CHAPTER 77: This Whole Time

1682 Words
“HOW DARE YOU, YOU ANGEL! I will definitely kill you!” the demon shrieked as he kept on thrashing around with the golden chains wrapped around him. Angel… Romina slowly turned her head at Luciel who was now looking at her in utter shock. She looked sad the moment she saw how he had so many wounds on his body. This whole time… she’s with me… this whole time. Romina managed to smile at him and spoke. “I’ll protect you this time, Luciel. I won’t let anyone hurt you this time.” “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU—” the demon shrieked in pain the moment Romina slashed his body with a sword, weakening him on the spot. “AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” Her eyes immediately went on Delia who’s now carrying the soul of her aunt who starting to gain consciousness. As if it’s a signal, she nodded at them then Delia took her aunt’s soul in a much safer place. Of course, the Maupet’s minions were after the two but Romina managed to slay them using her sword in one s***h of light. Her attention went on the Maupet once again and she was about to finish it off when she stopped mid-air the moment she felt her heart pounding so strong at it started to ache. “I don’t have much time. The girl that owned this body will be back—ack—” she felt her chest pounding in pain once again and before the Maupet could take it as a chance to attack her, she managed to pierce her sword on its huge hands and she fainted, returning into Romina’s normal form. “YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! I’M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY!” the Maupet managed to remove her sword from his hand and immediately sharpen his claws to tear Romina’s body apart. “NO! DON’T TOUCH HER!” Luciel shouted in so much might to stop the Maupet and before the Maupet could even touch Romina, huge golden chains wrapped tightly around him which made him scream in so much pain. “Are we late?” Luciel raised his head on Simeon who’s now smiling at him as the latter immediately freed Luciel by removing the seal beneath him. He, then, broke the chains that wrapped around Luciel’s wrists. As Luciel managed to hold his left wrist to soothe it, his eyes settled on Sachiel who’s now dispersing the demon, and put it in a box with a seal on it as well. He, then, looked at Simeon and nodded. “You made it on time.” Simeon smiled at him. “Glad we made it.” Luciel crawled his way to Romina who was still unconscious and gently scooped her up. He examined her body and breathing and when he realized that the girl was just sleeping, he sighed in relief and hugged her. “Brother,” Sachiel called him. “How come the Maupet was in huge damaged and he was also amputated when you’re still inside the seal?” Luciel only looked at him before closing his eyes to hug Romina. They went in total silence for a second or two before Sachiel muttered something. “Ah.” “E-Everyone…” the three of them looked at Delia and her aunt who finally recovered from the Maupet’s trap. Although her aunt’s soul was still weak, it still managed to stand up beside her. “Thank you so much for saving us and my aunt’s soul. I don’t know how to thank you enough.” “Don’t mention it,” Simeon slightly waved his hand as a response. “We’re just doing what we’re supposed to do. And it’s all thanks to Luciel and Romina. They’re the ones who actually saved you.” “Thank you so much,” the soul of Ofelia bowed at them. “Thank you so much for saving me. I already lose hope to break free from the Maupet but I am so thankful that you saved me from it.” Sachiel smiled at her. “You’re welcome. I could escort you to the afterlife for your safe arrival as well.” “Thank you so much.” Delia’s eyes went on Luciel and Romina and she immediately bowed at the two of them. “I know the betrayal that I did to the two of you is unforgivable and even if I have a reason why I did that, it’s still unforgivable but I am still thankful for saving me, the village, and my aunt’s soul from that demon. Words aren’t enough to express how thankful I am but I still wanted to thank you so much. I am still sorry for betraying you like that and I am so thankful for saving us.” “Delia,” Luciel called her. “Y-Yes?” Luciel looked at her and spoke. “Don’t let anyone hold your freedom. Do whatever you want and you think that’s good for you without hurting or stomping other people… and without regrets. Be free and happy.” Delia smiled and nodded. “Yes, I’ll do that, Luciel.” Simeon and Sachiel looked at each other and smiled. Luciel winced the moment Simeon managed to wrap his injuries and wounds with bandages that they got from Romina’s first aid kid. When he wore his black long-sleeved polo, he spoke. “Damn, the seal is no joke.” “Let me guess, you transformed while you’re still in the seal,” Simeon said and Luciel yelped and glared at him when he slightly put pressure as he put on the bandages. “No wonder.” “And one of the villagers even stabbed me on my side though it healed but it still got me since I got weakened because of the seal,” Luciel said. “We encountered so many cases like this centuries ago. Ugh, cults doing blood sacrifices and soul sacrifices like that really giving me so much headache,” Sachiel shook his head and sighed. “I still need to do something in the Celestial Realm. I just came here when I felt a familiar power force while I am investigating here. I also came here to check up on both of you but I still need to go back. I have to go no. Take good care of yourselves and your humans.” “Okay,” Simeon nodded and waved at him. “Take care of yourself too, Sachiel.” “Sachiel,” both Simeon and Sachiel looked at Luciel in utter shock. That’s the first time in centuries that Luciel called his brother in a calm tone like that. He looked at Sachiel and looked away. “You can… you can visit us if you want to. If you’re free from your duties, though. You can visit us here.” Sachiel was surprised when he heard it from Luciel but he couldn’t but smile for he felt so happy about it. “Yes, I will, brother.” Luciel cleared his throat and with that, Sachiel chuckled and bade goodbye to both of them and he went out of Romina’s window. “Don’t breathe any word there, Simeon.” Simeon frowned at Luciel and he immediately pointed himself. “But I’m not saying anything.” “Just a heads up.” “Oh, okay,” Simeon scratched his head and chuckled. The two of them immediately turned their heads on Romina when they heard her moaning and she slowly opened her eyes. “Oh, she’s awake now.” “Yes, I can see that, Simeon.” Romina turned her head and saw Simeon smiling at her then at Luciel who’s sitting beside her with bandages on. She immediately sat up and immediately felt herself getting dizzy that Luciel even need to hold her so she could maintain her sitting position. “Luciel!” with her tears pooling in her eyes, Romina immediately hugged Luciel. “Thank goodness you are safe!” It seems like she forgot about what happened to her with Serenity fighting the Maupet. Luciel looked at Simeon who seemed to actually want to say something but the former immediately silenced him to which Simeon responded with a nod. Enduring the pain from his side, Luciel gently hugged Romina back. “Yeah, I am.” “I am glad,” sobbing on his shoulder, Romina carefully and gently hugged Luciel tight. “I’m glad you are safe.” “Yeah, I am,” gently holding the back of her head, Luciel whispered. “I’m okay now so don’t cry now.” “I can’t help it,” she sobbed. “I was so scared that anything bad might happen to you the moment I lose my consciousness that moment. I was so angry at that fake pastor because he hurt you and I couldn’t do anything about it.” “Couldn’t do anything about it… you say,” “I won’t let you have your ways on Luciel or anyone else around this place. I won’t let you hurt them.” “I am still alive and fine so you don’t need to be scared anymore. Remember, I am your guardian and I am stronger, stronger than any demons such as the demon we encountered earlier so you don’t need to be so worried.” “You’re so full of yourself. Haah.” “I am not.” Romina slightly looked at Luciel and sighed. She didn’t bother to let go of him from the hug and she just stayed there, leaning on his shoulder. Luciel tucked her stray hair behind her ear before kissing her forehead in assurance as he hugged her as if he’s assuring and securing her. Simeon was just staring at the two of them in silence. Muttering the words to himself. “Haven’t you noticed it, Luciel? All this time… this whole time, you are not just protecting Romina this whole time. This whole time…” “You’re starting to develop something towards her… more than a guardian should feel.”
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