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                        RYAN’S POV I Waited for everyone to leave the classroom, normally I do leave on time before the end of classes then but I noticed he was still writing down things from his board down to his note and his friends telling him to meet them at the cafe. I waited for him to finish writing so he could notice me, the moment he rounded up with what he was doing and putting his books in his backpack, he noticed my eyes were on him, he paused for a moment then picking his bag by the stripe he placed it over his shoulder and then turned to face me, I don’t know what he was thinking as his gaze pierced through me, why was I fascinated by this werewolf, I asked my self what’s with him that kept me drawn to him, that made me be attracted to him, I couldn’t pay any attention to what the lecturer said throughout today all my attention was on him and the conversation of his friends. Funny him, he wanted to punch me in the face, just because I stood there while his hand was on my neck, that doesn’t make me a weakling, I was just amazed because this is the first time my toy has ever laid their hands on me and was angry towards me that made me excited and happy. Staying there staring at him as his eyes were fixed on me, I silently whispered in a low voice just only I could hear what I said “ WATCH YOUR BACK PREY” then I noticed he flinched like he was looking for the owner of the voice, did he hear what I said? Nah that’s impossible werewolves don’t have super hearing powers, maybe I was mistaken. Then I check the time on my wrist and found out that I was late, I had to leave first because I needed to meet up with the boys, my new friends James and Tyler, confused beings but kinda cool. They became friends with me after the incident between Eric and me, who knew little conflict would save me the stress of having to look for friends by my self         “ Hey you are late, you seem to be the one who told us to meet here by 4 pm, now it’s 4:30 pm “ grumbled James           “ I am sorry, I got caught up with something “ I apologized “ Anyways let’s go to the game store “         James was a vampire from another rich family and while Tyler was a newborn ( newly turned vampire ) they are always powerful and their blood lust is something else, but seems he can handle himself, how? I don’t know.           We gamed for about two hours when I perceived a familiar smell “ Eric “ I said out loud, Eric is here or around here or something, I lifted my head up to check around the environment in search of Eric to see if he was around, thanks to vampire ability I could see things that are very very far from me. Scanning through the room I noticed he wasn’t here in the game room, then why am I perceiving him, something caught my attention outside, walking by the glass was Eric, yes I knew my nose wasn’t wrong.         “ Hey guys I have to go, some urgent matters came up. Here is my share of the money for the game. “ I dropped a fiver dollars note on the table as I hurriedly packed my bag to go after Eric, I don’t want to confront him I just want to follow him and know a lot of things about him. A hand was placed on my chest halting my movement         “ Hey Ryan, we just came here,” James said         “ I know have fun without me,” I said removing his hand while walking fast         “ But we ain’t through yet” Tyler yelled after me. I ignored him and simply focused my attention on Eric. I followed him for several hours, why didn’t he used the bus since he is house is very far from college, I kept trailing after him, hiding my self so I won’t be noticed by him.           He stopped on the track And turned around, I quickly hide myself, I guess he must have sensed that someone was following him as he quickly hastens his steps, I hasten my steps also as I continued tailing after him. Why am I doing this? I asked myself, why am I tailing after him in the middle of the night when I am supposed to be on my bed watching some movies or series or listening to some BtS songs, why am I doing this? I just could not find the answer, all I know right now, and what my mind wants right now is to know more about him, I am intrigued by him and fascinated by him. I saw him stopped at the entrance of a building, that must be his house, quite big and a fancy house at that,  I saw the door opened and a man came out to hug him and they both entered the building. That must be his dad because the man had excitement written all over his face and he was so happy to see him, with my dad would look at me that way and hugged him the same way his dad hugged him, I need to get into the building to know more about him, I scanned the place for another entrance into the house and I saw a window was opened, I quickly super speed my self, climbing very fast till I got to the opened window and went into it, my nose was overcrowded by the scent of Eric, his scent filled the whole room, this is his room, I killed two bird with one stone, who knew following him home would lead me to his room. Since I am in his room why don’t I have my fill, I walked around the room, accessing and checking everything in the room, from the bed to his pictures on the wall, then my eyes caught hold of a picture on his reading table, a picture of a small baby been carried by a woman, this must be Eric and his mother, ha I see where he got his good looks from, then I