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In reality, she herself was also used to having helping hands aid her! although, she was brought up in a more traditional way than Jennifer. There should be extra paid hands on the call? "he replied to himself. "which means available free time .... no doubt!" He continued .. however, still in ambivalence. "What excuse will she give for this behavior now?" He asked jamming his hands together as if he made an important submission in a room of board of directors he was pitching a new product to for sponsorship; with all the negative and positive possible response running rampant in his head. Nonetheless, the negative outweighs the the positive. "Of course!" He agreed dramatically."They were like blood sisters but even blood tied siblings couldn't be this taken given the same scenario. At a point the other helping would need fresh air at least!" He established dramatically in a satirical way. "Worst off, talking to his friend, old soldier didn't help matters one bit. It made me almost certain Mansa is knowingly acting up." with this assumption Asamoah melted to the floor like plastic exposed to an excessive amount of heat disheartened. He could have accepted old soldiers offered helping hands; sincerely, he wanted to but he was abashed to accept his extended hands in this case. He believed it was about his manliness. The only person to resolve the mix up , should only him and him alone! His manhood's capability shouldn't be dragged through that long unrecoverable hall of shame. He would not survive the severe backlash. He was going to deal with the situation by himself in a subtle manner. He was not going to rush her but allow her all the times she wants to have until she was ready to come around. As he was making a conclusive close on the situation a dreadful Pop up quiz came up his minds eye to wrench his already severely bruised heart. "What if Mansa was falling for someone else and Jennifer's condition was just a cover up?" A scary quake run through his chest with a pinch suffocating pain pinning him to the ground. "Was 8t all worth me giving up the bad boy life to stick to her or not? Would t be worth it?" He questioned wretchedly. "At least, on the play fields there was nothing like held up semen. Yet there was no connection, making everything stale. Yes there was always an available ass to release my s**t load in. If Eva was not in the mood? Angela must definitely be otherwise Evelyn was." It was absolutely a messy bliss until he caught feelings for Mansa who worked so hard to win him.
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