Chapter 26: Swords Date.

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"Hey! Lavi! Let's go!" Sharion called Lavi out. Lavi is still preparing for his leave. He kiss Sani and Lux and run toward Sharion. "Sorry Sorry!" Lavi muttered. Both Sharion and Lavi is going to go to their own adventure in Eiselone. They're going to go to one of the Dungeon in Eiselone. They're going to go to the Arukan Desert Dungeon. Lavi hold Sharion hand and they teleported to Eiselone in a matter of second. Lavi use his Divine eyes while he's falling down the sky. "You see it Lavi?" Sharion asked. Lavi nodded. "I see 2 Antlions ready to kill us it seems." Lavi said. Sharion nodded. It is exactly what's going to happen. Sharion float on the air and Lavi follow suit. "Should I go with Icy? Or Flamy?" Lavi asked. Sharion immediately suggested. "Go with Icy. You don't want to get too hot right?" "Right. This sun is scorching hot already... I feel like I'm going to melt into a puddle..." Lavi muttered with serious tone. Sharion pat his back. Lavi is sweating like a waterfall. Sharion let out an awkward look when she felt that. Lavi know that it's disgusting and said. "I'm sorry that you have to touch my sweat..." "N-No worries... In fact... I don't mind... I could drink your sweats... Probably." "Wow... I don't want you to do that... But same for me though." Lavi said. Sharion let out an awkward chuckle and Lavi call his Icy. Immediately, The Air itself turn into a cold air. His Divine Armament is overpowering the Sun Scorching heat. It literally cancel the sun with the cold. Lavi fall down and touch the sand. The sand started to disperse and sucking Lavi into it. But then, Exactly a second later. On the radius of 500 Meter around Lavi. The Desert turn into Ice. Killing everything below the sand. "Aah... This is more like it..." Lavi muttered in happiness. He was not sweating anymore and he feel cold. He likes cold air and he will not hesitate to turn Desert into Ice Biome if he wanted. Sharion then fall down and said. "Once again... I still impressed by your Icy..." She muttered. Lavi just let out an awkward chuckle. They use their Divine eyes to locate the Dungeon in this Desert. They found it almost instantly. "1 Km to the West." Sharion muttered. Lavi nodded. They started running toward the West. It didn't take long for them to reach 1 KM. And what they see is just the tip of a Pyramid. Just the tip. "Is this it?" Lavi asked in bewilderment. He can't believe what he sees right now. Sharion nodded with embarrassment. "Sorry... But the Dungeon Entrance is deep down..." She said. Lavi see that she's getting embarrassed. He felt bad and go toward her. He pat her head while hugging her. "It's not your fault that the Desert swallow the Dungeon..." Lavi said. Sharion nodded. Even though she's a goddess of this world. When her Husband find out about something that wasn't suppose to happen. She felt bad about it. "Geez... You're a strong goddess you know? Don't be sad. Your cool face shouldn't be looking this messy right now." Lavi said. Sharion pouted and said. "What do you mean Messy?" "Eh? Nothing... Let's go!" Lavi try to avert Sharion attention. Sharion wipe away her tears and smile. Sharion draw her Divine Armament sword and just blow the Sand away from the Dungeon Entrance. They're in a massive Hole now. "Let's go in." Sharion suggested. Lavi nodded. They hold hand and go into the Pyramid. They were greeted by nothingness. But the deeper they go the clearer the Gate become. And eventually, They arrived at the Gate that leads to the Dungeon. "By the way Sharion..." "Yes Lavi? What it is?" "What is the reward of this Dungeon? And what kind of Dungeon is it?" Lavi asked. Sharion immediately shake her head and smile cutely. "It's not fun if you know everything from the get go right? So, Just enjoy it. But I will give you a clue about the reward. You will like it." Sharion said. Hearing that, Lavi immediately trust her. They enter the Dungeon and then. They just get burn by the Scorching sun once again. They're in an endless Desert. Sharion is fine with the heat. But Lavi... He's melting again. He can't properly do anything. He's going crazy. "L-Lavi?" Sharion panicked. She know that something like this would happen. But she never thought it would be this bad. She immediately protected Lavi with her Mirrored Raven and let him rest on her lap. And while they were resting. A Massive Sand Worm appear and launched toward Lavi and Sharion. "Piss off. I'm pampering my Husband right now!" Sharion flick her finger on the Mirrored Raven. 100 Mirrored Raven. Sliced the Sand Worm into tiny pieces and then... "Haa... Sharion... Can you cover me for a moment? I need to take my Icy out so that I can freeze all of this dungeon." Lavi said. Sharion nodded. She use her Mirrored Raven to cover Lavi from the Sun. And in that split moment that Lavi doesn't get burn by the Sun. He take out his Icy in full power. "Arctic's Wrath!" Lavi muttered. He also use his Arctic's Wrath Spell. It's a new technique that he develop when he was melting on Sharion. "Winter Wonderland." He name his technique the same name as his Kingdom. Shireno is called the Winter Wonderland. So he named his spell that. Ice started to spread throughout the entire Dungeon. Covered by his divine Ice. Lavi stand up tall once again. "Lavi Shireno Amidis. Have revived!" Lavi said. It's cold now in the Desert. Covered by Blue. No sand can be seen as long as eyes can see. "Hm... This does look nice..." Sharion muttered. Lavi control his Icy and his Armor disappear. With Icy and Flamy out. Lavi is ready to Rumble. But then. Sharion said. "Now... We just need to wait for a week. That's the Dungeon! Now! I want to flirt! Flirt!!! Just like you and Mari the other day!!!" Sharion push Lavi down and immediately said. "Sure! We have nothing to do in this week! So, Let's do it. Let me pamper you!" Lavi said. Sharion was happy. Really happy in fact. Lavi snuggle with Sharion. Day by Day... Sharion become more and more girly toward Lavi. When she's still a normal Goddess. Not Married yet. She was really cool and calm and collected. The only thing in her mind is Sword. But now.. Lavi is her number one priority... And same goes to Lavi. Lavi priorities is his Wives and Children...
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