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The first time he made love, not just have s*x, he realized the vast difference. It was nothing like ripping off your clothes impatiently, stick your tail in a horny hole, pump away breathlessly till your body quakes with the c*m. It was a merging moment of two souls ecstatically into one, on the inward beautiful; whiles the body's took time to know every tiny bit of each other. From the inhalation of each other's intoxicating smell, to the final step closer into that refreshing mild warm hug as if being welcomed home from a long spans of absence, which evolves into a tight suffocating but therapeutic enclosing you don't want to break out from. The first delicate perk on the skin, carefully as if blowing dust off of an overly prized antique pottery so as not to break it, to that gentle rob that makes shivers run through your spine into your middle excitedly, sensitively directing your hands towards the exact place to make the attires slide of beautifully like a curtain rolling of a stage; signaling the kick start of a show moreso exposing the mesmerizing set up behind the close off .. before the drawn curtain. The lovey dovey retreat or surrender dilly dally that ensues before the victory of permission is granted! Not do fast! after your merits were weighed in an airtight mental scrutiny, for the curtains to be pulled away. Making the agitating anticipation worth it while. There is not much obstructing your path to having an offered barely covered meal, yet you also not in a hurry. Moreover, the little that remains also comes with it own enthralling appeal especially still on the prize. You want to savor every bit of detail of the masterpiece you behold in Your presence in appreciation of the mastery of God's hands as much as being the blessed chosen one to devour and possess. The silver lining moment filled with fireworks is when the prize is handed to you unrestricted. You now become the captain of a ship you are yet to be familiar with. All the squirming, the giggling, the twist and turns your touch and movements causes, effects! coupled with caution attentively in the exploration of your now owned ship; Oh!the sweet familiarisation. "Ha!" He exclaimed out of frustration. The torture of reminiscing all these memories didn't make it any less stifling for him, only worse. However, this reverie even made his trust for Mansa stronger beyound doubt. He didn't believe she'd persevere to attain something far fetched, even so! by miracle! fully aware, then discard it for no sensible logic. He made away with the disturbing idea and decided finally to keep hanging in there tight, continue to just be checking up on her as usual on phone until she came through. It might just be an episode which will soon fade. The essence of his resolve was centered on the deep love he has developed for Mansa. "Time they say solves all!" He reassured himself feeling forlorn while letting out a dejected sigh out of exhaustion of his brains. ********************* Whereas Asamoah went through these series of thoughts, Mansa also suffered her folly. She was dying painfully out of jealousy she could not express, as much as craving a man she was never going to have. Suppressing her devilish emotion fueled by an ominous hand became impossible. Instead of channelling her energy to working out her relationship she chose to invest her energy in devising chaos. she had lost control of her sanity to the deceptive scamming AMABEBLE. He fed on her negative energy to his satisfaction, rejuvenated it on the double, then capitalized on it to make the achievement of his abominable aim reality. This was making her look down on what she had built over the years with blood and sweat pathetically. she was slowly crumbling all the hard work of her sweat just because she availed herself as a vessel to be manipulated by pure evil. Mansa was truly pitiful. To live as a pun of a wicked deceptive entity obliviously, in anticipation of losing the gold in hand, only by being fixated on the worthless coated crystal stone of reach; with the false hope of getting in into ones grasp is a pitiable tragedy. With the potent blindfold she has over her sight, she was willing coercively to let go the bird in her cage for the one in the wilderness. Jennifer went through her pregnancy as if nothing serious ever happened to her. It was so smooth without complications one with a preview of her condition before wouldn't believe it. One would have thought, she would have nitty gritty issues here and there in reference to her near death experience. Not to mention being hooked to machines for her survival. However, her semester was as smooth as it could be without complications. Her instantaneous gained strength after the mini coronation under the auspices of Togui Dagadu really withstood the test of time but unfortunately will not be able o prevent her dark fate awaiting on her door steps. Togui stayed in constant communication with her, as she did him through her journey, checking on each other enabling their relationship morphe into that of father and daughter. It was an emotional fulfillment accompanied by a heart break for the Old Wiseman in re of his foresight. she went through her antenatal usually as a normal expectant mother did comma under the strict supervision of Doctor Asare, who relented not, in making her undergo way more than needed examinations; in connection to her miraculous recovery. He kept her under serious observation from the moment of her unplaced recuperation. Not withstanding, her going back to her normal life. He dealt with her with the notion of prevention is better than cure and there is no magic in medicine. Sickness took time to hold a person down likewise it was in the cure. Odo Jennifer was not really sick per se her body or went through the tunnel of that mode I needed to reverse the study process of healing. It does not just decipate like vapor whimsically¡ it run a course naturally.
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