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Who are we talking about here?" the dawn of this blooper arrived after it execution. Typical Mansa. If her face were not attached to a skull? it would have fallen to the floor like a disgraceful showoff of artistic air flip of a pancake ...gone wrong. "oh .. Shoot! 'she exclaimed drawing er lips in, shutting her eyes tightly.' I didn't mean to disrupt talks. Am regretful for exhibiting an unrefined conduct." opening an eye with the other still glued close, a retracted neck awaiting a lab out from her friend shamefully. without receiving none over a miserable period of silence. slowly opening the other lid of her eyes with an incredulous look steadily creeping on her surface turned to check why the scolding never happened. "What?" Jennifer asked at her friends shocked stare by a reminder of her acceptance of her glitch then am assurance. "it is good you know you feel out of grace earlier." After which with a genuine smile spread so wide on her surface continued "it is alright to havea slip, don't over think it." A still dazed Mansa blinked severally to make sure her vision was alright should her hearing be failing. "Did i really hear right a while ago? 'she asked.' Two of my senses couldn't be demanded just like that! without me noticing or be with serious injury to my oblivion. what happened?" she clap's her palm over her ear, shakes her head a while to examine her sense of sound. "Yeah! They are working alright." she agreed. She plunges her head lights into darkness then brings them back into lights. " Is this some sort of a truck Jennifer is employing so she could get back at her later?" Destructively fidgety Manga could not get what just took place, whiles incomprehensibly adamant to digest the reality continued emoting through body language and a confused priceless facial expression explicitly ass that of an elegant mime. "Will you cut the charade now!? 'ordered a fed up Jenn' I promise to explain everything to you later. 'she reassured calmly' Stop twitching about it bothering my attention. For now, please let's hear the elder out first." Too familiar with infamous maladroit Mansa to react. That being said there wasa change in Jennifer since her near death experience. A soul walk she mistook for sleep sometimes. The calmness she felt on the still water have her peace ina way she herself had not made head of. It has been serene within ever since. It seemed the peace had infiltrated her system, sync and became a wholesome one with her. Becoming a perfect blend. Something Mansa had missed plus there was no day when she would finally see. She only added a small amount of sweetening topping to her first statement too make her friend stop disrupting the discourse with her movement being fully aware of her nature. Deliberations were back on track after the misbehaviour ass well as settling like they're was no pause hinder to. "You need not apologies to me my Queen. That is for subjects to do, not the other way round. Thanks for welcoming me to your home. 'he continued in the traditional dialect' ke ne du edze haa?↔️ Are you by chance fleeing in the native dialect?" he inquired on account of her earlier phrase in the language. "No sir! My parents didn't stick around that much to tutor me neither did they use the language for communication when they were present. That's just about alli can speak. Although, I comprehend when I am addressed in it. Thanks to my irreplaceable nanny who just so happens to be of our tribe. None the less, my response will give you tickles." she explain with a bemused feature. "Oh ..I see! Ga ke ne me gblo ewe gbea, ne eme se ge de?.↔️ Which means, when I speak you will get me alright?" "Almost, not completely I must alert. Hahaha!" she laughed infecting Togui with her amusement, who could only smile. There is just as much excitement one can show in the presence of Royalty. To express such emotion above theirs was seen as disrespectful. Jenn might not be aware however, the old wise man was not going to use her ignorance as a bases to disregard at any given time or way. "You need not fret over it. I will not bore you with it, less you feel I harbor malice towards you! just as your husband misunderstands my intensions in reason with the local dialect. One less of the couple duo will be much of an advantage and better to bare than two together." her added playfully "You don't say! Can't believe he'd fuss over something so simple as language. Such a cry baby." she say snickering "Your husband doesn't think so and ooh! you didn't hear this from me. 'he cautions in a mock concerned tone. She could not hold her urge of a fulfilling Rob crack back anymore than she had. So she let out a hearty laugh.' Anyway, i will be contented with our discussions in the borrowed language, for your convenience my Queen." Jennifer now all calm and collected blushed hardly. The word husband had she denied before but somehow now sounded kind of cute too her. Old soldier was being referred to as hers.It pleased her ears yet she had not decided yet. "Please call me Jennifer. I am neither a Queen. Just an ordinary lady from a wealthy home thus for personality correction, if I may? In case you got me mixed up." "I couldn't possibly have my lady." " Beside, are you sure we remain in discourse of the same personality? ' His crumby description wasa tough guy whereas, she is accustomed to a really adorable softie.' Were they really having a converse about her man moments ago?"she pondered A knowing smile materialized on the old man's face ass he