saw different books on his reading tables and lots of novels too, definitely this one is a bookworm. The voices downstairs jolted me back to my surroundings that I wasn’t the only one in the building and that I am intruding and would be locked up if caught, I heard the voice of the man asking Eric different questions about school and which he lied to two of the questions, why didn’t he tell him of our encounter today and why was he hiding it? I heard the man telling him to go wash up and prepare for dinner and then the footsteps climbing up tells me that its Eric coming to his room, I quickly went through the window again and hid my self inside the tree across his window, I saw him sat on his bed for almost 10 minutes lost in his thoughts, what was he thinking about, he quickly got up from his bed as if he was reminded of something, then he took off his clothes and went straight to the bathroom, my jaw fell opened at the sight of his body, he has a perfect body, toned arms, with his well formed six abs and with a well-sculpted ass, hmmm nice I said while licking my lips, he didn’t take much time in the bath room, as he came out with a towel round his waist, he got dressed in a short and singlet and he headed downstairs, I went back to his room again to finish my assessment, this time I went to his bathroom where he just came out from, call me a pervert, I don’t care. I stood there inhaling his scent from after wash, using my hand to fill his shampoo and his body wash, his brush after having my fill I went back to his room, sitting down on the bed in the same exact position he sat down, I quietly let my eyes gazed the room, his room wasn’t that big, painted with purple and white colour, perfectly and neatly arranged, purple bedspread and he even painted his reading table and chair purple, maybe his favorite colour is purple, I heard footsteps again climbing upstairs guess he was done with his meal, I quickly hid myself under the bed this time.             When he came into the room, he flipped off the light and went straight to his reading table-turning on his reading light, maybe he wanted to read a little or do his assignment, I kept checking my time and when it was thirty minutes later he turned off the reading light before climbing his bed. He played with his phone before he finally drifted off to sleep, I waited for fifteen more minutes before crawling out from under the bed, he was fast asleep, so peaceful like a little baby,  the room was dark but I could see his face  because of the little ray of light coming from the hallway outside his room, he looked so peaceful when he slept, I stretched my hand forward to remove the strand of hair covering his face, he flinched at the touch of my hand on his face, then suddenly the expression on his face changed from calm to a frightened expression, I was trying to figure out his sudden change when he shouted out all of a sudden         “ No, please, please don’t kill my mum, please, please, no, no, no” I could see tears running down his eyes, then he started blinking his eyes very fast, he is going to open his eyes and catch me if don’t hide, I quickly hid my self in the dark close to the curtain, with the last no he jumped up and he looked so scared, cleaning the tears from his eyes, he looked at the direction at where I was hiding, it was dark and I knew he couldn’t see me, but when I saw he was reaching for the light on his reading table to turn it on, I knew it was time to leave, with a flash I left his room and moved very fast towards the direction of my apartment, getting inside I went straight to my bed, falling flat on my bed, I couldn’t take my mind off what happened at his room, why was he crying, what happened to his mum, why was he scared, was she killed and why was she killed. All this thought of Eric came running through my mind. I think I need to take my mind of all things n clear my thoughts off of him. I think I need to go home tomorrow, I kept thinking until I drifted off to sleep                                                             ERIC’S POV       “ No, please, please don’t kill my mum,  please, please, no, no, no “ I jumped up from my sleep with tears falling from my eyes, I quickly cleaned my eyes with the back of my hand, another nightmare again, I can’t remember the last time I slept peacefully without dreaming of the man who killed my mum,!will I be able to sleep peacefully once I kill her killer? I asked myself. I hugged my pillow so tight, then the cool wind from the window blew towards my direction and I turned my attention towards the direction of the window and I notice a figure, though it was dark but I could guess that the figure was a human figure. Am I dreaming or imagining things again, how can a human figure be in my room. I wanted to check if I was wrong or right I quickly stretched my hands towards the direction of the light on my reading table, flipping it on the figure was no longer there, I quickly got up scanned my room to see if the figure was hiding but the figure was nowhere to be found, I must have lost it I said to my self, my mind is completely insane playing a kind of silly jokes with me. I walk towards the direction of the window and closed the window shut and went back to bed switching off the light, I tried to force my self to sleep, hoping I could sleep without having another nightmare
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