CHAPTER 17: The Ghost Who Can’t Be Moved

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Poltergeist. This is a type of ghost or spirit that is responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises, and objects being moved or destroyed. Most claims about poltergeists show them as capable of pinching, biting, hitting, and tripping people. They are also depicted as capable of the movement or levitation of objects such as furniture and cutlery or noises such as knocking on doors or even loud footsteps. They’re actually described as troublesome spirits who haunt a particular person or a specific location but most of them haunt a specific location as well. They also harass and torment their victims as well. Usually, a poltergeist is actually a young girl that usually throws objects around to fool or scare people for attention. “Why is that kind of ghost doing these kinds of things? It almost killed our classmate, you know?” Romina asked while sitting on her pink gamer’s chair, looking at Luciel who’s lying on her bed comfortably. “As I said, they’re troublesome ghosts. I encountered them so many times and I even dragged most of them to the underworld.” “What?! Why?!” “Because they spent so much time on Earth resenting people that they became so bad that they hurt them and eventually kill them,” Luciel said nonchalantly. “Why won’t they go to the afterlife than meddling the living people’s business?” Romina asked. “Because they can’t…” Luciel muttered as a response. “Because they just can’t… especially when they couldn’t accept their deaths and they still have resentment to someone that they couldn’t let go even after they died. Even if they want to, as long as they still have these kinds of feelings as ghosts, they couldn’t go to the afterlife. They’re like ghosts who can’t be moved.” “Is there any way for them to finally go to the afterlife?” she asked. “Like that poltergeist you’re talking about earlier?” “I don’t know what the process of Celestial Realm in dealing poltergeist is but as of us demons, we usually just drag them to the underworld for becoming evil spirits and haunting a certain location for too damn long.” “Is that so…” she muttered. “But that isn’t right, right? Knowing the reasons why they’re still here on Earth. I think there are still ways for them not to suffer like that and just go to the afterlife in peace.” Luciel snorted. “Why are you concerned about that poltergeist in that building? It’s not like she’s tormenting you or something. She’s just a kid harassing other kids if they’re annoying her or they find her noisy as well.” “But it’s not even tolerable. She’s harassing my classmates and schoolmates. That’s not right. She almost harmed one of my classmates so I won’t just sit and watch especially since I have the capabilities to help.” In a blink of an eye, Luciel was now standing right in front of Romina, leaning towards her face. “What kind of capabilities do you have to help?” “I have you…” she answered without hesitations which made Luciel caught off guard. “I have you and I know I can help them as long as you’re with me.” “Let me remind you, my little Romina,” he said. “I may be your guardian but I am still a demon. Souls are my food and I was assigned to be your temporary guardian to guard and guide you under strict orders, not to become lost souls savior or something.” “But that doesn’t mean we couldn’t help them in simple ways, especially that I have the capabilities to see apparitions and ghosts and you’re also here as my guardian—the one who guides and protects me.” Luciel stared at her for a second or two and he sighed. “You and your speeches… and the fact that you’re also a hard-head. I can’t with you.” Romina grinned at him. “First, we’ll know what happened to that ghost before she became a poltergeist, and then, we’ll find ways so she could go to the afterlife in peace. Even if they’re ghosts, they still deserved to be at peace.” Humans are pathetic, selfish, and greedy… but they could still be this compassionate. I never knew… “There are actually so many rumors spreading about this building especially the second floor and the fourth floor,” Marivic said as she walked with Romina and Luciel, going down to the second floor. They’re going to the TLE laboratory since they’re going to bake some cake as part of their Home Economics subject. Luciel didn’t have any idea about cakes or any human food in particular but he’s kind of curious as well so he’ll just join them instead of flying and staying on the school’s rooftop. Luciel and Romina looked at each other and the latter looked at her best friend. “What rumors?” “About the girl who died in this building when it was first built. It’s been like… ten years? Yeah, ten years since that happened. The rumors said that it was actually a ten-year-old girl haunting this place. Although this building was already blessed by a priest, that ghost still haunts this building. It actually gave me goosebumps,” Marivic answered. “It’s like a ghost who can’t be moved no matter how many years passed and she’s still here, lurking around seen or unseen. That’s why we shouldn’t stay late in this building because that ghost will show up. You know, nagpaparamdam.” “Do you know what happened to that girl before she died?” “Hmm… as what I’ve heard from our alumni as well as some rumors about the ghost, that ghost was actually a—” “AAAHH!!!” Marivic, Romina, and Luciel immediately turned their heads to the second floor’s staircase. Looking at each other, Romina and Luciel nodded their heads to each other and immediately went up to the second floor. “Hey! Where are you two—hay, these cousins,” Marivic followed suit as well. When they arrived, they saw one of their schoolmates on the floor holding her bleeding knee while crying. “Oh my gosh, what happened?!” Marivic immediately asked, aiding the said student while her classmates were calling for help and their school nurse as well. “Help, help… it hurts. It hurts…” “Hang in there, Iyah. The nurse is coming.” “What happened to her?” “We didn’t know. We just walked ahead of her then she suddenly fell down,” one of the students responded. “No one was behind me…” the student managed to answer between her cries and pain. “But I felt someone pushed me.” As soon as Romina heard those words, she immediately looked up the floor and saw a certain girl’s shadow. It was eerie, creepy and gave her goosebumps. But that didn’t stop her from running upstairs to follow the said shadow. Luciel followed her as well until they reached the fourth floor and Luciel was already transformed in his demon form. Fortunately, Romina managed to catch up and see the poltergeist before it could manage to vanish somewhere. “Hey, stop right there!” Romina shouted at the poltergeist. “Talk to me.” The said ghost stopped and slowly faced Romina. As she expected, the ghost’s appearance was eerie, creepy especially that the ghost smiled at her evilly with a pale, b****y face which gave her goosebumps and made her gasp. Luciel was just behind her, ready to do anything if the poltergeist will become violent. But Romina didn’t really expect that the poltergeist is an actual kid. “You can see me?”
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