CHAPTER 27: Soul Eater

956 Words
Romina couldn’t stay still. It was almost three hours when Simeon took Luciel somewhere as soon as they got out of school. It’s almost nine in the evening and Luciel hadn’t come back yet. She couldn’t help but feel worried. Did Luciel do that? Did he really kill people and stole their souls? She couldn’t help but ask herself as she kept on pacing back and forth in her room. Is he also after my soul? “Are you… also… after my soul?” She once asked that to Luciel and he even asked where he got the idea. Of course, she knew that demons feed on human souls and Luciel is technically a demon who also feeds on human souls. “I just want to say that you don’t have to worry about me devouring your soul. It’s not like we’re in a contract and you’re willing to give your soul to me and besides, I am your guardian. I am protecting you. So you don’t need to worry.” And he kept on telling her that he wouldn't touch her soul because after all, he's her guardian. Luciel proved that multiple times and she trusts him. That made Romina stop walking around her room. “Right. Luciel is here to protect me and he has already done it a couple of times. Why should I even doubt him? There’s no reason for me to doubt him. I trust him. I trust my guardian.” She immediately felt Luciel’s presence on her window so she immediately opened it up for him and as soon as he went inside together with Simeon in both in their demon and angel form, Lucie looked at her with a frown. “Why are you still awake? It’s already late for you, right?” But instead of answering, Romina immediately run towards him and hugged him tightly. Luciel seemed surprised about it. He was really caught off guard. “Wha-What are you doing, Romina?” Romina pulled out from the hug and scanned Luciel—from his arms, his shoulders, his back, and even cupped his face. “Are you okay, Luciel? Did they hurt you?” “What? No, they didn’t and I am not hurt so please calm down.” Romina couldn’t help but tear up and suddenly cried. She hugged him once again. “Thank goodness you’re okay! Thank goodness!” Luciel looked at her in silence then he gently responded to her hug—tapping both her back and her head. “I told you, there’s nothing wrong and I am not hurt." “I was just worried,” she said in a muffled voice, sobbing on his chest. Luciel sighed and he just kept hugging her. “I know, I know.” "Don't do that again. Don't come with them if they're planning to hurt you." "Don't worry, they can't hurt me. I won't allow that. Now, stop crying." "I can't help it! I was worried!" "Oh, stop it, you big crybaby." "I am not! Stop teasing me!" Luciel sighed and as he hugged her, he kept patting her head. Simeon suddenly chuckled as Luciel tried to pull Romina away from him. He totally forgot that there’s someone watching them. “What the f**k are you laughing there?” “I didn’t know you had that gentle side of yours, Luciel. You actually looked adorable,” Simeon answered, smiling at him. “Ugh, you shut up.” Romina held Luciel’s arm as if she was protecting him from Simeon. “What did you do to my guardian?” Simeon immediately raised his both hands. “Do not worry, Romina. We didn’t do anything wrong with Luciel. We just asked him questions and investigate regarding the case that I said earlier and he was confirmed as innocent.” “I told you, Luciel didn’t do anything wrong and I could even prove that in many ways possible!” she told him, determined. Simeon gave Luciel a look while the latter looked at Romina for a moment and his gaze settled on the angel. “It seems like there’s another being lurking in this place and doing such crime.” The angel immediately got serious. “Haven’t you encountered any demons doing this?” Luciel shook his head. “I haven’t heard any ruckus about that from the underworld. But you guys said that this anonymous being—that you named Soul Eater—didn’t actually leave any traces after doing his crimes.” “Yes,” Simeon nodded. “This is a bit hard case, to be honest. Especially that this being is not even an apparition that could easily be dealt with.” “Have you investigated the reapers?” “Yes but there are no strong pieces of evidence that they did it,” he answered. “But all I could ensure is this being is after a human who bears larger soul to consume.” That made Luciel look at him in seriousness. “Is this why they sent you back here?” he asked. Simeon nodded and stared directly at Luciel. “Vigilate tuis humanum. Inesse appercipere potuissem ingens a quo anima possit videre illa apud manes et communicate, rerum imaginibus, sequens messorum vestigia et nos. Anima comedenti est c*m hominibus illarum animarum, qui magna ut conterat et non potuerunt. Custodi diligenter eam amplius.” Confused about the language they’re speaking, Romina looked at Luciel while the latter looked at Simeon in a serious face as he held Romina tight, as if securing him. “Dare me tangere esse homines? Ite, et ipse facere potest, sed commutationem ego certe summum illum.” I’ll end him first before he could even touch Romina.
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