CHAPTER 47: Unanswerable

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“How come he had a white feather?” she couldn’t help but ask herself. She’s still sitting on her bed after she changed her clothes into their school uniform. She was trying to figure out what she saw last night after they helped Caroline. She kept on examining the huge white feather on her hand, even pointing it to the sunlight from her window. Like Simeon, it was sparkling in white, as if there are glitters that surrounded the said feather—this is much more sparkly than Simeon. So she could tell that the feather she’s holding is not Simeon’s. “How come Luciel had a white feather attached to his wings?” His wings’ feathers were all black. How come he had this white feather clinging on his wing? Romina flinched when she heard a knock on her door. She immediately heard Luciel’s voice from the back of the door. “Your Mama asked me to call you for breakfast. Are you done?” “O-Oh, yes!” Romina immediately put the feather on one of her unused purses and put it inside her backpack and stood up. She, then, walked towards the door and opened it. Luciel was now looking at her with a deadpan expression on his face. She grinned at him. “Let’s go.” Maybe I’ll go ask Simeon about it. He could definitely answer me and clear up my confusion. “That’s it for today. Don’t forget your assignments tomorrow.” “Yes, ma’am.” “Goodbye, class.” “Goodbye, ma’am.” “Where are you going?” Romina turned her head on Luciel. As soon as the third period of their class ended, she immediately stood up and was about to leave the classroom but yes, Luciel stopped her for a moment. “I’m going to the library…” Romina answered. She couldn’t think of any excuses since Luciel can actually read her mind at this moment. She tried her very best not to think about the feather and look for Simeon. “Oh. Let’s go,” Luciel was about to stand up but Romina immediately stopped him. “What?” “You can just stay here. I’m not taking too long. I’ll be back the soonest. You don’t have to order L to escort me either. I can handle myself. I’ll be right back,” Romina smiled at him and immediately went out of the room. “Romina—” Luciel was about to follow her but suddenly, their classmates went to him to talk. “Luciel! Luciel!” “You came from Japan, right?!” “Uh… yeah.” “Awesome! Can you teach us some Japanese words! We want to learn!” “Yeah! Yeah, me too!” “Ano, sumimasen…” “Aaahh!!! You sounded so cute! Just like those anime characters!” “Luciel sounded so cool!” “Can you say another thing again? Please???” Damn, you humans are so annoying. With a deadpan expression flaunted on his face, Luciel responded. "Kimi wa soreo bokunisae ienainoni nan'o kakusōto shiteirunodesuka?" Romina, what are you trying to hide that you can’t even tell that to me? Romina looked around just to make sure that neither Luciel nor L followed her. Of course, she encountered some apparitions—which, she’s thankful that they’re harmless—and she’s just too used to them that she just passed by. When she finally made sure that Luciel and L were not following her, she immediately went to the rooftop because she was sure, definitely sure, that Simeon was there. And yes, she’s right. As soon as she reached the rooftop, Simeon just finished transforming back to his angel form. She bet that he felt her presence so he turned his head towards her. “I know it’s you, Romina. What brings you here?” Instead of directly answering his question, she asked him. “Why are you disguising yourself as a human when you don’t attend classes like Luciel?” Simeon smiled at him. “I’ll be less suspicious to Marivic if I disguise as a human and also, I could talk to you in a normal way. People might get the wrong idea if they’ll see you talking to me but they couldn’t even see me.” “Right…” Romina muttered, nodding. They’ll gonna find me crazy because they’ll think that I am just talking to myself. “I could tell that you’re looking for me. It seems like you have a problem." "Am I that obvious?" she asked. Simeon smiled at her once again. "I could just tell it, is all," he, then, asked her once again. "What is it that you looked for me than telling Luciel about it?” “I actually want to tell you something as well as I want to ask you something,” Romina walked towards Simeon and from her purse, she took out the huge white feather and gave it to Simeon. The angel’s brows twitched as soon as he held the white feather. “I got it from Luciel last night,” Romina told him. He even turned his head at her. “I saw it was attached on his wing and fell. I don’t know why