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      Waking up in a strange environment wasn’t the ideal way to start a day, the background is purely white, even the flowers, the tables and the chairs were all white ‘ am I dead ‘ I asked myself. I can’t be dead, What happened to my plans, what happened to avenging my mum by killing the man who killed her. I tried mind linking with Carly  but it wasn’t going  through, it was like he was blocking me out or was he dead too like me. I need to leave this place that I found my self in,  moon goddess please help me. Then I saw a wolf, purely brown approaching me, who was that?, legs please move, time to run. Since I don’t have my wolf I will be mistaken for a human and then be killed, and right now I am very weak even with Carly I still am weak, now with him gone I am completely useless.       The wolf came very close to me and stopped, then he perceived me before bowing his head for me to touch it, which I did. I don’t really know what’s happening right now, or who the f**k s this wolf or what am I doing here, I can’t get all the answers I need if I keep quiet, I need to ask the wolf questions, withdrawing my hand from his head, I bent down to face him      “ who are you and where I am?” I asked the wolf       “ I am Carly, your wolf”       “ haha haha, you are Carly. What kind of joke is that. You can’t be Carly, Carly I know is a black small wolf and not - not a brown huge wolf like you” I said       “ that’s true but that wasn’t my true form, this is my true form but not fully my true form. I evolved and I am still evolving each day, This is my second stage. Do you like it” Carly asked me        “ forget about the liking it or not, what do you  mean you evolved and why are you evolving. What are you?” I asked him       “ I can’t tell you now about it, it’s not my position to tell you anything but I just know thanks to you, I was able to evolve to my second stage”       “ what do you mean thanks to me, what did I do” I asked him while I folded my hands        “ it’s because of your resort, your will to fight awoke me, your desire to save yourself woke me up from my slumber. I am sorry I wasn’t able to save you, I have been in that old form for too long and I wasn’t accustom to my new form. Before I could get used to it you were stabbed and the wolf’s bane was deep into our system, weakening us. I apologise for not protecting you, can you forgive me?” Carly asked me while he apologised also         “ it wasn’t you fault Carly, if I remember clearly I am not a good fighter, I suck at fighting. Now I know there is danger roaming around, I need to train myself to get stronger so that you won’t be worried about me” I told him         “ I love that, I will lend you my strength all through your training and we will become stronger together”        “ thanks Carly, I am happy to hear that. So where are we?” I asked him still looking around and waiting for him to reply me        “ we are inside of me, you can come here when you want to talk or have a chit chat with me. This is our secret meeting ground “ he said while he gave me more information about the place       “ wow this is amazing, I love it. You are one hard wolf to get to know. I know you are shy at least you would have told me what your true nature was” I told him as I lay down on the white cushion       “ don’t blame it on me Eric, blame it on yourself” he said glaring at me       “ what do you mean blame it on me, you are my wolf and you should know your self better than me, beside you hardly talk. You always keep to yourself “ I told him while sitting down on the cushion ready to defend my self, I am not ready for any one not even my wolf to accused me of anything         “ you are weak, too weak. If I should evolved with your weak form, it would have been too hard on you and it would have damaged you completely, causing you more harm than good to you. I can’t even get to my real form yet because you are still too weak. Get stronger human and see our full potentials. Oh I forgot to tell you, be careful now because you will get to see  some changes in you and your body, you will get some abilities  but that isn’t all you will have, so don’t quit because you have some abilities now and remain in the same position. Work harder and get to your true form” he said, ignoring everything he said except the part he said I have abilities, finally I have abilities not just one but they are much, I can now be proud of my self. I can now say I am a real wolf         “ wow so tell me what’s my abilities, tell me , tell me please tell me, tell me, tell meeeeeeee please” I said to Carly pleading with him to tell me about my abilities on my bended knees        “ apart from the ability aspect, what else did you get to hear from everything I was saying” he asked me       “ hummmmm, hmmmmmmm. I have abilities “ I told him while scratching my head       “ ha, you dumb coward, I can’t believe you didn’t hear anything I said before the ability came out” he said scolding me      “ I am sorry, but tell me first what’s my ability or abilities are please and I promise to pay absolute attention to what you have to say I promise you” I told him placing one hand on my chest and the other