Chapter Three - Ivy

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Was this really happening?  Ivy thought to herself as she left Coen and went to find her friends. Maybe she would be getting “laid” tonight after all. And no doubt by the hottest man she’d ever met in her life. His blue eyes were the bluest eyes she had ever seen they shined even brighter when compared to his dark hair. She couldn’t rid her memory of what she had seen of his body during the fight, the man had abs for days. Ugh, she was in trouble. “I’m going to go; I will see you, ladies, at work on Monday,” Ivy said trying to keep the excitement and nervousness out of her voice. She tried desperately to hide any and all of the emotions she was wrestling with but knew from their skeptical looks that she had failed miserably. She really needed to work on hiding her emotions. “Ohhhh… Ivy's getting laid! Someone write down the date. We will need to put this in the history books.” Juliet practically yelled for the entire bar to hear. “Hush!” Ivy quickly said clamping her hand down over her friends’ mouth. “I will see you guys on Monday!” She couldn’t contain the redness that had crept onto her cheeks. Damn Stella and her big ass mouth. Ivy hurried away before any more questions could be asked. As she walked off, she heard them all cheering for her. If she hadn’t been blushing before she was now. “Idiots.” She muttered under her breath before pushing open the door to the bar. Her green eyes scanned the parking lot, it didn’t take long until they locked onto Coen. Damn, he was sexy. Ivy thought for the hundredth time that night. She saw the moment he spotted her; she knew because his cocky grin came back. “Looking for me, Blondie?” Coen asked her, Ivy could practically see the cockiness dripping from him. Had he not been so sexy he wouldn’t have been able to pull off the amount of cockiness he was displaying. But as it was, he had the looks to match his bad boy attitude. “I was actually. Glad to see you didn’t run off without me. For a moment I thought you were all talk and no action.” Ivy teased her eyes dancing with mischief. She deliberately bit down on her lower lip. Mostly because she had noticed his reaction to her doing it all night. Coen turned to adjust himself discreetly before opening the car door for her. “Get in.” His words came out almost like a growl. She was glad to see she had the same effect on him as he did her. A tiny part of her worried that she was making a mistake, maybe she should have told someone who she was leaving with… People had one night stands all the time. She would be fine. She knew how to protect herself. She had joined a self-defense class the moment she settled into Silverport. She would be fine. Coen lived two blocks from the bar, a fact that would serve her well when she needed to come back to get her car. You would think she’d be nervous; she wasn’t. Eager, horny, excited those could be used as adjectives to describe her mood but not nervous. Coen would be the perfect one-night stand. He was a sexy bad boy. He was every girls’ wet dream. And for tonight he was going to be her dream come true. When Coen parked, she followed him up to his apartment, her heart racing in anticipation. She didn’t want to think too much, she knew if she started to think straight then she would leave, but every fiber of her body screamed at her to stay. Luckily, she didn’t have to think long because the moment they entered his apartment his lips were on hers again. He reached down curling his strong hands behind her thighs in order to pull her body up on his. His teeth tugged at her lower lip and she finally understood what he meant in the bar. f**k he was hot. Ivy’s subconscious screamed while their tongues swirled around with each other’s. She could feel him walking down the hallway, but he never moved his mouth from her to look where he was going. She knew it was probably not his first rodeo, but she decided to ignore that little part of her brain. Her hands were tangled in his hair, pulling him close whenever he laid her back on his bed. She refused to think too much, deciding instead to give in to her desires. She deserved to be wild every once in a while. She was a good girl, but it wouldn’t hurt for her to be a little bad tonight. His lips broke free of hers long enough for him to reach behind his back and tug his shirt up and over his head. A longing sigh slipped past Ivy’s lips when she saw his body. No man should be this damn sexy. The blonde thought to herself biting down on her lip. “No Blondie. That’s my job tonight.” Coen all but growled his hand snaking out to free her captured lip. The gesture surprised her, filling her with a feeling she hadn’t felt in years. Lust. Ivy gasped looking up at him with lust filled eyes that matched his own. Within seconds he had her shirt pulled over her head and her bra ripped off. Oh my... Ivy screamed internally the moment she felt his warm breath on her breast. He took one of her n*****s in his mouth sucking on it until it perked up. “Coen…” Ivy heard his name come from her mouth, but she almost didn’t recognize her own voice. It was heavy with lust, need, and want. Her back arched into his touch. She had never wanted someone more in her life. He had moved his attention to her other n****e now, sucking on it until she heard herself moan with pleasure. She hadn’t been touched by a man in years, and she could tell by the way her body responded to his. “What do you want, Ivy?” Despite how loud her heart was racing Ivy noticed how cool and collected Coen’s question was. He was most certainly used to giving women their every desire. He was good at what he did that was clear. Perhaps she had chosen the perfect man to have a one night stand with. “You… I want you.” Ivy whimpered without hesitation and surprisingly without feeling any shame. She would be lying if she said anything different. She knew it and by the look on his face, he knew it as well. She wanted him, at that moment, more than she wanted anything else in her life. “That’s what I like to hear, Blondie,” Coen told her before he moved to undo the button on her jeans. Ivy lifted her hips so he could pull down her pants and her panties, once she felt them at her ankles, she kicked them off easily. She looked up at him biting her lip subconsciously as she watched him drinking in each inch of her naked body. “You are so beautiful,” Coen whispered next to her ear before his lips slowly lowered over her body. He kissed down her neck, down the valley between her breasts, down her stomach, not stopping until he was between her legs. It was such an erotic sight, Coen, basically a complete stranger, between her thighs looking at her like he could eat her up. 
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