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   I was scared of telling Him the details of the killings happening in Townsville but I know he might have found out one way or the other because he is a very smart kid, we have been on a tight corner lately this days and our superiors ain’t exactly happy with us about lack of evidence and findings of the mysterious deaths happenings around us. Families have been laying complains of their missing children, husbands and wives but it’s hard to find out the killer or killers of the crime, the bodies of the werewolves all reeked of wolfs band and the humans where either beheaded or stabbed to death multiple times and some skinned and the vampires there wasn’t any lead if they have been killed or missing or in hiding     Everybody was on the edge for this case, if it was a vampire that was the killer, we would have saw fangs on the victim’s body but there nothing like that, and if it was a werewolf we would have found the marks of a claws on the victim’s bodies but still we saw nothing then wats causing the deaths of humans and werewolves and the disappearance of vampires        Last week, we held a meeting with our superiors about it and nothing seems to be done about it and calling for outside bodies to help us too but we were told they were facing the same crisis with us and they too could not understand what’s happenin. Now I am scared of allowing Eric to leave the house alone and today I can’t be able be able to pick him up from school because we would be busy looking for evidence to nail the culprit or culprits down. How do I tell him that I won’t be coming to pick him up without making him feel bad and also helping my self from getting worried, I am scared of letting him walk alone, Eric sucks when it comes to fighting and how can he ever protect him self when he is been under attack. Should I quit my job for him,  not that I can ever be broke, I just did it to her stronger to help me protect my boy and now I am faced with this situations at hand on what to do. I don’t know how I am going to do it, checking my time it was 7am and Eric wasn’t ready yet, I am done yelling after him every single day, I have a lot on my plates and Eric he keeps taking his time as if he was a lady        “ Eric are you ready?” I asked him, trying my best not to yell at him        “ yes I am” he said as he raced down the the stairs. I arranged the table ready for breakfast as we took our site, we ate in silence because I didn’t know how to tell him that I won’t be picking him up from school and that this is the situation at hand d when I vowed that I was going to be there for him, in as much as he needs me sonas the families of the victims needs me to, I have to find the killer or killers for the safety of others and for my boy         “ I won’t be able to pick you up from school today, I have a lot to do at work and I don’t want to keep you waiting for long and I don’t know when I will be done from work” I said breaking the long silence between us as I stared at him waiting for his reaction but he showed none, instead he smiled at me        “ okay dad, hope it’s nothing serious at work” he asked me        “ na Nothing seriouse we just want to hold a meeting and investigate on the killings that has been happening”       “ please be safe dad” he said to me, been concerned about his dad, he really is my Son, here I am  worried sick about how to tell him everything and I was surprised to how he took it in like a man and he is even worried about me. I felt like pulling him in for a big hug but I don’t want to be  all emotional this morning or cry a tear or two in front of my boy, so he won’t  see me as a weakling       “ and you too my pumpkin, make sure you come home when you are done with school and take the bus home okay” I told him as I took the dirty plates to the kitchen to get it all cleaned and when I was done, I called out to him “ let’s move pumpkin “ I told him as we both went to the car and off I took him to school. On getting to the school gate I pulled over and stopped the car, removing my seat belt as I pulled him in for a hug  “ promise me you will be safe and come back home when you are done with school okay” I said kissing his forehead       “ you know I am not a kid anymore  but to keep you mind at ease,I promised to come home early and, I will take the bus home. Bye dad, I love you”!he said as he came down from the car waving at me as I drove away, on getting to the office I was welcomed by my partner with a file on his hand      “ we have searched this area and this and this area” he said pointing to the place circled in red ink  “ this was the places we found the last bodies but we searched and couldn’t get anything,  nothing was seen. That  leaves us to zero, back to square one” he said while walking side by side with me     “ what about this place, this church building. I heard it was abandoned for a long time. Have some boys search the place , I have a meeting with the deputy chief” I told him   “ wait a minute, I am your partner here and not your junior” inspector Ian called out to me