Chapter 14: Vale Festival Part 1

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Halea's POV The festival of Vale is already around the corner and everyone in town started to get busy. As it is a very small community everybody seems to be involved. The establishments were somehow asked to dress-up or decorate while we in school were assigned to decorate a float for the float parade. The whole class is in a debate on what to do and the theme of our decoration. "So what is the purpose of this float thing again?" I asked Adrienne and Amy "The whole float thing is a platform to commemorate the establishment of the town. It was told that a long time ago this town is the old Laon. The one from the folklore, like the first land created by Battala. You remember your dream of Unda, it is the main lake in the land of Laon which is said to be connected to a waterfall. And since that is our sort of history, the festival is created for the new generation to remember it. But of course, mainly it attracts tourism, new business investors, jobs and so on," she said with all her hand sways and emotional comic storytelling.  I can now see how she and Jason would click with their silly antics. "What are the requirements of this float making thing? Are we assigned to do something specific like a story outline from Laon or something?"  "You hit the spot, Halea," Amy said "Let's listen to the opinion of this year's leader no other than Caleb," Adrienne whispered "Okay," Caleb is now in front along with his musketeers. "Thank you, Teacher Simian," he said as he stands facing all of us. "So like we do every year we will brainstorm on the stories which we can participate in this year's float. I will list down the possible stories which are popular.," he said and then he started writing his list. On the board there are: 1. The first creation - The bamboo, Amihan the bird and the first human (The Strong one and the Beautiful one) 2. The Different Realms -  the upper world  called The Glory, the middle world or mankind domain along with deities and other living creatures, and the underworld or afterlife which is divided into 2  Maca ( where good spirits go) and Kasanaan (where the bad spirits go) 3. The Primordial Deities 4. The Secondary Deities And so on I can see Dian Miyari and Halea was written under secondary deities. He wrote a lot few more examples and afterwards, he started to speak again. "Now which one should you think we do this year which would differ from the previous years?" he said, "we need something unique so we can win!" Someone suggested doing the mystical bird Amihan which was one of the earliest God along with Battala, another is Miyari and the Lobos ( werewolves). which was fascinatingly suggested by Jason.  "I didn't know he is into werewolves and stuff," I whispered to Adrienne and for some reason even we're so far from him he looked at us laughing as if he heard what I said. "Oh, remember what I told you about how we belong on the same tribe that believes in Dian Miyari," Amelia butt in "Oh, right, so Jason's in it too?" I asked "yeah, with Matt and Caleb," she answered "How about doing the nymphs of the Lake Unda?"I whispered Adrienne  And after I said that Caleb called me as if he heard me from that distance. "Yes, Halea, You seem to have a suggestion," he asked me and everyone is looking at me so I just voiced it out. "I was just wondering about the Naga's or the nymphs of the Lake Unda and Lake Unda and the waterfall itself. Adrienne said there were tribal songs about it," I said and Adrienne looked at me with her big eyes asking me why I have included her and I just smirk since she really knows them better than I do. And then I continued my idea, "well just think of it, the Naga's never seemed to be heard of but was known at some folklore that they exist and the Lake Unda was once the centre of Laon. And we need good landscape and beautiful ladies on the float to make it attractive, right?"  I was really fascinated by the Naga's as they were in my dream they really look beautiful as well as the lake.  "What do you guys think?" Caleb asked everyone, "Her suggestion is unique since nobody has done that before," "But what story is there to be told about them?" one of our classmates asked "Leave that one to me, I can research it and ask my grandmother," Adrienne said "So what is your idea about this Halea, we need a sort of blueprint for it so we can execute it," another classmate asked "Well, all we need is to research on a beautiful waterfall and lake and place some trees and stone where the Naga's will be sitting and playing. We can also include one of the Moon Goddess like Miyari to be there, I heard the goddess love to bathe at the lake and play with the nymphs," I said "I like that, "Jason said since I have included her goddess, "And Halea shall be the Goddess of the Moon, and the rest of the girls will be the Naga's, perfect," Jason said it out loud with excitement. Everyone laughs at him. And I was like, "Can we choose another person to be Miyari instead of me, "I asked and pout then I sit down. "Okay, since we got 3 topics here we need to vote," Caleb taking back the lead, "who vote for Amihan's float? raise your hand" then he counted the people, "five votes," "How about Miyari and the Lobos?" he said while Jason stands up and gathers voters, "we got nine votes" "hey, what about you?" Jason asked Caleb "I'm with the last idea, so who votes fro the Naga's of Lake Unda?" he asked and I was shocked there were eleven of us who voted for it. If Caleb didn't join us that would mean we will go on a tie and he is the tiebreaker. "Okay, so it's settled, we will do the Naga float," "That's great I am happy that you guys have a new great idea, I am sure we have a chance of winning this year," Ms Simien said, "I will submit our entry to the Guidance office.  "This is so exciting," Amelia said, "We don't have classes for 1 week and this will serve as our project and if we won we will get good grades,"  "Let's work on the details of the plan," Caleb said in front, "Okay we will divide the class into 3 groups. The first group shall be in charge of the float decorations, 2nd group will be in charge of the costumes and make-up of the characters while the third group shall be in charge of the storyline and music." Caleb continued. "Each group shall be consist of 8 people; Matthew will manage group 1,  Celine will manage group 2 and Adrienne shall manage group 3. Group leaders have also been chosen," he said it with a firm voice. "I didn't know he is such a good leader, more like a soldier," I whispered to the girls "Are you already liking him?"Amelia teases me "Hey, I am just admiring his skills in leadership," I said We all worked on the assignments we were given to us, of course, I am with the team of Adrienne. But Matthew did meet me about the decoration design of the float which I gladly help. He gave me some photos of waterfalls and we think of the materials we should get. We decided that the back of the truck is where the falls would be. The truck which we will design is a 4x2 flatbed pick-up cargo truck which is bare and ready for design. We think that using a garden ornament will help us make the float adornment. The guys' idea of using plastics wraps to imitate water is also good. We will also recycle bottles and form then into rocks by covering it with newspapers and then paint it. The whole thing was falling into place. I cannot escape the fact that I was still taken as the Moon Goddess and the rest of the girls were Naga's singing.  We also went to visit Apong Estrella to give us some background of the Lake Unda and stories related to the Naga. On our visit, I can see the excitement of Apong Estrella on meeting me again as well as I am. "How are you Halea?" she asked me "I Am good Apong, " I answered "Adrienne told me that the suggestion of the theme came from you," she said, "So what do you know about the naga and the lake?" "Uhm, Addie told me that Lake Unda was the only lake in Laon and it was sung in some of your tribe's songs," "Did she say that," then she laughs, "She is correct," then she holds my hand "Have you imagined Unda and Laon?" she asked, "It looks like paradise, isn't it,"  "Yeah, I think so," and then I remember my dream when I was on top looking down below I can see a land-like-paradise as the wind brushes my hair and as the sun rises I slowly retreat and I can see the flowers and the trees and there was the Lake Unda and I felt the water on my toes. I felt a warm hand pressing my hand and I suddenly woke up from my dream like a haze passes my eyes. And I see Apong Estrella smiles. "Tell me what else have you imagined? she asked in a calm voice And I speak freely, "I can see a haze covering this part of the Lake where the beautiful maidens swim, and in a rocky part of the lake there lay the Goddess of the Moon, she sits there with the rest of the playful Nagas," "Very good," she said as she touches my hair, "You see according to stories after the Moon goddess sets from above they will bathe in the Lake of Unda at the secluded area which is known as the Lake of truth, from there they see the truths behind the wishes and hidden desires of their subjects, how it materializes in the water like a dream. The songs of the protector of the lake which you have known as Naga helps the goddess calm themselves to be able to listen and focus on each and every being and creature that prays to them,". "Only the deities can find the lake of truth, it was hidden in the eyes of mortals as it also serves as the water of life for the humans. It gives eternal youth and healing," she said "Wow, that's amazing," Adrienne came in from outside bringing some snack which Apong Estrella asked her.  "We need to come up a sound or hymn similar to the Naga's I think that's the missing part of our story," Adrienne said. "It could have been nice if we have one part where the ladies will sort of sing or hum following a song, then a sound of water flowing and birds chirping would be nice. "I will record the sound of the stream this weekend, then we can just research for a soundtrack of voices of angels singing," Adrienne  "Great, I will help you research for songs and check on a part where we can sing during the parade,"  After we listen to Apong Estrella's stories of Lake Unda and the Naga we wrapped up the story and shared with the rest of the team and we also told them of our plan for the music where they all agree. We found some choices of songs which are mostly humming like angels. Group 2 has come up with some scenes which of course they asked me to do and as a good classmate, I obliged.  The parade shall be the night before Rahul's birthday and I am now releasing the lines they have given me along with some of the actions.  *** And the day of the event finally arrived, I love the costumes they made. They were so simple like white fabric with gold strings that are pulling the fabric from the chest going to the shoulder then tying it on the waist. And the boys also have costumes so it's fair for all of us. Their costume was also white fabric with a gold string tied on their waster like the greek gods. Of course, we were asked to wear something inside. Then my hair was adorned with little white flowers, I had my curls perm and flown naturally, while a quarter of my face was wearing a mask or I would say a make-up mask which covers one of my eyes to imitate the Moon goddess. We had our rehearsal in the morning on the float itself and was so careful not to damage anything. The float was so beautiful, they have included some fairy lights and moving light on the waterfalls. The trees were real trunk which was taken from the mountain according to Matthew they managed to find dried tree trunks to make it real.  We are all in our position and the parade started at 7 pm, I saw my parents watching at me as we pass by near our house. We have our parts played only four times during the whole parade and these were done as we enter the four different districts in town. It was good that it's dark and I am wearing a mask the nervousness inside of me lessen.  The parade ended and the firework started, I felt so exhausted. Adrienne handed me a bottle of water to quench my thirst and to regain my voice with all the humming and singing. And there I saw Rahul, with some flowers in his hands.  "You look so lovely tonight, Dian Halea," Rahul said as he handed me the flowers "Thank you, Uhm, who are you? Poseidon? Neptune? I asked him and he laughed "I am Amanikable, God of the sea one of the first Gods along with Battala," he said "Let me guess, your float is creatures of the sea," I said laughing and he holds the back of his head and smiles. I once again saw those handsome shy smile and I cannot stop smiling because of it. "Hey love birds, we need to go at the back of the stage to be ready in case one of us wins," Adrienne speaks "Alright, I'll see you around," I told Rahul "Wait for my call and let me bring you home," he said and waved goodbye I nodded and waved back. I cannot stop my self from giggling inside. He is just so sweet, I wish I could just hold him. I was awakened from my trance when Caleb hold my hand and pulled me with the rest of the team to the backstage. "Just hold my hand or you'll get lost," he said. ANd just followed his lead I felt his musketeers in my back following us. I remove my hands when we reached our station. Everyone is waiting for the announcement, they have different awards and the top 3 awards were Best Storyline, Characters of the Night(more like king and queen) and the best float. The whole place looked like a costume party where everyone was dressed like creatures of the night. The minor winners have been called and to our surprise, we won the "Unique Creative Play".  And the emcee announces, "The Best Storyline goes to,"  and there was suspense, "Naga's of the Lake Unda by Grade 9 of Vale High!" we were all jumping and screaming with joy. The whole team went on the stage and Caleb took the award along with the prize money. "Congratulations!" the emcee said. They took our photo at the stage. We were all supposed to go to our float but Amelia stopped us and said "It's not yet finished, we need to wait for the Float of the Night," she said Which is correct what if we win. So there we waited.  The emcee then called on,  "the Creatures of the Night award goes to," and a short silence, "The Modern Miyari and Apo Laki of Grade 10!". I saw Veronica on stage she was also playing the role of Moon Goddess while her classmate is the Apo Laki character," we clapped on her victory. "And now for the moment we all been waiting for, the best float goes to," the emcee opened his envelope and  announces, " The Wrath of Amanikable, Grade 12!" There I saw Rahul and his team went on stage and he accepted the award along with his friends. I was happy for him, he looks so handsome in his costume. Their float looked like a scene from Odyssey, Wrath of Poseidon where there were a wrecked ship and a big splash of swirling waves. The fascinating work there was the waves shaped like a chariot with horses and Rahul was in the centre with his trident. Their float was amazing well for me and for the judges I guess, but ours was calmer, friendly and inviting so we were like players of the tug of war in which holds the opposite end. After the awarding, we all went to our float and took photos of our award. Everyone seems happy that we got 2 awards. After the picture taking, I told the team I am going home I will just see them on Monday at school. I received Rahul's call and he is on his way to our float. He asked me not to move anymore so it would be easy for him to pick me up. "Halea, I can give you a lift home if you don't mind," Caleb from behind said "Oh, I'm sorry but I am waiting for someone, I already agreed to meet him," I said and after a few minutes Rahul arrived with his car and he stopped in front of me. "Bye, Addie, Amy, Caleb I'll see you in school," I said and waved at them. Then I entered the passenger seat, there they saw Rahul. We waved goodbye and Rahul drive home. I agreed with Rahul since our way has been the same, unlike with Caleb he needs to spend time to bring me home since I am out of his way. "Congratulations, everyone says it was your idea and the storyline was yours," he said "Congratulations to you as well, best float!" I said and we both laugh "Are you hungry do you want to eat first before going home?" he asked "No, need I'm quite exhausted now," I said "Alright, I will have to drive faster then," he said After a few minutes, we arrived at our front gate.  I looked at him and greeted him "Happy birthday, Rahul"  He smiled and said, "Thank you Halea, good night!" "Goodnight! Drive safely and let me know when you're home," and I stepped down the car and went inside. I cannot wait for tomorrow. 
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