CHAPTER 34.5: The Boy in White

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ROMINA FELT SOMETHING HEAVY ON HER HEAD. IT FELT HEAVY BUT SOMEHOW, IT’S WARM AND COMFORTING. It felt like Déjà vu. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Luciel gently caressing her head. It might be weird coming from her who actually hated the idea of having a demon as her guardian but somehow, Luciel’s presence made her comfortable, secure, and… …familiar at the same time. She couldn’t help but chuckle at how she sounded so ironic back then. “You’re awake,” he muttered in a low voice. “How do you feel? Are you okay? You’re fever finally went down.” It really feels like Déjà vu. “Tch, you humans are really that fragile. It’s sometimes a bother, you know?” Not the déjà vu thing of Luciel asking her if she’s okay especially if she encounters apparitions and ghosts with him. It just felt so familiar that she didn’t know how and why she felt that way. “I saw you… in my dream,” she responded instead. Luciel’s brows slightly creased in confusion. “I didn’t remember entering your dreams. Did you really dream of me?” Romina nodded. “I don’t think Simeon nor L messed with your dreams or something,” he muttered and sat on the bed. “Are you thinking about me that much that I suddenly popped in your dreams?” What’s your dream all about? You’re dreaming of you and me?” “No…” Romina muttered. “I am watching you from my dream.” “Really? Huh, bet you felt sad when you realized that you’re not part of that dream,” Luciel chuckled, trying to tease her. “Why is that?” “In that dream…” she trailed off. “You look so pretty in white.” Luciel’s left brow slightly twitched when he heard Romina’s response. He fell silent after that. “In that dream, you’re with three people. I couldn’t recognize the three of them but I could tell that there was a girl with you at that time. You looked so happy, flapping your white wings shining through the sky and clouds. You looked so peaceful on that,” Romina told him and she slightly chuckled. “Isn’t it weird, of all people and of all creatures, I dreamed about you? And not just that, I dreamed about you as an angel, not as a demon.” Luciel stared at her and after a second of silence, he called her. "Romina." "Hmm?" "Do you prefer an angel as your guardian?" he asked. Romina stared at him and blinked in silence. It really does bother him. "It's not bothering me. I was just asking." Oh shoot, I forgot he can read my thoughts. "You looked so happy and delighted when you saw Gabriel the first time we met," he told her. "So I was just curious if what will be the outcome if you did have a guardian angel instead of me, a demon who got assigned to you as your temporary guardian." "I wanted to be honest with you," Romina said. "At first, I really don't like the idea of having a demon as my guardian I mean, I really anticipated to have an angel as a guardian and I kept questioning myself about why, of all human beings, I was the one who got a demon as a guardian. I was scared of you... heck, I don't even want to get close to you but when we spent our days together and you spent every single minute of me protecting me day and night without fail and without rest, I realized that I shouldn't be afraid of you..." she looked at him and smiled. "I don't care if you don't have white wings, you're not wearing a white robe and you don't have a halo. You're my guardian. And I should trust and cherish you, with black wings, horns, and all." Luciel chuckled. "You really do have your ways of words, huh?" Romina lifted her chin proudly. "Of course, I am your one-of-a-kind human!" "Yes," Luciel responded, patting her head. "Yes, you are."
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