then turning to face him    “ do you want to have the meeting with the D.C while I take the boys out to search the abandoned church?” I asked him   “ hell no, I ain’t going any where near the D.C, the man is scary as f**k”    “ good, now off you go, I don’t want to be late” I told him as I walked away. Inspection Ian is a vampire, he became my friend about 3 years ago when we had an heated argument about a case, which turns out that we were both right about it, for the unnecessary arguments we caused, the D.C  decided to make the both of us partners, which didn’t result well for us at tha time because we always fought about who was right and who was wrong till we got to understand our selves better and because close friends now we are the top notched inspectors in Townsville      Stopping at the D.C office, o stopped for a minute breathing in and out before knocking on the door    “ come in” D.C Johnny commanded and which I obeyed by walking in “ ha inspector Nick, just the man I am looking for. I was told you and your partner went on a search for evidence, what’s the goodnews “ he asked     “ sorry sir, none sir.” Placing the file inspector Ian gave to me and showing him the places we have searched so far     “ and what about this place?” He asked     “ my partner and some men are on their way there now as we speak” I told him      “ good, keep me posted. You may now be dismissed” he said     “ thank you sir” I said as I walked out of his office and back to my office table, checking out some files and trying to sort things out and find out if we might have missed something in this case     It was exactly 7pm when my partner came back looking exhausted and tired with the rest of the boys he took along, sitting in the chair beside me , I quickly gave him a bottle of water to drink “   “ how was it, did you find anything?” I asked him    “ nothing, another dead end. I am fed up with this case already, where  nothing seems to be working our way” he said “ I give up already” I stood up from the chair I was sitting and went to the board where we normally write the places we have investigated so far,  then writing in the abandoned church space  I wrote another dead end. The board was filled up with so many dead ends but yet people where dying and missing. How good is the killer or killers I asked my self. Then my phone rang, checking who oth caller was and it was from my pumpkin, my baby. I bet he is agbjom now feeling bored and missing me, truth be told I rather be at home learning about his day than sitting here trying to solve and endless case, picking up the call I said     “ hello pumpkin, are you home now?, sorry dad isn’t home yet. The work load is more than I thought it would be. Hope you have eaten “ I was excited that it didn’t bother him or he wasn’t scared to be at home alone, this is his first tme of been home alone like this and he was okay, he wasn’t scared      “ goodevening sir, I am sorry but this isn’t Eric” a voice I haven’t heard before answered me, whonis this and where is my pumpkin, who is this person be, calling me with Eric’s phone.  Or did Eric misplaced his phone      “ who is this?” Why are you with Eric’s phone and what have you done to him?” I asked the caller    “ I am Eric’s friend Ryan, Eric was attacked on his way home, and I was lucky to get there on time before  he was given the final blow. He was stabbed with a sword laced with wolf’s bane” the guy named Ryan informed  manand I staggered backward almost falling down if it wasn’t for Ian who ran to help me and taking me to a chair to sit     “ what!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed out “ is he okay and where is he?” I asked       “ he still has some of the wolf’s bane in his system so he wasn’t able to heal himself. He has been taken to the theatre where they are going to stop the bleeding and flush his system of the wolf’s bane so that he can heal himself. I called because the nurse needed your signature and for you to fill the form and also because you are his father and you are needed to be here” he said to me      “ which hospital is he?” I asked him and then he told me the location of the hospital and the hospital name        “ I am on my way” I told him as I hung the phone, standing up from the chair that  Ian kept me in and I dashed toward the door with Ian running after me    “ what’s going  on?” He aske me    ” it’s Eric my son, his friend just called me, he said he was attacked on his way home and they took him  to the theatre were he is  receiving treatment, I need to be with him” I told him     “ give me you keys””    “ what?!!!!”     “ you cant drive in that state, excel you want to get your self killed. Now  Give me your keys and I will drive you there”  Ian said as he stretched his hands forward for the keys to my car      “ thank you “ I said handling him the keys which he took as we both entered into the car as Ian drove us to the hospital, I kept praying deep down that my baby, my little pumpkin and my everything is okay and he was healing fast and that he will be fine.
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