he had that when his wings were all black.” Simeon stared at the white feather he was holding in silence. Romina was waiting for his response but when she noticed that Simeon was not speaking anymore, she asked. “Simeon?” “Huh?” the angel responded, as if he was absent-minded a few seconds ago and just came back to reality. “Are you okay?” The angel nodded. “Yes, I am. Do not worry. I just thought about something but there's no need to worry.” Wow, even angels spaced out as well. That's rare. “So, umm, do you know why Luciel had that on his wing?” Romina asked. “I actually knew the answer…” Simeon told her. “But as much as I wanted to answer you, I just couldn’t. That question of yours is very unanswerable for me.” “Why?” Romina asked him again. She was caught off guard with Simeon’s response since she knew that Simeon, as an angel, is an honest one compared to Luciel who’s obviously a demon. So she wondered why he couldn’t even give her the answer. “The one who could answer you is not me, Romina,” Simeon responded. “Luciel is the only one who can answer you, Romina.” “Hey, have you heard about the rumors?” The students looked at the other student in front of them. They’re spending their leisure time on their school’s open field, enjoying their vacant time under the blue sky. They were just spending their vacant hour in silence, not until their classmates who is really huge, huge, fan of paranormal rumors surrounding their school came to obviously chat with them. “What is it? What rumors?” they couldn’t help but ask. “Let me guess, it’s another paranormal rumor around our school again,” one of their classmates said in an unamused face. Their classmate grinned at them, as if she was proud of that. “Tumpak!” (a Filipino term for ‘right’ or ‘correct’. It’s one of the Filipino terms like ‘tama’.) “Not again.” “You never got tired of sharing these kinds of rumors with us, huh?” “She’s a huge fan of paranormal events so yeah, it’s really weird, not gonna lie but we have to deal with her since she’s our friend, obviously.” “Ikaw talaga. Tigilan mo na talaga ang kaka-hithit mo,” one of their classmates joined the conversation. “You actually kept on telling us about paranormal rumors in our school. You even believed that our school was once a cemetery when it’s obviously not. Hay naku.” “But, it’s true though. During the Spanish time—” “Our school was once an empty lot with a garden. Get that in your mind. And let me tell you this again. Ghosts are not real.” “Hey! Just listen to me first because most of our schoolmates experienced it and saw it with their own eyes!” their classmate said, motioning her fingers on her both eyes. “What’s that rumor all about?” one of their classmates couldn’t help but ask. “Have you seen that abandoned house just a few blocks away from our school, just behind the school...?” “Yeah, what about it?” “Yeah, that house. It’s quite big and I also bet that the owners of that house were rich. Such a shame that they abandoned that house. The exterior was actually pretty.” “Not going to lie, it gave me creeps when we passed by that house.” “Because it’s old and abandoned, that’s why.” “Yeah, because of that too.” “So, what about that house?” “There’s this rumor spreading around about that house that was, obviously, experienced not by our schoolmates but also by the neighborhood. They said that it’s been years since that house was abandoned but for an unknown reason, they kept on seeing someone inside. At first, they thought that it was just the caretaker of the house but they heard that the former caretaker already left the house and no one was staying in that house, they said that it might be the ghost residing in that house. Everyone that would pass through that house will think that she’s just a caretaker. It’s been years since that house was abandoned and no one actually took care of that house so it was really, really creepy that they could see an unknown woman dressed in white standing in the window every night.” “Huh, that’s sounded so creepy.” “I know, right?” “Well, that house really made me feel creeps and chills down my spine so it’s not really old news to me if they’ll say that there’s something creepy inside that house.” “What does she look like?” “They said she’s like, you know, like that white lady in the movies. Like that. She’s so pale and obviously thin, like an actual ghost, you know.” “Who’s the owner of that house again? I totally forgot about it.” “They said, that house was owned by a family of three with the surname, Jimenez.”
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