spoke "I see you havea lot in common with your husband my lady." he teases "I am not yet matched and it Jennifer sir." in Agitation as well as persistent on getting across the correct information with a thin line of frustration on her feature blended with a flush of coquettish charm to it, she hammered home. "Of course! I am aware of your claim andi must agree with you my lady. None of the rites has been performed. Be it nuptials or coronation. However, it is by destiny you are both our wife and Queen! What is established by the gods cannot be validated by human ceremonies. Instead we only near witness. I am not just Making any of this up. This is evident by a number of sequential occurrences. Some you witnessed but over looked, others not revealed yet." "Listen Sir, I don't get anything at all!" she replied in confusion "I know you don't understand any of what i may be driving at, but in due time you will get some of it. Trust me my lady." Her pleaded with her "How can you even be sure about my destiny, when we are just letting for the very first time? Are you by any chance a prophet? with that even being the case, I don't believe in all the spooky stuff." She firmed indifferently. Briefly forgetting Togui had told her earlier who he was. "I am the Chief vicar of Anglo GA Srogbe." He reenforced. " I believe, I already made it known to you my lady." "I am just an ordinary lady from a wealthy home! Allow me also repeat again. There is no more than you can see." "Of course .. My lady, before we proceed may I ask .. Did your husband open up to you about how he came by the information; you were with child?" A cynical smirk appeared on her face ass she spoke .. "Of course! her did. In an unusual orchestration, it almost ended me. I know he didn't mean me harm. To tell you the truth he doesn't know the after math of the revelation and I intend to keep it that way. Now that I am reminded of this, I am also aware you are the source. In as much as I would love to delve deep that muddy pool? I'd rather not. I might just not be lucky as before. I think I have heard all I needed to understand a few stuff for now. Please don't take my flighty thoughts to heart. These past few days have been quiet cumbersome for me. keeping track of relevant information has become a challenge." Replied Jenn apologetically "You need not be sullen my lady. Any unanswered questions by the king will I gladly explain." He offered. None the less recalling everything she was clearer on the situation. "I surely will if anything pops up." she says " A your misunderstanding will be cleared , that is my purpose here my lady. Everything will be put right. I am going to perform a series of customary acts formerly to bestow the name upon you my lady. I should let you know ; your husband is duly informed about this process." "Please not the marital status thing again." she pleads palely. she was still contemplating it and was in no rush. "Definitely not that, my lady! but you're coronation. Take it not likely , he is in con cession for me to come do this. This meeting today came at great efforts. Gone are the days, he wanted to heart anything of me, though other times I still feel he doesn't completely believe in me? Rest assured you are in safe hands." he gives her his word. "Really? 'scoffs' Thanks anyway. I really appreciate everything you doing. He could be clingy like a child on a candy bar where an concerned for sure. To be frank with you, I think he trusts you. He is like a coconut alright, hard on the outside yet a delicious nutritious nourishing softie inside." She comforts The more they interacted, the more his approbation for Jenniffer. "She was irrefutably a wonderful person out with a huge incomparable inner beauty. She deserved nothing less than all old soldier gave and was willing. Whatever he did for was? was actually for himself! he gave her his all and in return he has her all. Talk of rebound, A destined complete circle of complimentary harmonic balance as that of the ancient Chinese Taoism of the Yin-Yang symbol. Another validation of the saying 'You receive what you give' except the cruel reality of a cursed karma suspending her with weights pressing life out of her by the seconds. A day gone by, subtraction of her bonus out her time ticking clock. Alas! greatest good in earnest lived-shot! Togui sighed, out of one of his mental monologues again. He speaks now "Of course, my lady! I am able to see through his high up barricade defenses. One thing is for certain he cherishes you. For all the cautions I have had to memorize to be able to meet you! if not for anything? in itself are prove enough. I have known him since he was a baby. Growing up, whatever or whomever he cared for he did with passion. Thus his refusal of ascension was a big blow to his subjects who grew found of him and were anticipating. His loss was lamented than the demise of his father. For a great leader he would have been. I am glad in the chaotic world of his birthright as opposed to the misunderstanding of the ordinary person. whose idea of royalty is luxury, glamour without worry .. Mmhh! he has someone they comforts him. Solemnity in her eyes, as well as a feeling of pride surge within her. She was glad he found her even more so he cared deeply for her. His love for her was no joke neither was it a breaking news but to make other aware without ceiling her? was another add on of extra sexy cool. She was the one who kept him in the shadows although her feelings was no less in equation to his.
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