
440 Words
 Most people have a normal life but for me that was far from the truth. See my mother and father had many secrets but their biggest secret was me. They always made sure to train me in all martial arts and made sure I knew how to use every weapon that exists even though I didn’t know why I needed it. When I’d ask why they would always say “You’ll know when you are ready.”  My Name is Raziel Mikealious, I am about find out I’m am far from human in the most explosive way possible.             It’s my senior year of high school and I already knew it was going to be rough because as I walked through the doors principal Crandell comes up and says, “Now don’t start any trouble today.” “What do you mean” I inquired sarcastically “Just behave yourself.” He said as he walked back in the office. The rest of the day was uneventful except for my last class which was P.E. the only class I dreaded because today was basketball and we had either shirts or no shirts. So, as I always do, I was going to sit out until the P.E. teacher Mr. Shaw said it counted as three fourths of my grade. I couldn’t fail any classes; my parents would freak! So, I was put with the shirtless team with the class bully. As soon as I took my shirt off my classmates all stared and I didn’t know why. So, I asked “Why are you all staring at me funny?” My friend Claire broke the silence “Well you have weird patterns all over your body and they are glowing.” The next thing I knew I was on the gym floor screaming bloody murder as a pain in my gut exploded with so much intensity I curled up wanting the pain to go away but it only got worse until I passed out.             When I woke up the gym was gone as was the next eight blocks. I had no idea what happened until my parents appeared out of thin air and said to one another “We should teach him how to control it.” Then suddenly we were at home and I started to freak out. What was “it”? What happened to the school? Finally, I calmed myself enough to ask them “What the hell is happening to me?” Mom answered with tears falling “You are not human my son.” Then went silent again as my father grabbed me and brought me to a room, I had no idea existed in the house at all and said, “Sit down, I’ll explain everything.”  
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