2014 Words
 “ MATE, MINE “ Carly said, trying to let him self out to go to our mate ‘ he is mine and mine alone ‘ Carly said stirring round and clouding my judgements   ‘ Carly calm that, he can’t be out mate, it’s impossible. What do you mean mate, Ryan our mate, please wake up from your dream “ I said to him, then our eyes met and I could see him staring at me like his eyes were piercing through my soul. No, Ryan  can’t be my mate , he can’t be the one meant for me, not at all. Moon goddess don’t be crazy, Ryan can’t be the one you chose for me, why can’t be it be some one else I barely know, why do you choose some one that is hell bent on ruining my life for me, then I saw him approaching me and I quickly excused my self as I ran off ignoring the calls from Cassy and Jake. I ran as fast as I can, running for my dear life, I still can’t believe he is the one, there is no way I am going to believe he is my mate, the one I am going to spend the rest of my life with, this must be a huge big mistake, ‘ Carly you are just been sensitive because he rescued us from those vampires and nothing more, so please stop been emotional, we can’t be mate with some one who is bullying us. That can’t be ‘ I said mind linking him as I ran faster away from Ryan      ‘ he is out mate and I am so sure if it, are you doubting the moon goddess?, stop running and let’s go back to our mate who is waiting for us ‘ Carly said as he kept grumbling      ‘ in this case yes I am doubting the moon goddess, I am sure she is mistaking, is she trying to toil with me?‘ I asked Carly      “ where do you think you are running to? “ Asked Ryan as I came to an halt, standing face to face with him “ why are you running away from me? “    “ I am not running away from you Ryan “ I said with my heart beating very fast with each words that came out of my mouth, why am I like this, is this the effect a mate has on the other mate. I pray he doesn’t hear my heart beating fast    “ it’s seems that way to me, it’s this how you are going to behave to someone who saved your dying ass “    “ you compelled me to forget everything, so just assume I know nothing about you saving me “ I told him    “ it was for your own good “ he said     “ how about coming into my room, is that for my own good too?” I asked him placing my hands in my pockets     “ what - what do you mean “ he said stammering “ I didn’t come to  your ro— “   “ don’t lie to me, I can perceive your pheromones and I know how you smell and this is what filled my room last night,  so don’t you dare lie to me and deny anything. You were in my room the night I got discharged from the hospital and I know you came to my room at the hospital too. Want to tell me why you came visiting? “ I asked him waiting for him to tell me his true mission      “ fine I accept it, I wanted to check how you were doing, that’s why I came visiting. I saved you remember, it would be rude for me to not check up on you. I would be labelled a bad person and I don’t think I have the strength to look for another prey again if something bad happens to you “    “ ha ha ha ha,  don’t make me laugh, I am not your pray and can never be one. If you came visiting to check up on me, then why did you compel me to forget everything about the attack and other things? “ I asked him     “ because I didn’t want you to to have nightmares, I have been following you and observing you since the day we  had our clashed, I find you intriguing and interesting, right there I marked you as  mine and I wanted to find out everything about you and not for anything bad or evil. So that night after the argument I  followed you him and saw you having a bad dream and you were begging some one not to kill your mother, this happens every other night too. So I thought making you forget about it, won’t add to the bad nightmares you have already, I am sorry “ Ryan apologised    “ wait what did you just say? “   “ I said I am sorry for tailing you “    “ wow did the almighty Ryan apologised to me “ I asked him looking all shocked and surprised    “ yes I did, so can we put the past behind us and become friends, I want more than been the pushy guy, let’s say the guy who alway bully you. I just want to be your friend, even more than that, if you will allow me “ Ryan said stretching his hand forward for a friend ship hand shake     “ fine, we can be friends, if only you promise me not to bully me ever again “ I told him     “ I promised, so are we friend now?. If yes then shake on it “ he said shaking his hand for me to see it that it was still hanging      “ yes friends “ I said as I placed my hand on his, bad idea as a spark was felt like a jolt of electricity running through me and looking at Ryan I could tell he felt it too and was affected by it, that’s the special connection that attracts mates together, if Ryan was a werewolf we would have out there marking each other and strengthen our bond but he is a vampire and knows nothing about mating and bond    “ wow, what was  that? “ he asked me    “ I don’t know “ I said lying to him and then his eyes changed from blue to gold and then his fang elongated out as he approached me and  I move few steps backward away from him    “ I know you felt that right  now, and take a look at me, my fangs are out and my eyes are gold and I don’t know why I am excited but I know one thing  for sure that I just want you right now “ in as much as I want my mate to touch me and feel aroused or excited about me but right now this wasn’t right, right now and I just made him as a friend and I don’t trust him because his a vampire, especially because he is a vampire      “ Ryan if you take another step closer to me, I will withdraw the deal of our friendship and we will be back to predator and prey relationship “ I said taking some steps backwards hoping it works and it did as he withdrew his fangs and his eyes were back to the normal blue     “ I am sorry, I couldn’t control  the way I was feeling inside, I don’t know what just happened right after I shooked hands with  you . Please forgive me and can you please excuse me for now . We will get to talk later “ he said as he ran off before I could say anything to him        Moon goddess what games are you trying to play here, how could you make him my mate, a vampire my mate. His kind killed my mother and you know how I detest them  so much and you made him my mate, I think I am in a dream  or something, some one please wake me up. I walked into the classroom and saw jake and Cassy and I walked up to them as I sat down in between them, I knew I missed some classes but I didn’t care                During the rest of the class I couldn’t concentrate all my mind was focused on Ryan and I been mate, how the f**k did this happen to me, how am I going to tell Nick about this and rejecting him will cause me pain and it might injure my wolf too and Carly is still healing, why the heck is this happening to me. When the class was over I remain seated while bending my head on the table   “‘Eric what’s wrong? “ Asked Cassy     “ I am doomed, really f*****g doomed “ I told them    “  So what’s wrong? “ Asked Jake      “ I just found out who my  mate is and you won’t  believe who it is “     “ what you don’t know your mate till now, you are just finding out till now, what happened to your 18th birthday when you first changed into your wolf?, So who is your mate? “ Asked Cassy       “ I couldn’t smell him because it seems my mate was far away from me in another school and my mate is Ryan black, Ryan is my mate “ I told them while I pulled at my hair        “ wait what!!!!! “ both of them screamed        “ Ryan is your mate. I am so not believing it. But I am super glad my boys love and my bl supports is back again” Cassy said laughing        “ well it is and I think that moon goddess is playing pranks  on me and you won’t  believe what happened after I ran away from you guys “       “ wow tell me , spill it” David         “ I ran away because I couldn’t believe he was my mate and do you believe he ran after me, we were able to amend things and then he promised me he won’t bully me again and told me to shake hands with him to seal the deal of been friends, then we shooked hand and there was a spark which got him excited and his eyes changed colour from blue to gold and his fangs came out, he was so excited  and I managed to stop him and then he went off, he left me just like that. Carly has shut me up because I didn’t allow him to talk to his his mate, I can’t be mates to a vampires guys , no not ever. I hate them and I hate everything about them “         “‘Eric, if you hate Ryan, i totally understand you, but don’t say you hate their kind?, what did they do to you? “ Asked Cassy , I was about telling them everything That happened to me from my mum to the attack and everything when Nick called out to me          “ pumpkin   Time to go home, it’s 4:30pm your appointment “ Nick called our to me standing at the entrance of the the class room        “ okay dad “ I told him and then to Jake and Cassy “ I got to go, some other time,  i will tell you everything “ I said to them as I bid them goodbye and ran to meet Nick as we head out to the hospital    
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