Ron and Marcus

1376 Words
On the next day, me and Fiona equipped our arsenal, the food in my backpack and the armour, most likely Fiona's armour because I hadn't bought one yet, and we left the house feeling prepared for a good day as a knight and squire. Today is an important day for me and Fiona because we got a big mission, an escort mission. The mission we got was to help to protect a carriage that was carrying some supplies that were going to be sold in the Hungarian Kingdom. I heard from some books that the place is full of people who like dancing, creating that yellow and white liquid, which apparently is called beer, after Diana told me last night. I don't want to explain the details. I want to forget what was happening that night while she drank that. Last night I tried to read from that spellbook and discovered something very easy to remember. A spell called T.N.T that flies, literally, the enemy in front of you. Such a spell is very useful for a mission today. We walked for a while until we reached an intersection where a knight and his squire were heading towards us. That knight wears bronze armour, he has an axe on his back held in a kind of sheath, I suppose three ponds, two on his ribs fastened in a belt and the other pond has him fastened to his chest by a kind of sheath-like that axe big from the back. And that knight's squire was Ron himself, that blue-haired kid, and he was carrying a kind of sword in a sword sheath, which had a very strange handle. It's a kind of wooden sculpture of a lion and has rubies in my eyes from what I could see. "Hello, there!" greeted the knight with axes equipped. "Hello, Marcus! How are you?" says Fiona to him when those two shake hands like good friends. "Good. How about you?" "Good as well. By the way, are you ready for another bet?" says Fiona, taking from her pockets a bag of coins. "I have 12 gold cinemas here and 3 silver coins. How about you?" "Ten gold coins and eight silver." I and Ron looked at each other and both of us shook our heads, having no idea what those two were doing with the money. What is that thing called a bet? I have heard this word my entire life. "Looks like you won't risk it like you did last time," says Fiona. "And today you will probably lose the bet." responded the guy called Marcus. "Nah... You are going to lose this one." "How though?" "Last time you bet, we will encounter a wolf with three heads and we will encounter. And we bet we will encounter another monster after that mission. You always attract monsters instead of men." "I can say the same thing to you. I still have no idea why you are still single even though you have got good relations with everyone from this kingdom." "Ahem!" says Ron, distracted those two from verbal fighting because they didn't have the entire day to fight. "So when are we going to go to the place?" "Wait a bit, squire!" says Fiona to that guy called Ron, and then she looks at Marcus. "Deal?" "Of course it's a deal," says the guy called Marcus, and then he shakes Fiona's hand to close the deal of a new bet. After that, those four fighters started to move to that location where they had to escort a carriage to that kingdom to sell some goods at a good price. After a few minutes, those four fighters arrived at the location and there they saw more than one carriage. They saw four carriages that probably had the same destination. Fiona, Ron, I and Marcus didn't expect to see that many carriages. Fiona looked at those carriages and then she looked at Marcus. "What have you done this time?" "You are you thinking I did something this time?" responded Marcus, feeling so criticized by a woman who was probably stronger than him. "I admit last time I did something, but this time I didn't do anything. You probably did something while you were drunk." "I admit I was drunk last night, but I wasn't at the Tavern this time." "Are you sure?" "Yes." I responded to that guy. "I can confirm it's because she attacked me way too many times than those wolves from yesterday." Fiona started to feel ashamed of herself and she looked at me. "I'm sorry." "It's okay," I responded to her. "Accidents happen." "Y-You are Judah, right?" said the guy called Marcus. "The one who destroyed those two bandits?" "Yes." "Good job," says the guy called Marcus. "So how do you do it? Did you punch them hard? Or you cut them?" "I just transformed myself into a vampire," I responded to Marcus, who responded to feel a little scared. After a few seconds, a guy came to us and asked if we were the ones who would escort those carriages to the destination. Fiona and Marcus respond and go with that guy into a room to do something. While those two were gone to sign a parchment, I and Ron started to talk. "So... This is the guy you are working with?" I asked Ron. "Yes," responded Ron. "And the girl you are working with... I thought she would be more violent, as the myths say." "I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. Sometimes." "Sometime?" "Well. I didn't expect to see you working for a knight who knows Fiona better than her own sister." "I heard those two had some quiet history at the Academy of The Knights." said Ron to me while he looked around to be sure nobody would hear him say that thing he wanted to say to me. "I heard Marcus and Fiona used to be a couple back there." "Really? How?" "I have no idea. But Marcus' father told me that." "Father?" I asked Ron. "Yes a father. Everybody has one." "Well. I don't." "Oh... Sorry." "Don't worry. It happens... It must be nice to have a family, right?" "I'm an orphan," said Ron, making me feel like an i***t saying that stupid question earlier. "I guess we were both on the same page. I am an orphan too." Ron looked at me for a few seconds, then he looked at my backpack. While he looked at my backpack, which was still on my back, I looked at Ron and I realized something: he didn't have a backpack. What kind of squire goes on a mission with his knight without the most important thing a knight needs to have? a backpack with weapons or even supplies? After a while, Marcus came to Ron and asked went us to go and get in a carriage because we had to protect the goods while they were going to ride their horses. He and Ron got on in separate carriages. Ron was in the one marked 432 and I entered in the one that was named 562. In the carriage, I saw three wooden boxes in square shapes and four boxes in a rectangle. My curiosity wanted to see what was in those boxes, but I decided to do that because this mission is very important to me, the merchants, Ron and the knights. I decided to sit down on a table attached to the wall of the carriage and wait till we were going to leave. While I was sitting there, I started to think about something weird at those moments. I was thinking about Diana: "How can he handle that thing that is called a crossbow? It has a secret or a weak point to reload and shoot?" I thought to myself. "Maybe they are both. Or other secrets.. Dammit! I'm going to ask her when I will come back to my house.". The carriages started to move. At first, I almost fell from the spot I was sitting, but with the help of my arms and weight, I made this not happen. I readjusted my sitting position and waited until we arrived at the Kingdom of Hungaria.
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