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    Arriving at the hospital, I was told Eric  has been discharged. A part of me felt happy and glad that he was okay while the other part of me wanted him to be Kept in the hospital until I am sure he was safe and I was able to find those people who attacked him and the person who sent them to him. Thanking the doctor, I went straight to his house to just check up on him and to see how he was doing, on getting there I saw he was fast asleep, then bending down as I touched his hair I whispered to his ear “ I am going to find out the people who attacked you, I won’t rest until I kill every single one of them and I I promise you this time, I am going to protect you. I won’t let anybody or any one try to attack you or lay a finger on you or even hurt you ever again. So please stay safe for me “ I said placing a kiss on his forehead, leaving his room, I went straight to mine and went straight to bed.      Waking to the sound of fire by BTS, that was my ringtone and removing my phone from under the pillow as I checked the caller, it was mum      “ hello mum “ I said the moment I answered the call      “ hello sweetheart, i called to check up on you. Will you be coming him soon?, your dad is angry again “ she said informing me about my dad’s behaviour towards me and how he planned to punish since I was absent in almost all the events going on at home      “ no, I am never coming back  home until something important is going on. He doesn’t care if I am alive or dead, so mum be happy and do the things you love doing, don’t get worked up because I am not home.  I have to get ready for school, I have something important to do “ I have Eric to see and talk to him today, I will make sure I approach him first, I said to my self “ bye mum “ I said to her while I hanged up. There’s no need going back home to a father who doesn’t care if anything is happening to me, he only calls if he needs me to do something for him, that’s all that matters to him       Getting up, I went straight to the bathroom to take my bath and getting dressed in a black long sleeve shirt and a blue jeans trousers with a black converse shoe. I am set to meet him, why am I getting excited, I really don’t know, all I know is that I need more from him, I need to be his friend and everything that comes along with friendship, herring in my bike that I decided to take today go school, the. Ike is my baby and it’s name is Jimmy, it’s been a while we both bonded, since it’s going to be a good day, Jimmy will make everything looks perfect. I arrived at the school parking lot exactly 8 and classes begins bu 8;30. Walking  down the hall way but I couldn’t perceive his pheromones, maybe he wasn’t  in school, I would have stopped by his house before coming to school now I am not so sure if he would come and knowing his father, I am in high doubt hje will come to school. Then I see no reason why I should be in class without perceiving his pheromones filling my nostrils and calming my nerves down. I turned my back to leave this place and head straight to his house when i perceived him, his pheromones filling the hall way, a scent of flowers ( like a scent of roses and lilies flowers mixed together), then rasing my head, my eyes met his and I could not stand the urge to run towards him and hugged him or  to approach him and just say hi to him or push him or do anything to him, the only thing on my head right now was just to approach him and nothing more. Moving my legs towards his direction only to  stop half way when I saw him running away from me, what did i  do wrong?,,  I know I haven’t done something bad to him and  also I compelled him to forget about our arguments, why is he running away from me when he is meant to approach me and tell me thank you for saving his life, it’s because  of me he is still breathing, it’s because of me  he is still alive. So he is mine and mine alone, I decide if he lives or not and nothing makes me angry than some one I claim as mine running away from me. I was fuming with anger as my eyes turned from blue to red and then I did the next thing that came to my mind, chase after him, which I did. When I am angry my speed triple than it’s normal speed, I wanted to know what I did wrong and why was he running from me and what must I do to keep him, all this thoughts came running through my mind till I got hold of him and ran to his front stopping immediately so he would stop too and he did, then I stepped forward towards him     “ where do you think you are running to “ I asked him as I took another step closer to him, standing close to him then I stopped “ why are you running away from me “     “ I am not running away from you Ryan “ he said as he took a step backward, i could hear his heart beating fast and the veins in his body pumping a lot of blood to his  heart, as his heart  kept beating fast.      “ it seems that way to me, is this how you are going to behave to some one who saved your dying ass “ I asked him, it seemed my system is down, I have calmed down as my eyes were back to blue again       “ you compelled me to forget everything, so just assume I know nothing about you saving me “ he said, what lame stupid excuse is that. I know he was arrogant but I didn’t know he was also foolish, he should have asked me why I compelled him to forget . Not giving me this stupid lame excuse of me compelling him to forget. Calm down Ryan and breath, I told my self as I felt  my anger building up inside of me again      “ it was for your own good “ I told him     “ how about coming into my room. Is that for my own good too? “ he said, placing his hand in his pockets. That came out as a shock to me, how did he know I was in his room, I have to come up with an excuse       “ what -what do you mean. I didn’t come to you ro-“ I ended up stammering but he cut the words off my mouth  before I could finish my statement      “ don’t lie to me, I can perceive your pheromones and I know how you smell and this is what filled my room last night, so don’t you dare lie to me and deny anything . You were in my room the night I got discharged from the hospital and I know you came to my room at the hospital too. Want to tell me why you came visiting “       “ fine I accept it, I wanted to check  how you were doing, that’s why I came visiting. I saved you remember, it