careful,’ That’s all it says on the little scroll he gave to me. I crumpled it on my hands because of what I found out. There was some anger that immediately erupted in my chest. Devil in hell. I have long known that there was a spy among my men in the first place. But I don’t expect Diego to confirm that. How Diego found out about it--I don’t know. But Diego is one of my trusted men so I know he is not lying. He’s telling the truth. Has Diego discovered who the spy is? I don't pay attention to that because the spy hasn't brought me a headache yet but now that Diego has brought this to my full attention because of his discovery, I'd better catch the bastard before something insightful will happen. Those thoughts almost ran through my mind throughout the overnight trip. My mind was too excited of thinking of ways how to t*****e the spy if I ever lured and catch him in my trap. What should I do to him? Should I use the rat t*****e on him? Or the simplest one, just using the rack? My blood went ballistic as I think more and more about it. But the brutal thoughts I had in my quickly disappeared after hearing of Matias' announcement that we had already reached our destination. I awoke to the deep thought of seeing the familiar passage again. The carriage entered the familiar entrance to the forest of the Rivantroz estate. I smiled as Mirrielle passed through my mind. I wonder what will her reaction be when she finally realized I am here? I was still hesitant earlier whether I would return or not. Visiting her parents and giving respect and condolences was enough. I still have important things to take care of. But the hope in her eyes made me think in hesitation. And in the end, I decided to give her a visit. I don’t even know what I could gain if Mirrielle and I really became friends. But something in me thought of something deeper if we ever… became friends. I remember her dreamy-like eyes, her pink lips. I swallowed up by the intensity of what scenarios were already entering my mind. Hell. Get a grip of yourself, Enrique! The courage took another few more minutes of getting inside the linear before it finally stopped. Matthias came down quickly and opened the door for me. I took a deep breath from my chest as I have completely lost track of what I had learned about Diego earlier. Now… my mind is camp of Mirrielle’s pretty face and her reaction when she sees me. I gritted my teeth to hide the grin threatening to rise on my lips. "Here, your grace," Matias said and handed me two bouquets of flowers. I accepted that and bid my farewell. I glanced at those who followed my staff. I walked into the forest. I looked at the time on the pocket watch I was carrying and couldn't help but smile as I arrived much more earlier than I expected. I’m an hour and a half earlier than the time we agreed on to. I soon arrived at the tomb of the Rivantroz. Sometimes… I think this is a weird meeting place. I actually can’t imagine myself meeting her in the grave of her ancestors. But the aura of the surroundings is not bad though. Because it faces the lake and the cold wind is strong, and the hill looks peaceful. A peaceful grave grounds. I was no longer surprised to see that Mirrielle was not there yet. After all, I arrived too early. I wasn’t able to pay my respect to her parents at first because of the sudden nonsense that came to mind. If I put the flowers on their tombstone now, Mirrielle will know I'm here. I wonder what will her reaction be when she found out I won’t come. So I climbed the nearest tree, not far from his parent’s grave and where I could clearly see her clearly when she arrives. I then spent my time up there waiting for her arrival. I whispered my apology to Martin and Anna because I felt like I was insulting them. And every time I think that they are gone I still feel sad for them. I have a deep connection with the two of them. I also stopped at the thought after noticing someone is going up the hill. I would have hidden more and climbed a higher tree branch if I hadn’t noticed Mirrielle’s form emerging from the distance. My forehead furrowed as I noticed how she’s having a hard time. She was holding a shore and a parasol on both of her hands. I just stared at her until she arrived at the front of her parent’s grave. I let my one leg fall on the branch of the tree and folded the remaining one to let my elbow rest on my knee. I covered my mouth with my hand as I gaze down at Mirrielle with interest. I followed every move she was making. Her locks swayed as she fixed her picnic blanket on the ground. She was silent the whole time and was occasionally looking around as if she’s looking for someone. Of course, I know she was searching for me. All I could do was keep an eye on her where I was sitting. It fascinates me that she has no idea that I am already here, gazing down at her. I watch her as she finally eats whatever food she brought in her picnic basket. When she was over she simply looked around again. My grin widens even more. She kept on checking her pocket watch and then looking at the surrounding after. I already feel guilty. I really want to show up but I don’t know why I keep staying where I am. Mirrielle seemed to have lost her hope and stopped looking around. She lay on her picnic blanket. She could see me from her position if she looked in my direction. I thought that was what she was going to do, but instead, she quickly closed her eyes as if she thought of going to sleep first. I feel that what she did was more in my favor. Now I could freely gaze at her pretty face without her knowing that I am just watching over her. I didn’t know I was smiling like an i***t as I gaze down at her. Her even breathing somehow tells me that it seems like she ended up falling asleep.  ‘I have no friends other than our maids. And if you accept my offer, you will be my first friend. Same to you as to me,’ I blinked as I remembered what she said yesterday. Is that for real? Does she really have no friends? But just remembering how her parents told me stories about her, that seemed to coincide with the information I knew about Mirrielle right now after meeting her in person. Or maybe she's just light-headed. But I'm also not sure what's really true behind that gorgeous face especially since I only met her yesterday. I stopped at the thought of noticing Mirrielle's sudden awakening in her eyes. It was like she finally felt my presence and looked up into my direction. And when her sweet voice rang out on the quiet hill, she finally saw me. “You’re here!” 
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