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                                                     MIXYDA KINGDOM                                  KING LOUIS THE HUNDRED POV      “ honey, I heard you invaded the vampires of crystal clear kingdom, killing most of their men, women, and children and imprison some of them as your slave?” Queen Kathrine said as she stormed into king Louis's Chamber.       “ yes I did, is there anything wrong with that?” King Louis asked        “ Why did you do that and what for?? What’s your reason this time for killing them?” Asked Queen Kathrine as she walked forward to face the king        “ I heard from a reliable source that they are training themselves and preparing war against me. So I had no choice but to act quickly and bring the war to them unaware before they plot their plans and invade my kingdom at my most vulnerable state”        “ you know that’s a lie and a big excuse for carrying out such crazy idea of yours, you know very well that no one or no kingdom can dare to challenge you except they want their heads on a spike and their bodies food for the birds. This is because you have every single login soul in this world to be scared of you, both werewolves, vampires, humans, and even animals are scared of you. So tell me why would you do these terrible things to them, they are our kind you know. How can you be so heartless?” lament queen Kathrine         “ you want me to tell you the reason and the truth why I did all that, fine I will tell you. I did all that because I was bored, I got nothing to do and I wanted to have fun. That was my main purpose of killing them nothing more” replied king Louis with a smirk        “ you are telling me you were bored, you killed them because you were bored?. You killed those innocent people, our kind just because you were bored. How heartless and ruthless and wicked can you be to see your kind been murdered and turned to ashes because you were bored?. You monster” said Queen Kathrine with disgust written all over her face         “ yes I did all that because I was bored and yes it was fun and interesting to watch and seeing them all turn to ashes was an amazing sight to behold and don’t you ever dare lecture me or raise your silly voice at me again. I don’t tolerate nonsense from anyone and not even from you too” scolded King Louis           “ you monster that’s what you are. Heartless, soulless son of a beast, I cursed the day you were created or even made. You are —————-“ she couldn’t finish her statement when king Louis slapped her on the face “ did you just hit me on my face? how dare you lay your filthy hand on me”          “I did and I will do just that again if you don’t watch your mouth around me,” he said as he wrapped his around her neck squeezing it right while she gasped for breath as he whispered into her ears “ next time you call me a monster or a son of a beast again, I won’t hesitate to kill you. It won’t be your fave only but your tongue, I will make sure I rip it out of your mouth and then finally your head rolling off your body. Keep to my words, you know I don’t bluff or joke with my words” he ended his statement when he heard a knock on his chamber’s door, withdrawing his hands from his wife’s neck, he turned around towards the direction of the door to asked the unknown coward who dares disturbed his conversation with his wife        “Who there?” Asked king Louis.              “ your highness it’s me, Anthony, I got a message for you from the council “ replied Anthony the king’s right-hand man      “ come in then” then turning to his wife “ I am done with you, you can exist my chamber” bowing her head in respect as she hurriedly left him alone in his chamber, closing the door behind her, she met Anthony at the door      “ Your highness,” he said as he bowed his head to Queen Kathrine as he walked into king Louis's  chamber      “ yes Anthony, what’s the message about?” King Louis Asked him      “ it’s about t - t - thee h - h- hybrid your highness “ stammered Anthony       “ what about the hybrid?” Asked the king while walking up to Anthony      “ I - i - it seems we - we failed your highness. The hybrid is s - s - still a -a - alive and the message states that he is 20 years of age but still unaware of his full powers and potentials “  Anthony said taking ten steps away from the mad king Louis     “ what !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought we got rid of all werewolves within that age range of six years, fourteen years ago when we invaded their packhouse, how come he is still alive. Get me the captain of my squad “ shouted king Louis as he paces back and forth his chambers     “ yes your highness “ Anthony said as he bows his head to leave      “ not you, you stay here,” he said pointing to Anthony to remain in his standing position then turning his head to the door of his room he shouted out  “ when I meant to get me the captain I was talking to the idiots outside my chamber      “ yes your highness “ they both chorused as they ran out to call the captain of his army   Still pacing back and forth in his chambers thinking of so many things to do, then he halted facing Anthony “ now tell me, how the hell did we miss him? just tell me how we lost him?. You cowards were to do something simple and easy for me, get the hybrid, kill him and dispose of his body or rather hang his head on the spike for others to see, no you couldn’t, now I am here, why my enemy Is out there planning ways to kill me. Do you expect me to be scared all of my life, no never? I king Louis the hundredth will never be scared of anyone, not even that tiny hybrid “ king Louis said why beating his chest, then came a knock on the of his chambers “ who the hell is that this time?” Barked King Louis        “ it’s the captain, your highness, “ said Captain Jack       “ ha come in, come in,” he said and the captain did as been told, and walked into his room “ now tell me how the hell did you let the hybrid escape the mascara we did to the golden crest pack fourteen years ago. I thought you said everyone was killed and that there were no survivals, so tell me now how the f**k did he escape if you have your men guarding every corner of the packhouse, how the hell did he escape you and your guys “      “ your highness I am telling you the truth there was no survival and my men we guarded every corner of the house with no way of escaping, we made sure no one was alive, we didn’t even capture anyone has slave, your highness”     “ if everyone wa killed as you said, then how did he escape? that’s my question” asked king Louis       “ Your highness, I swear with my life that there were no survivals, maybe he wasn’t in the packhouse the night we invaded the golden crest “ captain Jack       “ hahahahhah are you saying the prophecy lied to me about the - the existence of the hybrid boy or they lied that he was in the pack so that we could kill people or do you think all this is a f*****g joke to you”       “ no, no your highness, but I swear there was no survivor. I———- “ his head came rolling of his body as he turned to ashes before he could finish his statement. Walking out of his chamber with his right-hand man beside him. He turned to the soldier on his right-hand side “ you” he said pointing to him “ you are my new captain, what’s your name?” Asked king Louis     “ T - T - Thomas your highness, t - t - thank y - you - your highness, “ he said while stammering      “ now don’t f*****g fail me, make sure you get the hybrid and kill him, kill every f*****g werewolf at the age of 20 years and above, and if anyone tries to stop you or come in between you and your targets kill them too. Anybody, I mean anybody including werewolves, vampires, and even humans, kill them all, slaughter them all and make sure you give me a piece of happy news that the hybrid is dead and if possible bring me his head. Is that understood”     “ yes your highness” Thomas said bowing  his head     “ Good, now call me my council members, we have a meeting to attend at the hall,” he said as he stormed out.
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