Chapter 11 Disappointment

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The more Heidi thought about it, the more eager she became to hold onto Simon. He had been hers for a long time! Why couldn't she have held onto him for a while longer? If she had persevered, she would be enjoying life right now. Regret tormented her and pressured her to call him on the phone. Considering the length of their relationship, she thought that she had to give it another shot. "Hello." Simon's familiar, but no longer warm, voice entered her ears. "Hey, Simon." Heidi could feel her voice trembling due to nervousness. Simon was now a person that she had to look up to. "What is it?" "Where are you?" "On my way home," he replied. "Have you moved out of campus?" "Yeah." "Where are you living now?" she asked. "What does that have to do with you?" Simon's voice was cold. Heidi felt a stab of disappointment but she persisted and asked, "I want to see you. Can we meet?" "There's really no need, is there?" Simon did not want to talk to her. "Simon, I know what I did hurt you. Can you give me another chance?" "Oh, you've changed your mind? Funny. Is it because of my money?" Simon said sarcastically. Heidi had nothing to say to that because what he said was true. That was why the only emotions she could feel at this time were shame and humiliation. Simon then ended the call, unwilling to talk to her anymore. Frustration and disappointment swept through Heidi, drowning her within. In the midst of such negative emotions, her phone rang. Overjoyed, she picked up her phone, thinking that the call was from Simon. But disappointment struck her again when she saw that it was Paul calling her. Nonetheless, she answered the call. "Why are you still calling me?" "Heidi, where are you?" Paul asked, his voice unusually gentle. "What's the matter?" "I miss you. I'm at a karaoke bar. Come and hang out with me?" Heidi knew that it was impossible to get back with Simon, so reconnecting with Paul did not seem like such a bad idea. The latter seemed to have changed his mind about her but the former was determined to dump her. So, she agreed to Paul's suggestion and went to the karaoke bar where he was at. When she reached the place, she followed Paul's instructions and found their private room. She opened the door and entered. The moment she showed up, Roland's eyes brightened. He stared at her figure, face, and pure temperament, and found himself losing his calm. Paul had been observing his reaction. Roland's interest in Heidi was apparent; his eyeballs were practically popping out at the sight of her. He was overjoyed and said, "Come over here, Heidi." Heidi went over to him like a good girl and stopped beside him. Paul immediately said, "Heidi, let me introduce you. This is Roland Collins. You can call him Roland." "Hi, Roland," Heidi said sweetly. Roland beamed. "Heidi, is it? What a cute name. It suits you perfectly. Come and have a seat," he said, making room for her on the sofa and patting the space beside him. The seat next to him was also the seat next to Paul, so Heidi sat down readily. "Heidi, Roland is a bigshot in Wimborne. Everyone respects him out there. You have to entertain him well," Paul said. Realizing that she was spending time with someone who might be useful to Paul, she nodded and said, "Okay." Paul picked up a glass of wine and handed it to her. "Toast Roland with this." "All right." Heidi took the glass of wine and told Roland, "Cheers to you." With a face full of smiles, Roland lifted his own glass. "Cheers." When the two finished their wine, Roland wrapped one arm around Heidi's neck and pulled her into his arms, catching her by surprise. "Heidi, you're gorgeous." Heidi was so frightened that her face turned pale and she cried out in surprise. She immediately smacked Roland's hand away. "What are you doing?" Dumbfounded and displeased, Roland turned to Paul with a dark expression. There were other people in this room and Heidi's reaction had embarrassed him. "Paul, what is this?" "Don't be mad. She's just a bit shy. It's my fault for not explaining it well enough to her. Give me a second," Paul said. He then told Heidi, "Let's have a chat outside." Heidi had no choice but to follow Paul out of the private room. "What are you doing?" Paul asked. "We can't offend Roland. Do you know that he works for Todd Burton? That's one of the three major scions of Wimborne." "What the hell are you doing? I came here for you, not for him! Do you still see me as your girlfriend or not?" Heidi retorted furiously. Paul put his arm around her shoulders. "Oh, come on, of course, you're my girlfriend. Can't you see that I'm doing this for our future? Just think about it. Think about how Simon bullied us. Don't you want revenge?" Heidi had been sulking over how Simon had treated her during their phone call. Since she could not win him back, she thought that she would feel better if she could make him broke again. So, she said, "Of course. But what does that have to do with Roland?" Seeing that Heidi was on the verge of giving in, Paul hugged her intimately. "Think about it, babe. I told you that Roland works for Todd Burton. We have to go through Roland to meet him. Once we're friends with Todd Burton, it'd be a piece of cake to teach Floyd a lesson." "Okay, but why did you ask me to come?" Heidi asked. Paul pressed close and whispered in her ear, "Babe, you have to sacrifice a little for our future. Can you spend the night with him?" His request angered Heidi so much that she shoved him aside and yelled, "Paul Foster, you shameless a-hole! Don't even dream about it! I'm leaving now!" She turned around and walked away. Paul panicked and immediately stepped forward to stop her. "Come on, Heidi, don't go." "Let me go!" Heidi swung her arm. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, babe. You don't have to sleep with him. Just have a couple of drinks with him. That much is fine, right?" Heidi's expression cleared up and she did not protest anymore. "Wait here for a bit," Paul said, "I will go in and talk to Roland about it."
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