Fiona and Diana

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After a few hours, I decided to head to that address using the method everyone knows: walking. I crossed some streets, paths, and open plains until I reached that address indicated on the piece of wood that was handed to me by the bartender. When I arrived in front of her house, I was left speechless because the house looked big and clean. I can't believe a girl can live in a house like this. When I lived at the orphanage, the nuns told me the men who have important functions in the kingdom deserve a big house. Guess this was a lie or an exaggeration. I went to the door at the entrance of that house, knocked on the door, and heard hurried footsteps approaching the door. The person who opened the door for me was not who I expected him to be. The person I expected was supposed to be a good knight and a strong one, not a lady with short hair and slim. The girl looked at me and asked: „Can I help you?" „Yeah," I responded to that little girl who is probably the same age as me. „I'm here for the application as a squire." „Okay," responded the little girl. Which one?" „Excuse me?" „For my sister or mine?" I took the piece of wood from my backpack and I handed it to the little girl. Who looked at that piece of wood and then says to me: „You applied for my sister's job. Don't worry, she will arrive later because of her duty as a knight." „I see." said the little girl: By the way, what do you mean, applied for your sister's job? Are you a knight, too?" "Yes." "How? How old are you?" "I am twenty years old," responded the girl, feeling a little embarrassed. "Twenty ?" I responded, being stunned by that answer: "How are you twenty and have a little body?" Then that girl slapped my face with her left palm and after that, she screamed at me: "You big pig p*****t!" "EH?! p*****t? I don't even know what that means?!" I said, feeling a little embarrassed because I hadn't heard that word in my entire life. The "little" takes her bow. She takes a few steps back and starts to aim at me. I started to go back and run away, but then something happened. The "little" girl looked behind me and let her bow down and she said: "I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again, sister." "Huh?" I looked a few seconds at that "little" girl and then, starting to look behind, that made me go a few steps back. The girl in front of me seemed familiar to me. I started to think for a few seconds, then I looked at that teenager and asked: Are you the warrior from that Tavern who stopped me when I was about to enter the place?" "Yes. I am," she responds, the teenager looking like a chef who has seen the food that he has prepared for hours not to be eaten completely by a capricious customer: So you are the young boy from yesterday. I see you survived the succession of that place." "Succumbs?" "You'll learn later." responded the teenager: "Now, let's head to the house and start talking about your contract." "Okay." Me, the blonde teenager, and the "little" girl are heading into the house to start talking about my working contract as a squire. I and the girl blonde teenager are now sitting on a table in her kitchen. The "little" is probably going to do some errand in another place. The girl looked at me and started to ask: "What's your name?" "I'm Judas." I responded to the girl: "And are you?" "My name is Fiona. Fiona Lundberg. And the sister you have met's Diana." "I see. Nice to meet you." "Same here, Judas. Anyway, what are your fighting skills?" I didn't mention the girl called Fiona has a menacing look in her eyes that can match her appearance. Fiona isn't a girl like those from Orphanage, she's a different one. The colour of her skin is so white, she has green eyes, short blonde hair, a few scratches on her face, arms, and probably even on her legs. But, what makes me feel anxious was her skin made, which is so muscular. I have never seen a girl who possessed such muscles till now. It's probably hard for a girl to have muscles, but I'm wondering how she has muscles? Was she a man and now she had become a girl? Or is it just a mutation that I learned at school? Fiona looked at my eyes for a moment and then she told me: "You know. You have familiar eyes." "Huh?" I asked Fiona. "What do you mean familiar eyes?" "Maybe it's my imagination or something, but I can swear I saw those eyes somewhere... Nah. Maybe it is my imagination. Sorry for bringing that." "N-No problem," I responded to Fiona, feeling relieved. Fiona gets up from the table and tells me she has to go to get something. I nodded as if I understood. Fiona leaves the room we were in a few minutes ago, and I sit at the table and wait for her to come up with that object, whatever it is. While she was gone, I started to look around the kitchen. There were many fruits, vegetables, and even meat placed on walnut or oak tables on the walls of that room. The food wasn't the only thing in that room, there were also a few framed paintings with kids playing, knights fighting wolves and bears, forests and medium painting representing Fiona extraordinarily. When Fiona arrived, I saw the things she needed to take and put on the table. I was shocked when I saw her carrying a huge sword. That sword was the same as the tree last night in front of that tavern. The most shocking thing was the way she carried the sword, with just one single arm. Is that a woman or a guy who desires to be a woman? Fiona looked at me and then she asked: "What do you possess?" "Eh?" I said to Fiona. "Magic? Or Defense?" "M-Magic." "Really? Where is your staff or wound?" "I-I don't have one... Yet... But I can use healing and shielding spells." "Healing spells?... Could you show me?" Then, Fiona pulled the sleeve of his red blouse that was covered by a kind of armour vest and showed me something that was almost making me vomit, a very deep cut that continued to bleed. I looked at that muscular arm for a few moments, then got up from the chair and approached her. I reached out with both hands and began to channel my entire mana into my body and throw myself at Fiona to heal her ugly cut. A green aura came out of my hands and threw itself on Fiona's cut. I had to sit with my hands on that cut for a few moments until it healed completely. When I took my hands from Fiona, she looked at her arm carefully. She touched her cut with the other hand and then she asked me: "You are probably asking how I got that cut, don't you?" "Well. Yes. But now I'm asking for another thing. How can you control that huge sword? You were the one who told me to not interfere back there? And are you a woman?" I asked Fiona, feeling like a man who had just found out that his wife he had been married to for eight years was a man. "First of all, I am a woman. Not transgender. Second, I can wield that sword because of my hard training as a knight. And third, what do you mean by not letting you interfere?" "You weren't that woman who stopped me for not helping that lady who was stabbed by a barbarian?" "No. I wasn't there when the assassination was planned." "Assassination?" "You know. In this world, men and women get what they deserve. That lady got what she deserved for killing the King's father while he was sleeping." "R-Really?... Th-That was just an assassination?" I responded feeling very shocked by what I heard from this woman. "Well... Now. I want to ask you? One more question. Are you ready?" "Y-Yes," I responded to Fiona's question. "Do you have a home?" "N-No. You see. I'm an Orphan, So... I do not have a house or a home at the moment." "I understand. Then. You are hired and we will give you a room, but with one condition. To live here, you have to do some errands, like feeding the dogs, pigs, cows, sheep, cleaning the house and... Do you know how to cook?" "W-Well... At the Orphanage, I was taught how to cook. I can prepare some food, but not very delicious." "Okay. You are hired." "Really? Thank you so much." Fiona raised her hand and I raised mine. We both shook hands at the end of the job interview as a squire. This day will always be memorable for me because this day helped me achieve my goal, to have a job.
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