Part 10

1538 Words
Railyn settled in the car, her eyes blindfolded. Despite that, she could sense the presence of beta beside her. Alan. Even though she was unable to see, the omega had a fair idea of the space. In the front, Nile was in the driver's seat while Alan was sitting beside her in the middle chair. From past few days, she got very well aquatinted with Alan’s sandalwood scent. She was grateful that they didn't gag her mouth with that awful cloth again. The omega was tired of not being able to talk with her entire personality being so chatty. The moment she heard the car engine roar back to life, her heart clenched. Railyn had no idea why she felt that way. Shouldn’t she be happy that they were dropping her off? No more awful smelly room and those people. Especially the Alpha who walked like he owned the entire world. Unknowingly he made her feel like an omega. That’s something she didn’t appreciate. She shook her head. Why was she thinking about him again? It was behind her. The omega should forget about the past few days like it was a nightmare. He said the same thing to her. “Do you need anything?” Alan’s voice broke her train of thoughts. She turned her head over and nodded her head. “What?” “I want you to remove my blindfold.” He let out a sigh, “Apart from that.” Railyn made a face. Why were so strict about having the blindfold?! It’s not like she was going to come back after suffering because of their stupidity. All that took was a properly functioning brain to understood. Then again they all overworked under that Alpha so she shouldn’t be expecting too much from them. “I cannot see anything” She mumbled, trying to peel her eyes open. “That’s the point” the Nile murmured faintly, but it was sharp for her to hear. She clenched her jaw, trying to stay calm. “Come on! No one has to know. I promise I’ll keep my mouth shut if you just remove my blindfold.” “We have another method of keeping your mouth shut.” “You wouldn’t dare!” She screamed, understanding that they were implying to the gag. A shudder racked through her body just by thinking about it. “Don’t try us omega.” At that, she went quiet. There has to be some other way. Railyn was tired of staying in the dark. A few minutes later, she let out a loud shriek. The omega started squirming in her seat while trying to tug at her blindfold. Alan immediately jumped to her side. “What happened?!” Nile slowed down the car as well, “What's going on?” Railyn refused to answer, shaking her head while fanning her face with her cuffed hands. She had the ability to pull at her blindfold because her fingers were free, but the omega didn’t. “Omega say something.” “My eyes...” She sobbed, her hands furiously fanning her face and legs bouncing awkwardly in her seat. Alan held her wrist, gripping it tightly and pulling her hand away from her face, “How can I help if you don’t say anything?” “Alan, what’s going on?” “I’m trying to find out!” Alan yelled back, his voice equally panicked. “My eyes are stinging. I can’t-” She started crying. Fat tears dribbled down her cheeks, and Alan immediately untied the blindfold. The omega leaned back; her eyes clenched shut. “Can you see now?” As soon as she felt the bright sun on her closed lids, she tried not to smirk in victory. No matter what she always got her way. A few seconds later, she blinked her eyes open, staring at the deserted road. “Yes, all thanks to you, Alan” She sweetly smiled at him. Railyn wiped her tears, feeling his stare on her, tracking her every movement. Alan glared at her, his eyes roaming around her face, “You lied to me?!” “I’m sorry! I had no choice. You wouldn’t let me get rid of the blindfold.” They were strict rule-abiding betas she had no choice but to pull her dramatic stunt. Besides what she calculated, they were already halfway away from the place they took her. Alan flared his nose, “You got to be kidding me!” “Can you believe this omega?” Nile shook his head, not replying whatsoever. Railyn was gleeful at his silence. Maybe he was done with them and was in her favour. That’s just the part of her charm. Everyone eventually is smitten by her. Alan picked the blindfold from the seat and forwarded it in her direction, his lips pressed together and eyebrows furrowed. “Wear it again.” “No, please. I promise I’ll behave. I won’t say a word” Alan stared at Nile who had his eyes focused on the road, but he could still hear their conversation. A few seconds later, he slumped back on his seat and shook his head. “Nile just drive faster please!” She counted that as a victory. *** Nile stopped on the way to get her some cookies because she was hungry. Basically, they were well-mannered betas. She will give him that. He was also kind enough to ask her favourite flavour and get them the exact ones. Railyn was also generous, alright. Even though she loved chocolate chip cookies more than anything in the world and wanted to have the entire packet, she shared it with Alan. He was still brooding about the blindfold thing but accepted her peace offering. Alan yawned, his arms crossed against each other as he leaned back in his seat, “How much longer?” “One hour” Nile chirped back. Railyn heard the sigh in his voice. She couldn’t help but stare at him. “You seem awfully excited.” “Relieved” He corrected her, turning his head in her direction. “I have never made this kind of mistake so you can’t imagine how embarrassed I am. For me, pleasing my Alpha is top priority. I let him down.” “Wow, your life is so interesting. Living to please others.” Before he could respond, Nile abruptly stopped the car. She frowned, turning her head towards the front only to notice rogues standing in front of them. Four of them. Her eyes widened at that. Wild Rogues were most disgusting creatures who attacked the pack wolves for the fun of it. All of them were on their foot, their different pack tattoos on display. She heard a lot of old wives tales about them. They are envious about the wolves who locate closer to the city and are able to live everyday lives and not hunt every night. Most of them are thrown out of packs which is why they turn that way. “Alan?” She faintly whispered, tilting her head. Railyn was tied, and it made her an easy target for them. Alan swallowed noisily, “Stay here. We will go and deal with them.” Nile looked over his shoulder; his eyes narrowed at her. “Omega stay in. Don’t get out of the car no matter what.” She opened her mouth to say something, but pointed glares from both of them had her head nodding. She patiently waited as both of them got out of the car and stood in front of rogues. Before they could start talking, one of the rogues began inching towards the vehicle. Alan was quick to stop him. Before she knew it they were fighting; the rogues howled as if signalling their other companions. Railyn chewed on her lips, her legs bouncing nervously as she noticed Alan getting scratched up. They were not letting the betas transform, nor were they changing, which made it difficult for both of them to fight. Despite that Nile and Alan were impressive on foot, swinging those rogues on their jaws. From the corner of her eyes, Railyn noticed two rogues hiding behind the tree. They were eyeing Alan, their eyes focused. “Alan!” Railyn screamed, raising her hand in the air, hoping to catch his attention. The beta was too busy trying to free his arms. He did not pay any attention to her. She snapped her head back at those rogues, and they were still inching towards Alan. Railyn had no choice but to step out and rush towards Alan. As she tried to tug at his sharp, she felt the sharp sting on something piercing her skin. Her mouth fell open, and she gasped, choking on her spit. “Omega” Alan growled, turning around and holding her before she could collapse on the ground. Everything felt blurry after that. She could hear the sound of footsteps disappearing and someone rushing towards her. Her eyes felt heavy, but she could see a faint figure of someone hovering over her. Cold, wet hands were patting at her cheeks, mumbling something but she could not respond. *** The omega sniffed the scent of disinfectant and wrinkled her nose. Turning her mouth up, she fluttered her eyes open. As she opened her eyes, she noticed the white ceiling staring back at her. Did I die and go to heaven? “No, you’re still alive” The voice gravelled, rough and pricking at her skin. Railyn turned her head only to notice her mate staring back at her with the most pissed look she had ever seen on his face. *** Facebook: The Scripturient (Join “San_2045 squad”, a private group on f******k to be the first one to know everything!) Instagram: San_2045
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