would be rude for me not to check up on you, I would be labelled as a bad person and I don’t think I have the strength to look for another prey if something bad happens to you “ I told him      “ ha ha ha ha don’t make me laugh, I am not your prey and  can never be one. If you came visiting to check up on me then why did you compel me to forget everything about the  attack and other things “ he asked me, damn does he always have the words to make me fidget and forget everything I wanted to do or say to him      “ because I don’t want you to have nightmares. I have been following you and observing you since the day we had our clashed, I find you intriguing and interesting, right there I marked you as mine and I wanted to find out everything about you and for anything bad or evil. So that night after the argument I followed you home and saw you having a bad dream and you were begging someone not to kill your mother, this happens every other night too. So I thought making you forget about it won’t add to the bad nightmares you have already. I am sorry “ I ended up apologising to him, this isn’t me nor is it what I planned. Ryan what is  he doing to you, act tough, act manly and act stronger for f**k sakes and not this weakling I am seeing here, my inner thoughts said to me     “ wait, what did you just say? “ he asked, I could hear the excitement in his voice    “ I said I am sorry for tailing you “ I said again    “ wow did the almighty Ryan apologising to me? “ he asked me. I hate, hate this a lot, I hate apologising, it was never my thing to apologise to any one, it made me look like a weakling and now Eric is making me weak, very weak and I hated my self for been weak like this     “ yes I did. So can we put the past behind us and become friends, I want more than been the pushy guy, let’s say the guy who always bully you, I just want to be your friend, even more than that, if you will allow me “ I said stretching my hands forward for him to shake on it    “ fine we can be friends, if only you promise me not to bully me ever again “ he said to me    “ I promise, so are we friends now? “ I asked him “ if yes then shake on it “ I said shaking my hands to him to let him see it was still hanging out    “ yes friends “ he said as he shook my hands and then I felt it, it was like a volt of electricity passing through my body, igniting a fire deep down inside of me, a pleasure I want to experience with him. I felt aroused , turned on, my member was burning with sensation and wanting desires as my eyes turned gold and my fangs elongating out     “ wow, what was that? “ I asked him while facing down so he won’t see my face and the desires burning in my eyes      “ I don’t know “ he said and I knew he was lying, I could smell the lies and that fuelled the desires even more as I raised my head to face him    “ I know you felt that right now, take a look at me. My fangs are out and my eyes are gold and I don’t know why I am excited but one thing I know is that I need you right now “ I said as I walked towards him, I couldn’t control the heat burning inside of me, All I want to do right now is to bury my fangs into his neck and make wild s*x with him right here and right now, that’s the desire burning inside of me and I need to released it right now    “ Ryan, if you take another step closer to me I will be forced to withdraw the deal of our friendship and we will back to predators and preys friendship “ he said and I stopped noticing the words that came out of his mouth,  can’t let that happen, I want to be his friend and more but if I move another step that’s over, in as much as I am dying to have him right hear and now, been his friend is important. Raising my hand to my mouth I bite on it, sucking on the blood that came out to help me calm down, which it did, it helped me calm down a little as my fang returned back to normal and my eyes were blue once again      “ I am sorry, I could not control the way I was feeling inside, I don’t know what just happened to me right after I shooked hands with you. Please forgive me “ I apologised and then asked for forgiveness from him, the deed wasn’t over yet, I was still aroused and I need to leave here and far away from him “ please excuse me for now, we will get to talk later “ with that I was off. Running into the wood, I needed something to stop this and the only way to calm me down right now is blood, I don’t care any blood at all be it human or animals, I don’t care I jusy need blood and then I saw a rabbit hopping happily “ I am so sorry little bunny but I need your blood right now “ I said as my eyes turned red and my fangs came out as I chased after it, I caught it before it could enter it’s hole and sinking my fangs into it , I fed on its blood, draining every last drop of blood from the rabbit which became stiff on my hands, withdrawing my fangs I threw the rabbit away, I lay flat on the grass,  I don’t understand what happened right now, what was that for, why was I excited and aroused and what’s with the volt of electricity I felt running through my body. I bet he knows what’s going on and I knew he was lying, there is no other way to find out than to approach him and find out what Is it and I don’t care if I have to compel him to tell me everything, but not today, today I have to calm myself and my little one        I don’t feel like going back to school, seeing him might ignite the fire back again and this time I don’t think I can control it, I will have my fangs in him and I don’t want that yet. Jimmy I guess some one will have to bring you back home to me as I removed my phone from my back pocket to call Tyler      “ hey man, what’s up, why ain’t you in school “ Asked Tyler       “ I came but I have to leave for something urgent. Can you bring Jimmy home for me “     “ who’s Jimmy? “ Tyler asked me      “ my bike, the key is at my seat. Thank you “ I said as I ended the call, then looking at the dead rabbit, I felt really bad for killing it, he took the pain caused by Eric “ I am sorry bunny, Eric is the reason I have to kill you, sleep well “ I told the dead rabbit, I need to bury  it to avoid other predators feasting on its flesh, squatting down to dig a hole, I place it inside the hole and covered it, saying a little farewell prayer to it, I was off to my room.    
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