Chapter 10 Roland

852 Words
When Simon tried to put Katya down on the sofa, he lost his footing and found himself pinned under her. The weight of her body made him feel spellbound. But something even more surprising happened—Katya kissed him. He was beginning to feel like he had lost control. Then, his phone rang and gave him more reason to give in to his hesitation. He pushed Katya away and answered the call. It was not until he heard Dixie's sweet voice that he knew it was her. "Hey, Simon. Where are you?" she asked. He had been so nervous that he did not even look at the caller ID earlier. "I'm home. What is it?" "Can you come and keep me company? It's such a tremendous waste that I'm the only one enjoying this huge room," Dixie said. Had it been any other circumstances, Simon would have turned her down. But seeing the drunken Katya on the sofa, he was afraid that he would end up taking advantage of her. He hesitated for a moment before agreeing to Dixie's suggestion. Besides, he was curious about the presidential suite too. He hung up, grabbed a blanket, and put it over Katya. Then, he left the villa. He went straight to Eala Hotel, where he went up to Room No. 2308 and knocked on the door. It was at this time that he realized that there might be a doorbell. Sure enough, he looked up and saw the doorbell. There was no way around it. He had always lived a life of near-poverty and was very new to his sudden riches. He was still not used to his current life. The door opened, and his jaw dropped. Dixie was standing at the door, wrapped only in a towel. The sight of her made all the blood inside him rush to his pelvic region. "Don't just stand there! Come in!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him inside the suite without any hesitation. Inside the suite, Simon watched her close the door. He felt a sudden bout of nervousness as he kept his eyes on her. "Simon, darling, sit down." She pulled him to the bed and made him sit. "Why did you only come now? I have been waiting for you the entire afternoon," she said coquettishly. Simon felt his body stiffen. He immediately pushed Dixie's hand away. "Don't look at me. This room is gorgeous. Don't tell me you can't fall asleep on your own." As he spoke, he stood up from the sinfully cozy bed. "Of course I can. I even napped the entire afternoon away, but I missed you when I woke up. This is all thanks to you." Simon immediately disentangled her hands that were wrapped around him and took a few steps back. He turned his head and told her, "Dixie, what do you want? Whatever it is, it's a no from me. We're classmates..." "That said... good night. Sweet dreams." His final shred of reason finally won over his urges. He ran toward the door as if he was fleeing from a monster, pulled it open, and rushed out. It was not until he took the elevator down and stepped out that he felt his mind clearing up. Even though he felt a hint of remorse and wondered if he had squandered a good chance, he knew that he had done the right thing. He did not know much about Dixie and he was now also a rich person. It was obvious that she was there for his money. If he had slept with her without knowing anything, he might lose his money or worse, his life. This thought made him leave the hotel in a much better mood. Meanwhile, something else was happening in the most expensive private room in the best karaoke bar in Wimborne. The lights were dazzling and drinks were free-flowing. Men and women were mingling and dancing so intimately together that the average person could hardly look at them without blushing. Paul was sitting on the sofa, looking like an eager-to-please schoolboy, and toasting an arrogant young man with a lecherous expression. "Roland, bro, here's to you." The man named Roland clinked his glass with Paul's. Paul gulped and glanced at the woman dancing in front of them. "Your girl is pretty hot." "You're joking! I have gotten tired of her!" Roland said, "Hey, I bet you know a lot of pure-looking girls! Why didn't you bring a few of them with you?" "Uh... That's an easy fix. I will bring them with me next time." Despite what he said, Paul had already thought of his ex-girlfriend, Heidi. "What do you mean, next time? Now's the time. The night is just starting! Can't you call them over now?" Roland said. The look in his eyes showed that he was clearly interested. "Now? Uh... Sure, sure, I'll call them," Paul said. The woman that he was thinking of, Heidi, was lying in bed in the dorm by herself, feeling dispirited. Her eyes became filled with remorse as she recalled the unbelievable scene last night.
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