Chapter 2

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Sophia I could not believe my eyes. How can this happen to me. Why is god being so cruel to me. I was so stunned to see him here that I didn’t realize when he stood in the center of the stage holding the mic in his hand. “Good evening all, I am Daniel Knight……” he started. I just wanted to run away from this place. I don’t want to come face to face with him, at least not yet. Suddenly he stopped talking and I lifted my eyes up to meet with his emerald green ones. He was staring at me. He was shocked to see me, I can tell that much with the expression he has on his face. It was getting difficult for me to look at him and after seeing that he has already noticed me, I started feeling even more uncomfortable. I was about to turn around to leave the place when a smirk formed on his lips, freezing me in my place. He is smirking. After what he did to me in the past, after breaking my heart to the level from where it can not be mended again, this person is smirking, seeing me almost after five years. He never regretted his actions. I used to think sometimes that he might be regretting what he did to me, at least sometimes If not always. But no, I was wrong. He never felt bad about what he made me go through, and this smirk of his proves that. This smirk reminds me of the day when my life already messed up life started taking worst possible turn. The day, I met him for the first time. (Six years ago) I was making my way towards the locker room. It is my first day here in this college and as usual I didn’t make any friends. One of the reason is that I am completely new here and I got transferred here in the middle of the semester as we have moved here in this city just a week ago. It’s not that I am feeling uncomfortable or something like that to open up in new place. I have always been like this. I don’t like people’s company. Usually I like being alone. After taking my books for the next lecture, I turned around to make my way towards the classroom, when a group of students made their way towards me. I looked up to find, that they have already blocked my way. They are three boys and two girls and by looking at them, anyone can tell that they are bullies. F**k, I mentally cursed. Not today please, at least not now, I am getting late for my class. One of the boys who had blonde hair said, “Hello Newbie, we are here to welcome you”. And I knew exactly what kind of welcome he is talking about. I ignored him and tried to take a step to get out of here, when one of the girls held me by my arm stopping me in my tracks. I stared into her eyes. Please don’t do this guys, it’s my first day here, I said in my mind. The girl who stopped me said, “Where do you think you are going, are you deaf, didn’t you hear what he said?” I didn’t say anything and kept standing there quietly, thinking that if I ignore them then they might leave me alone. But I knew I was wrong, because getting ignored by someone only fuels your anger even more. When I didn’t say anything another guy with brown eyes joked, “I think she really is deaf, see she is not even responding to anything”. Just keep thinking that way and leave me alone, I thought. By now almost every one is gathered here to see the great show, these bullies are going to create. Another girl in the group made her way to me and said touching my top that I was wearing with my blue denim jeans, “Look at this Brittany, eww what is she wearing, look at her dull face”. What’s wrong with your eyes, it’s one of the trending style nowadays. I am not even wearing any baggy clothes or anything but again while bullying they don’t think about all this stuff and say whatever they want. It’s enough now. I shoved her hand away from my body and said, “It’s still better than what you are using to cover yourself. I don’t know what even you are covering with that handkerchief sized cloth because everyone can see….. you know what I mean, right?”. “You b***h……” she stopped and could not complete what she was about to say when I took a dangerously threatening step towards her. “Don’t you dare call me names. I don’t take sh*t from anyone and I mean anyone” I said the last part looking at the person who was standing in the middle silently. He was giving off the vibe that he is the leader of the group. His emerald green eyes were staring at me with great intensity. When our eyes met, a smirk appeared on his lips. “Who do you think you are huh?” other girl asked. She was angry, I could see but I am angry too. “I know what I am, but I think you guys chose a wrong person to bully. Here is some friendly advice, just go and find someone else and forget that you ever tried to bully me and I will do the same” I replied. She lifted her hand up in the air but before it could touch my face I held her wrist and twisted it a little. Everyone gasped at what I did but who cares. I told them to go away and stop messing with me. That blonde hair boy came towards us and was about to slap me when I said, “Don’t even think about it, if you don’t want to get kicked on your balls. I am boxing champion and I guess you want to become a father in future right”. He stopped and took a step back. I left the arm of that girl and again warned them, “I can’t say it was nice meeting you guys but I can say one thing, let’s not cross each other’s path”. Saying this I started walking to leave but not before looking in the direction of those green eyes who kept staring at me. The smirk was still there on his lips when I turned around and left the place. Hoping that it would be my first and last interaction with them. But who knew I was so wrong. (Flashback end) I came out of my thoughts when Claire nudged me by elbow and slowly asked, “What happened to you, have you already fallen……” she paused when she looked towards me. “What happened Sophia, why are you so pale, are you not feeling well” concern was clear in her voice when she asked. I looked at her face and gave her a small smile while saying, “I am okay. I think I am jet lagged, it’s been only two days since I came to New York. I am a little tired”. She didn’t look convinced but didn’t ask anything further, for which I was thankful. We focused on his speech. But everything that he was saying in this so called speech of his was going to my deaf ear. He never looked towards me again through out the speech. If not for that smirk of his, I would have thought that he didn’t even recognize me. In the end he said, “I look forward to work with you all, and I hope we will enjoy our time together” he said the last part looking straight into my eyes. How badly I wanted to wipe that smirk off of his face. I didn’t turn my gaze away and tried to be as normal as possible, to show him that his presence doesn’t affect me, that I have moved on but only I know how I am feeling inside. And I guess I was successful in doing so because he looked taken aback, when I didn’t react to his comment. 