Chapter 11

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|Mirrielle Elizabeth Rivantroz| Lorenzo's eyes lingered on me as if he was examining my face. But I was too happy to give malice to his stares. I haven't really made a friend yet. I mean, I have friends, okay? But then, all of my friends happen to be our house’s maidservants. And they have been my only circle of friends ever since I was little. I have not made any relationships with other people outside the mansion. In fact, I can no longer remember why I preferred to be alone either. I’ve grown to love my alone time and have my own little space since then, and Gillie and a few of our house helps were the only faces I have grown to be familiar with. The extent of my grin as I steady my eyes in his direction. Even though he was at the top of the tree, I could still clearly see how he’s gently crunching his jaw before he thought of coming down. But I also quickly lost the smirk on my lips when I felt the worry of how he would climb down from the tree. However, when he jumped the height from the branch he was sitting down to the ground like he was so used to it, I just fluttered my eyes a few times. Well, oh right. How can he climb that high if he doesn't know how to descend, right?  “How long were you up there? I thought you wouldn't show up,” I said immediately when he lifted his eyes at me after jumping. I quickly glanced at the clothes he’s wearing. He’s wearing a black cape once again, but he pulls it towards the back, revealing his cloth underneath and a bouquet of flowers in one of his hands. "I thought so too," he said then walked near my parents' tomb and placed the flower for them in front of each tombstone. He had my full attention as he did the usual routine of giving respect to my parents. When he was done, he sat with ease on the ground, never minding the dirt that would stick to his dress. "So… you being here means you're acknowledging me as your friend now," I began telling him. "And are you going to come tomorrow?" I added. I can’t believe that I had the courage to tell ask him that as if I dying to know his answer. Lorenzo met my gaze. And with each passing second, there is something strange I feel inside me. I frowned to control my emotions deep within…that I can't explain. "Well, I realized that it would be a waste of time if I don’t," he started. And the rising corner of his lip did not escape me from my sight. “And a countess is offering me a friendship. I believe one can only have that luck after hundreds of years. I should be honored,” he said teasingly. My nose wrinkled at his remark, especially since he didn’t answer my last question.  “I want a genuine friendship with you, Lorenzo,” I tell him straightforwardly. He smirked even more because of how serious I suddenly sounded. He folded his one hand, rested his elbow on his thighs, and at the same time, rested his chin on the back of his hands, as he stared at me. “You can’t expect something genuine in a short span of time, milady. We’ve only met yesterday,” he pointed out. I nodded. "I know. And stop calling me milady, milord,” He laughed again at my response to him. “You’ll be a countess,” "What if I’ll be a countess?"  “It requires respect. You’re a noble,” he insisted. But I can still clearly see in his expression that he’s playing around. I let out a deep breath. I thought we had properly discussed this topic yesterday?  “I don’t want to be called milady, by you, Lorenzo. Just call me Mirrielle or Elizabeth. Just either of those two names. Nothing more,” I crossed my arms over my chest to show that I was serious about what I’m trying to make him understand. "Of course, if that's what you want to happen, Mirrielle," he finally said. "Since we're friends now, and you're pointing out that our friendship can't be genuine yet, I would like to propose something, Lorenzo. I want to know you more," He sat properly on the ground after hearing what I just said. I immediately frowned at his behavior. I saw the shock in his eyes but it quickly faded soon after. "So…what do you want to know?" his controlled voice is telling me that he was trying his best to be cautious around me. Looks like there's something I shouldn't cross the line, and I’ll respect that.  “I will not force you to answer what I want to know. In fact, you can throw questions to me in return. I just want…to know you,” the last words I mentioned were sounding almost like a whisper. I bent my face down a bit down and bit my lip. I don’t even know why I insist on the thought that we both should be friends. There is just something in my being that whispers that I need to befriend the man in front of me. I don’t know. I have this feeling that… he’ll help me out when the time comes I needed help.  “So… What’s your family name?” I started. He couldn't answer right away, but it didn't take long for him to respond. And it seems that it is still difficult with his answer. “Cavelli,” he said. “Italian?” “My mother,” "Shall I still answer my question to you?" He grinned and shook his head. "Alright. So…what’s keeping you busy these days?" One of his eyebrows rose. "I'm…doing business in Barcelona as of the moment,"  “You’re a traveling merchant?” I asked, not hiding how surprised I was. No wonder he’s close with my parents! “Yes,” I nod in amazement. It was as if I was interviewing him for being my friend in our situation. It was too late when I find my questions so ridiculous. But even so, I was still able to gather good information from Lorenzo. He's currently staying in a hotel in a nearby town. His business is mostly in trading. When I heard that from him he didn’t seem to be merely a businessman. And he’s five years older than me!  “Can I call you Renzo instead? Lorenzo is a bit mouthful,” I asked him. My embarrassment followed after hearing what I had just asked of him. He was slightly taken aback by what I said. I studied his expression, but because he had so little emotion displayed on his face, I couldn't read anything else in his eyes when I recovered myself from slight surprise. But the smirk plastered on his lips was too obvious. “Sure. Whatever makes you comfortable, Mirrielle,” "Will you be there tomorrow?" I asked remembering that he hadn't answered it before. He stared at me once again before he uttered his answer. “It’s an honor to be invited but I’m afraid…I can’t,” Why does he always give me short answers? “Why?”  “I have some… important errands to attend tomorrow. In Albacete. Then I will go straight to Seville,” he explained. His lips formed into a thin line. I couldn’t help but feel a little bit down after hearing his answer. Well, I should expect that. He’s a traveling merchant. I know how busy entrepreneurs can be most of the time. "Alright," was all I could say and looked down at my hands. I didn’t realize I had stopped throwing him questions after that. If he hadn’t noticed my sudden silence, I wouldn’t have noticed it either. "Were those all your questions?" he asked. I sat up straight and looked back at him. "Uhh… I’m just trying to think some more," I tell him with a forced smirk. He stared at me for a few seconds, before he let out a deep sigh. It was as if something was bothering him while he was paying attention to me. "I apologize. Really. It just so happens that I had to attend somewhere really important that I can’t attend your celebration,” Huh? It took me a while before I realized what he was saying. Now I quickly shook my head.  “You don’t have to. It’s really fine, Lorenzo. I was just really hoping that you could come, but I also understand if you can't. You’re a merchant. My parents were the same. I know that there are things that really…. cannot be postponed,” as I say those words, my voice gradually fades. I bit my lower lip and quickly dropped my gaze back to my hands. I’m playing my fingertips even though there’s nothing interesting about it. I suddenly felt bitter because of the memories now entering my mind. I felt the edge of my tears and I didn’t blink even once, afraid that it might fall without being able to control it. I can’t help but remember the times that my parents weren’t also around at my birthday celebration. Well… they are not perfect. There’s really a chance they won’t give the attention I need especially if they’re both busy with our business to sustain our family. But even so, I still give my best to understand each occasion that they have missed. Maybe it was also one of the reasons I’ve grown to use of being alone. But now, I just wish that they didn't just themselves to come home to celebrate my birthday with me. I know the truth that the reason they died was because of my uncle. I will find out more about how they died. And because they promised me that… they would attend my birthday no matter what happened, to think that if they didn't force to come home right away just so they could reach my birthday, would Uncle's plans still come true? I could no longer hold back my tears. I quickly covered my face with my own hands. Am I really going to cry in front of him now? Really, Mirrielle Elizabeth? You’re going to act like this in front of the man you hardly know yet? I quickly wiped away my tears. And I was about to throw questions at him as if nothing had happened, but I was stunned to feel his light hand on my head, patting it as gentle as he could. I was shocked that I didn’t notice how he suddenly closed the distance between us. But that shock was overshadowed when he uttered a word I did not expect him to say at all.  “You can cry. I’m your friend remember?” his baritone voice echoed in my ears. I couldn’t help but look up at him. His serious face flashed at me as tears began to escape from eyes and slowly rolled down my cheeks. His jaw tightened as his eyes continue to focus on me. We were staring for a few seconds before he let out a deep sigh and continued talking.  “Just let it out. There’s no need from holding it. There are really things you can’t avoid from happening. All you need to do is act and move on. A time will come that everything will be alright for you. It’s still a long way off so now, cry first,” I blinked a few times at his words and finally burst into tears as I stared at him. The words I had said to Gillie earlier… echoed in my mind. I know for a fact that… I must really be strong in a situation like this. There’s no one who will give me comfort if I let myself continue crying. My parents are already gone. But suddenly, hearing those words from him soothes the pain I was trying to ignore. Yes, I must ignore it to move forward. But what’s so bad about crying because you’re in pain, right? ‘I’m your friend remember?’ I just cried and threw my arms around him. I felt how his body stiffened but I was too engrossed with my own emotions that I did not hesitate from giving him an embrace. I’m happy to know that he finally… claims that he’s my friend! Maybe this is also one of the reasons why… I want to have a friend. Of course, Gillie is enough. She will always be enough. But I also need a friend in a different perspective. A friend who could give advice opposite to Gillie. Gillie is loyal to me that no matter what I do she will always support me in what I want to happen. And also… this is my first step of socializing. I was testing myself on how much I could change for myself. I need to get rid of this shell, of being a coward and a fraidy-cat. So I'm glad I was immediately relieved with how comfortable I can get every time when I’m with Lorenzo. I know it means something and I am willing to find it in the near future. I don’t know how many minutes have passed before the embarrassment inside my brain has processed and attacked me for what I did. It was as if I was burned as I quickly let go of my embrace with him and lowered my face in embarrassment.  ‘How unladylike of you, Mirrielle! Have you forgotten the etiquette you were taught about dealing with a gentleman?’ "I apologize. I was caught in the moment,” I said shyly to him. "It's fine, Mirrielle," he replied quickly. We both fell silent for the past few minutes. The silence somehow helped me calm myself down. And I feel like Lorenzo knew that I need a few minutes to calm myself from crying. I looked up at him. "Are you fine now?" he asked. He shifted from his position. I thought he would stay away from me but he just changed his seat to lie down on the picnic blanket. I blinked. It took me a few seconds before I uttered my response. “I…I’m fine,” He nodded and closed his eyes. He used both his hands as his pillow. All I could do was stare at him. He’s really handsome. The bridge of his nose is perfect for his face. His brows and his eyelashes were also thick. I was appreciating the view in front of me when he suddenly talks. “I’ve been wondering…” "What?" I immediately asked even though my heartbeat was racing wildly. I thought he would open his eyes and catch me staring at him. But he kept his eyes closed. "Why do you want me to be your friend, Mirrielle?" he asked curiously. Now he finally opened his eyes. He met my gaze.  “I…” my eyes fluttered. What exactly is the reason why I want him to be my friend? What is the real reason? "I…I don't know," I started, frowning as if why I suddenly lost my reasons why I wanted him to be my friend in the first place. “Maybe…Maybe for companionship? To have someone to talk to? Wait. Do really I need to have a deep reason to befriend someone?” I didn’t look away while releasing those words. He equaled my stares.  “In the outside of this estate, yes. Most people who befriend other people have motives. It’s not because they want to associate and have these… bonds with them. Almost everyone makes friends because they need something specific from that person,” he said directly and with all honesty as if he had experienced what he just told me. I blinked a few times. Then I remembered him saying yesterday that he doesn’t easily give away his trust to strangers. Understandable. If I were in his shoes, I would also do the same. And for some reason, I suddenly felt guilty. That was the main reason why I had decided to socialize. I need an ally who will help me get revenge. But I wonder if I did make some allies… will they help me to the revenge that I want to have for myself and for my family? My shoulder dropped in resignation and averted my eyes away from him. I couldn’t help but feel the bitterness spreading inside my system. From the beginning, that was my plan to get the revenge I needed to execute my plans. I need to befriend and find allies who could help expose my uncle. I’ve also prepared a plan to make them agree with my deal. And I don't need many allies. One is even enough if he has power and connections that I’ll be needing all throughout the process. But now that Lorenzo is telling me those, I feel like I’m one of the people he’s referring to. I gritted my teeth. So what? He doesn't know anything about what I want to happen, does he? And he's not in my plan to be friends to be of any use to me! I just want to… make him as my friend! Is that bad? Tch. I just want to get to know him? How did the conversation end up like this anyway? I looked back at Lorenzo. I was not surprised to see that he was still wearing the same serious face. I can’t deny the fact that his words offended me. Really offended me. “Are you implying that I’m one of those people, Lorenzo?” I don’t know why but I suddenly felt triggered by what he had said. “You said that to yourself, Mirrielle,” I gritted my teeth upon hearing his response. “Is that how you think of the reason I continued to insist that we should be friends then, Lorenzo?” the anger in my voice was dripping. He rose from lying on the ground because of that. But I was too irritated and by how he thought of me. I was just trying to make a friend. But it seems I was doing something wrong. It seems that he was forced to do this…because of what? My nobility? Because I’m a countess? ‘And a countess is offering me a friendship. I should be honored,’ ‘You’ll be a countess,’ Ah. It seems that the effort that I was doing will be put to waste. "If that's what you think I’m planning to do, then I won’t bother myself changing your perception of me," I said coldly. “I'm sure you're annoyed with me now because I'm forcing you to be my friend. I thought after hearing you claiming that I am your friend, you already have accepted me as your friend. But you seem to think that I have a different agenda,” I said bitterly. I was about to roll my eyes at him but fortunately, I was able to restrain myself. “So I have only one thing to say, Lorenzo. I am not one of those people whom you describe. I want you to be my friend because I want you to be my friend. That simple. If that thought bothers you so much, then you should not have come here. And you’re free to leave. This conversation is over,” Shock emerged in his face giving place to his serious look. I want to walk out because I suddenly get annoyed with him. But why would I do that? He is in my territory. Good heavens. I was even happy to see him here earlier. Then I even cried while we were talking? Now I feel like I want him to disappear from my sight! I didn’t know that I was capable of feeling a quick change of emotion in a short span of time! And that’s all just because of him! I feel like this man can make me happy, make me cry in an instant, and give me a headache whenever he wants! This must be a warning! I shouldn't have pursued what I wanted to happen, to befriend Lorenzo! No. I should abort this immediately! Who knows what might happen if I continued these wants of mine. 
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