CHAPTER 28: Palm

1157 Words
“We’re sorry if we approached you like that, Luciel,” one of the archangels, Michael told him as he escorted him out of his office in heaven. “Nah, no big deal. As long as I was proved as innocent which is not really obvious with my face but yeah. Not like this case is a very big deal for me. Nope, it’s just that I don’t want the human I’m guarding go nuts because of worrying too much about me,” Luciel said as he shrugged. “Oh, the human you’re guarding…” Michael trailed off. “Gabriel actually mentioned her and he actually met her. She even thought that Gabriel is her guardian.” “Ah, yeah. That bum. She just couldn’t accept me, a demon, being her guardian but I guess she’s starting warming up to me after a month being with her.” “The human you’re guarding, what’s her name again? Gabriel didn’t actually mention it to me.” “Her name, oh, it’s Romina.” Michael paused for a moment before he breathed a word. “Her name is Romina?” Confused about Michael’s reaction, Luciel muttered. “Ah, yeah. Why?” “Watch over your human. I could sense a huge soul from her since she could see and communicate with ghosts, apparitions, reapers and even us. That Soul Eater is after those humans who have large souls that he or she could consume. Guard her more carefully.” Luciel stared at Romina who’s now sleeping soundly on her bed. He’s silently watching at her on the window and he slowly walked towards her bed and touched her head gently. She gently grunted in her sleep and came back to sleep soundly. Before he left, Simeon had something to say to him. “Luciel, I know I don’t have the position to say this but about the human you’re guarding... Romina, I meant.” “What about her?” “About her soul...” Simeon muttered something that from a stoic face, Luciel’s face softened and suddenly stern. He couldn’t help but frown as he muttered to himself. “Why you... of all being.” Romina sighed and stood up from her seat. Both Marivic and Luciel turned their heads to her as the two were currently working on a project in Science that the two of them got paired up. “Where are you going?” Luciel immediately asked her. “I couldn’t find the definition of three of my sub-topics in Google so I have to go to the library. Maybe I could find some resources there,” Romina told him. “Oh, I’ll go with you,” Luciel was about to stand up but Romina immediately stopped him. “No, you stay here. Work with Marivic. I’ll be back before you know it,” Romina said and she lowkey pointed L who just popped on her head. Hesitant, Luciel nodded. “Okay.” Romina tapped both Luciel and Marivic’s shoulders and went out of their classroom. “You know what, Luciel? For normal cousins, you’re just being too overprotective with Romina. I mean, calm down dude, she’ll be fine,” Marivic chuckled and continued writing over something in her notebook. Well, that’s what a normal guardian should do, you human. Luciel thought. But I felt like something felt not right here... I hope L could manage watching over Romina. Roaming around the shelves in the silent library, Romina browsed on the books. “So I already got the first and second sub-topics and I’m left with one. Where is it?” She kept browsing over books when she heard a voice, calling “Hey.” She ignored the voice and continued to scan some books. “Hey, are you looking for something?” Romina immediately turned her head to a male student in front of her. He looked friendly and kind while smiling at her but she still turned her head around then pointed to herself. “Are you... talking to me?” “Yes,” the boy immediately answered her. “Oh, umm, I was looking for some reference book for my project since it’s due the day after tomorrow. Hehe. What about you?” she asked him again. She ignored how L became frantic and angry on her head as she continued having a conversation with the boy. “What about me, you asked?” the boy asked her and from a friendly face and smile, his expression became sinister. “I just came here to eat your soul.” Romina gasped as the boy transformed into something that she couldn’t describe anymore because as soon as the boy held her arm, her vision start to blurry and it was hard for her to breathe. Like she’s burning. Luciel’s tiny demon was trying to transform into a larger one to protect Romina but the tiny demon only managed to scratch the being’s cheek before he got choked up and slammed on one of the shelves. “Get out of the way, intruder.” The boy was about to consume her soul when he was slammed on one of the shelves and Luciel immediately caught Romina who’s now having a hard time breathing. He glared at the gray smoke in front of them but his vision got blocked by Simeon who’s now standing in front of them, aiming the sword at the anonymous being in front of them. “Who are you?” with a stern face, Simeon asked. “An angel and a demon working together to protect a human? Such a sight, don’t you think?” the anonymous being asked as he kept on chuckling at them. Luciel’s crimson eyes glared at him. “How dare you touch her?! How f*****g dare you?!” “That human,” the anonymous being said. “I wonder why a demon stuck with her like a loyal dog to his master. Ah, I was about to taste her soul and satisfy my hunger but you heathens suddenly appeared. You may be able to stop me but I’ll assure you that the next time we met each other, I already consumed her soul.” With a burst of eerie laughter echoing around them, the anonymous being—the Soul Eater vanished out of their sight but before he vanished, Simeon managed to wound him. Luciel kept on shaking Romina to wake her up but the latter kept on struggling in breathing. L was wounded when he tried protecting Romina that Luciel couldn’t help but internally get mad. “We need to get the f**k out of here and take Romina somewhere to aid her.” “Luciel...” Simeon muttered as he pointed to Romina’s arm. “A palm.” The palm mark on Romina’s arm looked like a huge burned mark. The two of them looked at each other. “He really is after Romina.”
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