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                                                             ERIC’S   POV          All I wanted to do was to approach him peacefully, but that jerk did as if he knew nothing about me which got me pissed, he denied me like I was a piece of trash and that he didn’t do anything wrong. He bumped into me and made me hit my butt hard on the ground and then he pretended like he didn’t know me, I got so angry that I  ended up grabbing his neck and choking him, if it wasn’t for Cassy and Jake I would have ended up punching him and that would have resulted to a fight and probably having to go to the VC’s office and that would have ruined my perfect first day at college and also my reputation.        “ I swear I hate him, I would have punched him right in his face when he had that stupid smirk oh his face,”  I said punching the table “ ouch that hurts” I yelled out while holding my hand which I used in punching the table         “ And what?,  getting yourself to the VC office and ruining your first day in college. Eric” Cassy said shaking her head in disgust. Damn that girl always has the right words for me and it’s like she is reading my mind or something          “ You got quite a flaring temper there, young Eric” Jake said “bI guess I am your knight in shining armor from protecting you from fighting and from yourself been gotten into a deep mess ” he laughed at the last statement            I didn’t reply to him as I gave him the killer look, he quickly adjusted himself why Cassy was laughing so hard. The lecturer came and we began our lectures for today which was calculus which was on for 2hours. After our classes for today, every student left the hall except him, he kept looking at me with that smirk on his face and I knew he heard the conversation between me and my friends and then I heard him say with a low voice “ WATCH YOUR  BACK PREY”. Before I could decide what he said, he was nowhere to be seen like he just disappeared. Watch my back prey, prey? Me his prey is he serious? Was he even referring to me at all?. Is he asking for a death wish?. I packed the rest of my things to go meet jake and Cassy who left on time to go get a space at the cafe across from our college because that place was always pack filled with students and workers sometimes you have to wait for hours before you can get a sit. They do sell different kinds of things there like blood for vampires and foods for werewolves and humans that’s why it’s always pack filled with vampires, humans, and werewolves.     When I arrived at the cafe I saw Jake and Cassy already eating what they ordered while I quickly sat down and  told them my encounter with him      “ You won’t believe what you know who said to me,” I said drawing their attention towards me from their phones and the food they were eating       “ Who?” Asked Jake and Cassy  together        “ The guy I almost punched today”         “ Oh you mean Ryan,” Cassy said as four eyes were fixed on her “ what? why are you guys staring at me like that” Cassy was a bit shocked by the way we were staring at her, Jake chuckled “ oh you know his name already?” Jake said while laughing         “ Nice one Cassy” I added        “ What don’t look at me like that, since your recent activities with him this morning, he has been the topic for all the girls in our class today, a group chat was even created all for him, to talk and gossip about him. Isn’t it amazing?” Asked Cassy         “ Hehehehe yeah it’s amazing,” I said with an annoyance tone        “ Hey chill man,” Jake said, “ she meant no harm, right Cassy?”         “ Yeah I don’t, anyway I got some good info for you Eric, his name is Ryan but I don’t know his last name, I heard he was expelled from his last school  after many warnings from fighting and that’s how he ended up in this school,” Cassy said             “ Sound like trouble to me” I exclaimed             “ Big trouble” Jake and Cassy both responded together              “ That’s why you need to stay far away from him as soon as possible” Cassy warned me              “ Hmmm to late,” I said in a low voice which nobody could hear except me              “ What did you say” Asked Jake. “ Nothing” I responded taking a sip from Cassy’s coke               “ That’s aside, what is it you wanted to tell us earlier,” Cassy Asked reminding me of what had happened earlier o              “ When you asked me what I said and I told you nothing but the truth is there is something and I think it might be too late to stay away from him”          “ Meaning?” Asked Jake           “ Well when you guys left me alone in the classroom, he said  ‘ WATCH YOUR BACK PREY’”           “ What!!!!!!!!!!!!”  Cassy screamed, Jake and I both blocked our ears with our hands for the fear of damaging our eardrums with her scream, most people at the cafe turned around to look at us           “ Easy there Cassy, what was that for?” Asked Jake            “ He said that and you didn’t bulge?” Cassy asked me             “ Why should I?” I asked her back answering her question with a question            “ I guessed you failed biology when you were in high school”            “ What the hell Cassy” Jake was surprised at what she said            “ Meaning?” I asked             “ Meaning if someone calls you their prey, meaning either they want to feast on you or make you suffer, so definitely saying he is your predator. You, his prey, him your predator.” She gave the best answer to our question leaving me and Jake startled              “ I - I- I- I can never be a prey to their kind” I stammered               “ It’s what it is dear, too late to run now as you said earlier,” Jake said             “ I won’t allow it,” I said while I continued drinking Cassy’s coke. We all said our goodbye as I went home. I felt someone staring at me when I stopped to turn round I found no one, then I quickly hasten my steps, sometimes walking and sometimes running till I got to my house. I opened the front door to my house and was greeted by Nick’s hugs and kisses                 “ How was college today pumpkin? how your first time like? did you make new friends today? where you able to register for your courses? hope you had no issues today? how was the environment? how was ——“              “ Hold on dad, too many questions at a time, I can’t answer all of them at once if you keep firing them at me. Firstly school was okay, my first time was okay, yes I made two wonderful friends and their names are Cassy and Jake” and an enemy I whispered that to my self “ yes I registered all my courses and no there was no issues today, it all went well” I lied, well it’s not a new thing since all I do these days is to lie to Nick so I won’t get him worried over me all the time               “ Okay glad everything went well, go wash up and get yourself down in 10 minutes for dinner” Nick as he went into the kitchen               “ Yes sir” I replied while climbing up the stairs lazily to my room. I opened the door to my room and went to my bed to sit down,  I couldn’t bear to tell Nick what happened today and how I have become prey to a vampire, the least kind of species and my most hated species. I hurriedly took off my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower before Nick comes nagging at me to stop wasting time like a woman and start behaving like a man, like getting things done on time. I quickly dressed up and went downstairs to eat
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