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It was late evening when Togui Dagadu was done talking to old Soldier over the phone. Whereas the wise old man contemplated on when to set out from the indigenous land of Srogbe Angola one the volta region of Ghana to the city of Accra the capital town of Ghana? Old Soldier was also contemplating whether to call Jenniffer back to inform her of her in coming guest. considering the time, also her condition. He would rather let whole thing play out the way it should. It was already late evening on her side with her pregnant state she needed all the rest she could get. He was already guilty for taking so much of her time earlier. He was not going to bother her besides, he trusts the old wise man would handle everything maturely as always. it should be a smooth introductory meeting which was a place setter for an entrenched relation. Togui Dagadu settled on setting out early the next morning. So he would be in the city before early noon. He was going to meet the destined Queen who was living her last moments. There was going to be the need for some rites to be performed. Her needed to pack up some items to perform the ceremony such as: 1.Ewor 'corn powder 2. Calabash/ a dorhorn 3. Schnapps'for libation' 4. Cowries'for divination 5. Amaa gbe ' a traditional potent leaf for rites 6.Ehee' traditional white clay chalk 7. Godoste ' tradition piece of cloth for the coverage of the private part 8. Dzo nu 'locally made traditional beads 9.Kete vor' a traditional hand wooven cloth 10. Doki ' traditional scarf. Accessories to adorn the Queen for the ritual, including the golden armlet of the land of Anglo Ga. Her set out the next day before the council crowed. it was a matter of urgency, so shall be treat it. Although, it still baffled him as to why old soldier was putting in his possible best to withhold the information of the chosen Queen Creek him. Upon all her had countersinged by himself after her only have him there first endorsement to everything? couldn't he trust him the least? How does he even regard him at all? Does he even trust in his judgement and prowess at all? Because her is by far the most unsettled custodian, he has had told to deal with. His ideas, believes, comprehension, in fact the person as a whole was a messed up mystery to him! Which his ancestors her served before him were not. They were extremely organized! They wouldn't bar am eye before adhering to his warning and caution. Whereas their ' should he call him' great grandson, grandson or son, compiled with all the other synonymous qualifications, 'because he had served them for many generation's' spares no chance in either questioning or doubting him. The man's confusion was even now affecting him off all people. Togui Dagadu himself! it is making him pose questions about himself! A word he had never been before. None the less he had what he needs to work with; the information of the geographical pin point of the endangered Queen. He was going to begin from there. The first thing to do is perform the rites upon arrival, then seek a response to my troubling thoughts. She may not know what lies ahead yet, which I am not privy to also tell. However, I could endeavor to make her last days fulfilled. I would love to call my son back to stay by her side with her help, during her final months. Yet I have this fore bodying she may not agree with me on that idea. More over, what could I possibly tell him to bring him back immediately? if she was not in understanding with me. 'That she was dying?' The heavy burden of this knowledge I carry with me sadly unable to unburden myself by revealing to all the persons involved is weakening. Why did she have to be the particular person I am unable to save. I wonder how I am going to look her in the eyes not feeling not showing anything. it is impossible! I contemplate, if she should be allowed the load of information I have on her? would it coarse her to tell my son of what she went through as well as is currently passing through? That would be breaking one of the severest codes of silence on privileged near future information set down between seers as myself and the supernatural realm! That carries a deadly retribution. My third eyes would be lost! What was a deer without further insight? Useless! Want as I may? I have not the right to act on my own accord. How can a man of my caliber, who has stood face to face with death be feeling so useless. "Ooh! Tomgbe Me Ga, Mia Daada SOGBOLISA nam nwonse! ,↔️ "Ooh! Great beauty Sogbolisa grant me strength. Bless me with the guidance I need to see her walk through her remaining time here and well as a peaceful transcending into the other world. That not withstanding who is the previous princess going to be with? His wife is going to bet enraged to an uncontainable level with this development. if she got to know who the child truly was. Thank Providence she was not the chosen Queen! She couldn't even be in the first instance with her rotten attitude. How did he even end up with such despicable women ahead of the right one? One ended the life of his beloved first child out of unfounded jealousy, whiles the other kept him on the edge all the time. irv ever I had supported and was glad my son kept his royalty from anybody it was his insolent wife! Wwe wouldn't know what she was capable of. I am without doubt she would make us all lye down for her to walk over us. Yet they get to live long lives when the gracious one is cursed with such a cruel fate! The more I try to place it, the more I feel like, I am on a merry go round. I have saved many lives also lost a few; this anonymous female I am yet to meet in this life although I have seen her in her spiritual form makes me feel unworthy of all my achievements for being in a helpless position in her case. She was blissful on the river in between worlds. Only a pure soul wouldn't be rattled on those still waters. All too soon Togui had arrived ing the great city of Accra. He boarded the first bus from the village which was filled in no time. Most indigenes who visited their folks in the locality preferred to depart the settlement at dawn to avoid all the stress of having to bid all their family members bye. Only the closest ones get to know of their departure. Others also had jobs to attend to in the big city after a weekend visit and must be there at an appointed time amid other reasons. They'd prefer to pick the first bus. He opted for the early morning bus to be able to perform the ceremony before the first morning sun rose, also to avoid the heavy traffic at day break most importantly so he could be at Jennifer's home without much struggle in time. His reverie kept him occupied till he alighted. He stopped a taxi handed the address her had written on a piece of paper to the driver whiles he sat at the back seat. jennifer lived in one of the week planned, carefully numbered affluent gated community in town. it didn't take that long before Togui was at her magnificent gate.
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