'Were you thinking I will be crying rivers after seeing you, I am not a weak woman like that and I never was. It’s just that when you crumbled me down in the past, I was in love with you. That is the reason why I was so broken then. I had lost my sanity and could not see his true face. But now I know what kind of person he is, so this time I won’t let him walk all over me like he did in the past. After his speech everyone started enjoying the party. I made my way towards washroom. I don’t want to cry but it is getting difficult to keep my tears at bay and not let them fall. I just want to calm myself a little, I don’t want to show him that his presence is affecting me. I looked myself in the mirror and yes my face was looking pale just as Claire said earlier. I just feel like running away from this place. He was one of the reasons why I didn’t want to go back to LA. I remembered that his father had his business there and name of the company was different too. If I knew this is his family’s business, I would have never signed a contract of two years with this company. Now I can’t even resign as per my wish. I washed my face with cold water and closed my eyes for few minutes. After taking few deep breaths, I came out and made my way to party. I was talking with Claire when I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and a smile appeared on my lips. It’s Jordan, manager of accounts department. We met yesterday and to me he seems a nice guy but I have stopped trusting my instinct anymore. As because of this instinct of mine, I went through the worst in life. He said, “Hello Sophia, are you okay? You don’t look well”. I told him it’s just a little tiredness. He informed me that Mr. Knight has asked managers of all departments to gather near stage. And he has also called Claire. We made our way there and Mr. Knight was already standing there with none other than mighty Daniel Knight. He was talking with one of the director of the company. I was reminding myself again and again that I can not cry here, not in front of him. Mr. Knight smiled at us and started introducing us to his son. He was smiling at everyone while shaking hands with them. My turn came and that cocky smirk again plastered on his lips. He put his hand forward for handshake. I took his hand and said, “I am Sophia Williams, the finance manager”. I don’t know why but his smile widened but I just wanted him to leave my hand which he was holding for unnecessarily longer time. I looked into those green orbs which were boring into my hazel ones. What does he want now. At the right time Claire said, “I am Claire, your secretary”. He came out of whatever trance he was in and left my hand to shake hands with Claire. Everyone started talking with him whereas I was just standing there silent, half listening to what they were saying. “Do you want to have some rest? You look tired” Jordan slowly asked me leaning towards my ear. I could see concern in his eyes. Mr. Knight heard him and asked, “Is there any problem Miss Williams?” I shook my head and replied, “I am just a little tired. It’s been only two days that I moved here in NY”. Before Mr. Knight could say anything Daniel beat him to it and said, “But you look like you have seen some ghost which surprised you”. And I knew what he was trying to say. Mr. Knight told his son to not make such lame jokes. But he said, “It’s okay dad, I want to develop a friendly relation with my employees. I hope you didn’t mind Miss. Williams”. I shook my head in no and said, “Actually you were quite right Mr. Knight with what you said but it was not a ghost, I would have handled it. But suddenly I came across with a very horrible part of my life and it was quite bad experience in the morning time of the day”. His face hardened as he understood what I was trying to say. “You sure you are okay, Sophia” Jordan asked worried after hearing my words. I mentally slapped myself. I shouldn’t have said that. I am already loosing my mind and not even a day has passed after meeting him. I don’t know how I am going to handle myself for two years. I smiled once again and said, “I am okay now. It’s not a big deal, I can handle that much”. “How is work going on for everyone?” Claire asked directing the attention away from me. I thanked her in my mind. We talked for a while and I could sense him taking long glances in my direction but I didn’t look towards him even once. “Let’s have lunch” Mr. Knight said. They have also made arrangements for food in this event. Everyone started walking in the direction of food court when I said, “I would like to take my leave then”. “Are you not coming with us?” Daniel asked. What’s wrong with him, is he getting so impatient to bully me. “She eats her food out with someone else” Claire said in teasing manner. And that someone is my son dumbo, I wanted to say it loudly but I can’t in front of him. He should never find out about Kevin, I can’t let that happen. “I have an appointment, sorry guys, Sorry Mr. Knight” I apologized. “It would have been great if you could join us, but if you already have an appointment then I can’t stop you” Mr. Knight said. My eyes turned in the direction of Daniel who was staring at my face. He was in deep thoughts but I don’t care what he is thinking. I said my goodbye and turned on my heals to leave. I took few steps when Claire said, “Enjoy your lovely time Sophia”. I smiled and turned around to look at her but I don’t know why my mind told me to look in his direction and my eyes complied even without my permission. He was shooting daggers in my direction. He was taking deep breath, I guess to calm himself down. He looks angry, but why? Is he thinking that I am going with my boyfriend, my mind asked. I ignored his blazing eyes and once again started walking to leave the place. I need to calm my heart first. Today I made lunch for us in the morning and Layla also made some soup and brought it from home before coming. We went to a garden near Kevin’s school, which was famous as picnic spot. We ate our lunch there then Layla took him with her. I returned to office after having lunch with Kevin and Layla. I came out of the elevator and entered into my cabin. I couldn’t even close the door properly when someone grabbed me by my arm and pinned me against the wall. I was about to scream when he asked me in his deep voice which made me freeze in my place. “Who is he? Tell me who is that bastard?”
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