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     “ Pumpkin , do you  always sit down and stare at the ceiling every time you wake up from sleep?” Asked Nicolas      “ no I was thinking about a lot of things dad, so I guess I was staring at it but not actually staring at it” I replied him     “ and what’s that, what are you thinking about?”     “ nothing much, I am just thinking about how lucky I am to have an amazing and wonderful dad like you and also two amazing friends I can count on. I just kept on wondering what I have done to deserve all of you. I love you dad” I said to Nick, lying to him again. The truth is that I wasn’t able to sleep last night, I had the same nightmare again about the man in black who killed my mum but this time it was different, this time it was me the man on black was coming for and there I was running and screaming for Nick to save me as I ran as fast and more harder than I can looking back to check if he was still chasing after me and yeah he was chasing after me for a reason I know nothing about. I got to a dead end with no where to escape from, everywhere was build with bricks and it was a high building, no where to escape from and here I am facing him one on one, I was pretty scared for my dear life, he was about stabbing me with his sword when I woke up, my bed was soaked with sweat coming from my body and my eyes and cheeks all damp with tears        I wondered  why I was having this nightmares why now and Why after killing my mum has he turned his attention towards me. This is the third time of having this dream but in different scenes , sometimes we fought and I defeated him but today was different, I was the one been defeated, been killed, why was I been killed this time around,  what’s the meaning, of this dream and who is the man on black. I really need to know him . I kept thinking of everything that happened in my dream from 2am to 7am in the morning, though I didn’t even know the time was 7 am until Nick came tomy room, Nick was like my early morning alarm     “ pumpkin are you sure everything is okay?, you don’t look too good. Do you want to call your friends and tell them you won’t be coming to school that you are sick?” Nicolas Said while giving me that worried expression look. I don’t know if I should tell him how I haven’t been able to sleep every since then death of my mum and I have been seeing the man that killed her, but recently i have been the one been chased by the man on black, is it my turn to die,  he was chasing after me. What could his mean, can I tell him or not. I don’t want him to be overprotective of me and always be around me all day, I am sorry Nick but I need to keep this from you and find a way to figure it all out or maybe it could be my imagination and I have been thinking too much about the man that I am always seeing him,  I am sorry for the lies I have been saying to you and I hope you will forgive me one of this days when I have carried out my revenge   “ dad I am okay, I can’t miss school, this is the second week and I have so many things to do and a lot of practicals to do, don’t worry dad if I am sick and if anything bad or wrong is happening to me, you will be the first to know dad. You are special to me” I told him as I gave him a big hug    “ okay since you said you are okay, then get dressed, it’s 7:30 and come down for breakfast and I will drop you off at school” he said as he stood up from my bed   “ why are you dropping me off at my school” I asked him   “ because. You don’t look so good and it seems you are hiding a lot from me these days.dont worry, starting from today I will be dropping you off and bringing you back  home” he told me wilhile walking to the door   “ but dad I am not a kid, I am 20 years old”    “ well young  man, as long as you are under my roof, you are still my child and my little pumpkin off you go young man,  you don’t want to be late to school” he said as he walked out of my room leaving me staring at the closed door. I knew sooner or later he would start suspecting my every mood because I just made it obvious  for him to be able to read me and suspect me of lying to him. Well half of me felt bad that he was dropping me off at the university, it will bring too much attention to me and people will think I am one spoilt brat been pampered by his dad and another part of me was glad because these days I felt like I am been watched by someone or somebody. I could feel it that There are pairs of eyes staring at me but any time I turn around to see who it was or what could be following me  and then I see nothing,  there was know one around just complete darkness, no sight of any one, human or animals, nothing at all, just complete darkness. Sometimes I feel scared to just run away from the unknown source and another times I want to stand and fight the unknown source but who am I kidding to fight some one I know nothing about or can’t even see,  so the best thing I can do these days is to take a bus back home to be on a safe side, but I know deep down I know that my intruder was still tailing after me, so with nick coming to pick me up, I think or rather I know I will be safe. Checking the time it was 7:40, I got 20 more minutes to get dressed, I quickly ran into the bathroom to get dressed and got my self into the cold shower, when I was done I got into a blue jeans trousers and a black top with my tomorrow x tomorrow hoodie jacket as I ran downstairss to meet Nick. I bet he will be pissed at me for coming down late but I needed to look confident before leaving the house.
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