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I watched her as she tried to smile, then as she picked up her cards and placed them on top of the deck. “I’m sorry,” I said, meaning it. “Oh, it’s all right. Sometimes, when we’re together a long while, you take the one you love for granted. Learn from my mistakes and make sure Matt knows you care.” I nodded. “That’s excellent advice. I struggle with how to show him. He’s a minimalist—there’s nothing he wants that isn’t functional, and if he needs a thing, he buys it. But he does so much for me, every day, always. I don’t want him to feel neglected, not when I appreciate him so much.” “Well, I think everyone feels appreciated in different ways. Him anticipating your needs speaks to you, though I don’t think he’s overly conscious of it. It seems latent. Maybe it’s the same for you. Maybe you’re already doing what he needs without realizing it.” “Maybe, but I’d still like to show it.” Mom smiled. “I think if Matt needs something from you, he’ll ask you for it. Then all you’ll have to do is say yes.” I tried to imagine what he could possibly ask of me. To wear negligee he’d bought me perhaps. To wear my red lipstick. To sit with him while he read or to maybe take a weekend trip together. I’d say yes to any of that and more. I couldn’t imagine saying no to anything he asked. He’d gotten me agree to move in with him, which was something I never thought I’d do. He’d gotten me to slip into a relationship, one I didn’t want to end. I hoped it wouldn’t. He’d promised me last night that it would be just like this forever. And I believed him without question. Coming Up Roses theaella 24 weeks, 2 days I sat in the chair in Stephanie’s office, wondearing if I’d actually heard her right. “I was very impressed by your work on the inmate outreach committee, and despite Eagan’s concerns, I found you to be our best candidate for the research position. Congratulations.” “Thank you,” I said, unable to say anything more. I’d been waiting for nearly two weeks for the announcement, and I’d been sure I wouldn’t get it. Eagan’s campaign had been a massive pain in my a*s. He’d tried to set me up no less than half a dozen times, sabotaging me at every opportunity. Fortunately, I was much smarter than him. He had no stealth, so conspicuous, I’d have had to be an i***t not to catch him. I carried a RFID wand with me as a rule, checking and double-checking my shelves to make sure they were in alignment. I made quick work of every cart I filled, sidestepping his hurdles, addressing every patron he’d sent to find me—even the tedious ones—with expedience. He’d been hoping to slow me down. What he should have known was that I was always a step ahead of him. I stayed a little late, showed up a little early. Made my presence known in the committee, which I found I enjoyed far more than I’d thought I would. And it had paid off. I smiled, realizing fully that I’d done it. I’d gotten the promotion. And if anything happened with me and Matt, I’d be all right. I could survive on my own. It seemed almost unnecessary now that we were together, a precaution I’d hopefully never need to invoke. But I was proud of my efforts, proud that I’d overcome the challenges placed before me. More than anything, though—I was damn near giddy to have beaten Eagan. “You should have plenty of time to get through training before you take your maternity leave. The timing will be perfect. We’ll have a new page trained in your place, and you’ll shadow Francine until you’re gone. We’ll start you full-time when you get back.” My smile widened. Francine was one of my favorite researchers. I didn’t think I’d ever heard her make a joke. “Thank you so much, Stephanie. I won’t let you down.” “I know,” she said with a smile of her own as she stood, extending her hand. “It’s why I hired you.” I gave it a shake, and when we parted ways, I floated down the hall toward circulation like a balloon, looking like I’d swallowed one. Phone in hand, I texted Matt. I got the job! Little dots bounced as he typed back. I knew you would. Congrats, Theaella . Can I baring you lunch and a kiss to celebrate? That would be the best celebration I could imagine. Good. Rub it in Egghead’s face yet? I smiled down at my phone. Not yet. Looking for him now. Tell him I said hi before you ruin his life. Deal. See you in a bit. You sure will. Never had a doubt in you, Theaella . My chest was hot and tingly and full of joy. Thank you. You’re my favorite, you know that? Ditto. Kissing you in two hours. Hurry up. I slipped my phone back into my bag, rounding the corner into the circulation room. I’d miss it in here, the solitude, the order of it all. But it was an advancement, one that would be good for my career and one that would get me far away from Eagan. I found him scowling at a cart, loading it with more force than was necessary. The books hit the metal with a thump and a clang. “What’s the matter?” I asked innocently. “Arms sore from all that wallowing?” He shot me a glare. “I can’t believe you got the job.” “I don’t know why you’re surprised. I mean, aside from that I made it through your harassment.” Eagan huffed, grabbing another stack off the shelf. “Now you’re going to be gone. You’ll be in the research department every day.”
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