hand rasing it high up as a sign of promises I don’t know if I will ever keep     “ fine, first you have like your friend's power, that’s Cassy, perceiving pheromones far away from you”      “ yes I like that, I can always avoid Ryan now” I did a happy dance and Carly scoffed       “ what ?” I asked him      “ will you just sit down and let me complete my statement or I should give up and not tell you anything about it. Then we can all go back to what we were actually going to say before ” he scolded me again making it the second time     “ I am sorry” I apologised to him as I sat back down on the cushion “ you can continue “     “ good now as I was saying, you will have some magical powers also. You will be able to heal people, but can’t be able to raise the dead not at all except you sacrifice some one dear to you to be able to that, you can shoot fires from your hands and then teleport anywhere you want to, you can travel round the world if you want to with your teleportation powers. You can read people’s mind except two people’s mind which i can’t disclose them to you. You can control storm and that’s all I can tell you for now  but for now due to your weak nature you can only do one, the first one which is the ability to perceive pheromones ” he said while I hissed     “ what good is having abilities when I can’t make use of all of them, it’s good as having nothing” I told him while i murmured words in my mouth to my self    “ you always seems to amaze me Eric, I told you things normal werewolves can’t do, it didn’t surprise you or you ain’t even shock about it and all you can do is grumble about the fact that you can’t use all your abilities. Don’t it surprise you that not only are you a werewolf but you can use magical powers and other things I can’t tell you yet a werewolf can’t do, you are meant to be asking questions not grumbling about not been able to use them” Carly said      “ fine now I am curious, what am I?” I asked him walking up to meet him      “ you know I can’t tell you anything about that, not now. I am sorry” he said apologising to me      “ then why bother telling me to ask you when you fully know you won’t tell me anything. Screw You Carly, I am done asking you questions. Thanks to the none useful information “ I told him returning to the cushion      “ Eric you will get to know more about yourself, when the  time comes, the moon goddess will reveal everything to you, it’s not my power to do so but for now just get stronger and let’s build our form together. Okay Eric “ Carly said but this time I have lost interest in the conversation as I wasn’t paying any attention to Carly again, I was drawn to the beautiful surroundings and the little mini wolves butterflies flying around me        “ aaaaaaawwaaawwwwwwwwwwww” I screamed out in pain  as an ocean of pain rushed over my body and then stopped immediately  when Carly walked over to me “ what the f**k Carly, what was that for?, what did you do that for?. Wait can I do that too, can I inflict pains on other people too” I asked in excitement and Carly noddeded his head “ wow daebak, you sly wolf, why didn’t you include this when you were talking about my abilitiesl?” I asked him        “ what good will it be to you when you can’t use it, it’s only when you get stronger that you can have access to every abilities “        “ back again with the getting stronger, I am sick of hearing that. Fine I told you earlier on that danger is  roaming about and that I have to get strong and I will get stronger. I will make the both of us proud. Till then save every little one of my abilities for me okay” i said stretching my hand out for him to shake on it and strike a deal with me        “ okay” he said as he placed hiss paw on my hand to seal the  deal       “ just one issue Carly, where would I see a trainer?” I asked him       “When the time comes, your body will tell you who the trainer is and when it’s time to use him” Carly said        “ okay fine, I trust everything you will say right now. So you good?” I asked him        “ yeah, I am good, now time to wake up” he said to me        “ what?, wake up but why?” I asked him         “ your family and friends are waiting for you” he replied me         “ aaaaa but I love it here, it’s peaceful  and I love the peace here. It calms me down except with you here. You only make it worst” I told him      “ but your family is waiting for you”       “ fine , I can’t win an argument with you. But please can I ask one last question?” I asked him       “ sure you can, go ahead “       “ will this place change too once you fully evolved “ I asked Carly       “ yeah sure it will change once I fully evolved. It will become a home for you and me. Anytime you feel stressed you can come here to relax and clear your mind”      “ wow, awesome. You are cool. Have I told you before that you are cool” I asked him      “ no you haven’t, it’s not  too late for you to tell me now” he told me      “ okay, you are cool, amazing and awesome, thank you for choosing me as your host” I told him, giving him a tight hug      “ thank you for having me,  now wake up Eric” he said as a gentle wind surrounded me as it over shadowed me
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