Chapter one

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Crystals POV It crept up on me like a bad cold that is always around the corner. Today is Monday, the dreaded day I have been waiting for. I don’t dislike Mondays if that is what you're thinking about. It’s the fact that I'm starting at a brand new school that has me dreading this day so much. In the past two weeks, I got to know most of the teachers at the school. I need to come in to be evaluated by the board and teachers before the next semester starts. They seem to approve of my grades quite well. They all focused their attention on me because they had to make sure I lived up to the scholarship standards. In each class they were probing my knowledge and once I started to venture into the college work I’ve been doing, they were all quite surprised. From then on, it’s just a matter of me being in attendance and handing in work assignments. The rest of the time, they will leave me alone to do whatever I like, so long as I don’t disturb their class. I woke up still in a state of sleep and barely functioning but able to shuffle my feet to the bathroom to take a shower. The first blast of water that hit my body was freezing cold and woke me right up. After making sure I did in fact open the right tap, I waited for the water to heat up. I use my favourite $2 body wash which is cherry scented. After scrubbing my body, I step out and wrap a towel around myself before walking to my drawer and taking out my outfit for today. A pair of skinny jeans, a red tank top, black lace matching underwear to wear underneath. I first take my body lotion and apply some to my body before dressing myself in my outfit. For footwear, I wear my black vans that are comfortable and easy on my feet. I still have to make a good 20min walk to school. I take my hairbrush and untangle my rat's nest of hair. I do not wear make-up. Yeah, I like the idea of dolling myself up but I know next to nothing about how to use it. And besides, I wasn't particularly keen on looking like a clown on my first day. After feeling good about how I looked, I made my way out the room to the kitchen grabbing an apple and a bottle of water. As I make my way to the front door, I take my set of house keys off the hook, not forgetting to grab my school bag before exiting and locking up. Leaving the apartment complex, I made my way to school. The route I took passed a forest. It is always beautiful and captivates my mind. I have always loved nature. But today it looks eerie and dark. It felt like someone was looking at me, but I could not see anything. Getting Goosebumps up and down my body, I increase the pace of my normal walking pace to a slighter, faster pace of almost speed walking. The faster I put distance between her and myself the better. The three-story building makes its appearance and I can finally slow my pace down. I made it to school in less than 15 minutes. That's a new record. I was slightly out of breath. I took a detour and headed to the nearest restroom to freshen up a bit. Luckily, there was no one in there and I was able to dap and wipe the sweat off myself with some paper towels. I did a quick spry with some deodorant to completely freshen up before I exited the confinement of the bathroom. I walked back over to my locker that I passed on my way here to take out what I needed for first period history. This year my teacher is a man, Mr Green. He seems friendly and likes to make jokes and has a different way of teaching things. He literally makes the boring work fun, if that is even possible. He is a pretty good looking teacher, if I have to admit, that he is in his late twenties. It was only a guess on my part. I didn't know what his real age was and neither did I care to find out. You might think I was checking him out at this point. That I had fallen head over heels in love with him. But that is not the case. I don't have any fantasies of him or any romantic feelings towards him. I’m just a girl with eyes that can appreciate a good looking man like any other girl with raging hormones. Sue me for only being human. Besides, he is too old for me, if I was ever interested in dating. I was making my way towards his class. The last week helped a lot as I knew where to go and didn't need to ask for help anymore. I know there is still plenty of time before the first bell goes. But I'm not going to stand around in the hall and admire my nails like the plastics, jocks and bad boys that roam the halls normally do. I mean how different can this place be from my old school. I took a seat at the back of the class taking out the novel I brought with me. It’s a fantasy romance about werewolves and how they blend into the world around them. They have controversial ways of living that are set in stone to keep them alive as well as ensure that they don’t die out. They have what’s called a mate. Okay, sometimes there happens to be more than one, but that is rare. It's ultimately a bond that gets locked into place forever when these two special people meet. They were created specially for one another by their goddess. They describe it as being two parts of one soul. So imagine two pieces of a puzzle that come together to form one complete piece. Well, that is what it essentially means. You need each other to live and if one dies the other will follow. I'm so wrapped up in my own little world that I don't even hear the bell ring. I only snapped out of it when Mr Green tapped me on my shoulder. "I see you are in your own little world. But I'm going to start class soon." "Will do Mr Green" I reply to him with a smile. I put my book away and opened my history text book. Soon Mr Green started his lesson about the great depression. “Who can tell me what was the cause of the great depression of 1929 to 1939?”Mr Green asked the class. As he wrote on the white board the great depression in big, bold, capital letters. He turned back to the class and pointed to a boy in the front row. “It was the stock market that crushed.” Was his answer. We get so deep into discussion that an hour passes by so fast. When the bell signals the end of class, I quickly go to my locker, changing my books for maths. I really do love maths but it is too easy for me and I don't study for it. Then I made my way to class and took a seat in the back again. The teacher does the usual welcome back and introduction. Pointing me out as the new learner before she starts the class and starts class. Ms Jefins informed the class that we would be looking at some algebra problems. I didn’t really pay attention to what she was teaching. I do on occasion Zone out but in a good way. I was busy reading about some techniques they are using in the mapping of one's DNA in one of the books I borrowed from the book store. They have come so far as to pin point what triggers cancer in people. This research could ultimately lead them to discovering a cure for cancer all together.We were about 20minutes into class when there was a disturbance. I only did a quick look seeing a well-built guy enter the class like he owns it. He screamed 'arrogants'. He is quite intimidating, that's for sure. He’s built, is easy on the eyes, that’s for certain. The skin that is showing is a gorgeous tan with tattoos poking out from under his shirt. He was rocking the bad boy look. My eyes were drinking him in. He has green eyes that resemble emeralds, a chisel jaw, high cheek bones and perfectly shaped eyebrows. I practically eye raped the poor guy as he stood in front of the class. I forced myself to look away before getting caught staring at someone way out of my league. It’s a good thing I did because out of the corner of my eye I saw him look into the direction I was sitting. The nerd never gets with the hot bad boy, they tend to get made fun of for thinking they stand a chance. I do get bullied on occasions about being a nerd. But I tend to just ignore their remarks. The more they see it bothering you the more they tend to persuades you to make your life hell, but if you ignore them, they usually give up and move on. I stop my daydreaming and focus back on my book with medical information. It's never too early to get a head start in life, you know. I do try taking extra classes where I can to build up credit. I intend to get a full scholarship to study chemical engineering. I want to be one of the few that are on the front lines of fighting and developing medicine for illnesses.
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