New York

2091 Words
Logan's POV "What are you doing home so early?" I ask John as I walk into the penthouse. "Well, I should have called. She was busy all day and rude to me when I showed up at her concert. She said I should have called her manager and asked about her schedule. Jennifer said she was tired and wanted to go to bed," John says. I am having a hard time holding my laugh. I can not help to get some respect from this rock star. I know John. He usually gets what he wants, and if she were like other girls, she would have been in his bed in the penthouse by now. "So you got a cold shoulder?" I ask. "Well, she first said not tonight, John. I had a hard day, and I am tired and had a horrible day. At least I got her personal cellphone number for her to call her to see if she is busy tomorrow, " John says. This time I laugh. I think John met his match. She is not going to be as easy as he thought she was going to be. Well, she is either not into John, or she knows to play a man to get him interested in a way he wants her. "Well, I also had a horrible day and will have to stand you up as well," I say with a smile. I walk to my room and take out my laptop. I look at the photos of Jennifer Preston. She is beautiful but cold, as if she has no feelings. Her mouth smiles, but her eyes are always cold. I look deeper into those blue eyes, and I feel like that is no coldness in her eyes. It is sadness in her eyes. This girl was hurt and hurt badly. Why do I feel that way when looking at her photos. She is hiding her feelings from the world. I know people as I have worked with people every day. The family's publicity company works with writers and scriptwriters all the time. We also have an entertainment company. We have tried a long time to work with Jennifer Preston, but she always declined. She keeps to herself and does not even want to talk about making films or a mini-series. I have met with Ann many times, and Ann tried to convinced her to do movies, but all we got from her was a big no. If only I could talk to her in person, I might change her mind.  "Wait a minute! My brother has her personal number," I think, and I wait for him to fall asleep and do the unthinkable. I sneak to his room and take his phone and look at his contacts. I find it fast under Jennifer Preston, and I send the number to my phone. I also copy his phone book just in case he saved her personal number under another name. I will call her tomorrow morning and ask for a meeting. Maybe I can convince her to play in our new movie. She is so beautiful and will be perfect for the role. I smile as I go to bed. I take a last look at the young woman smiling at the camera on my laptop before I switch it off and go to bed. I can not sleep, though. Her eyes are haunting me—so much sadness. She may fool other people, but not me. I know people too well. I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. I wake up early and go to the kitchen for my morning coffee. John is still asleep, and I know he will not get up until noon. This morning he surprised me and came walking into the kitchen. I look at him. He looks young and fresh and ready for the day. I shake my head as I know my brother is on the hunt for a girl, and he will not stop until he gets what he wants. "Morning, you look like you had a good sleep," I say. "Morning, yeah, I slept well. You look refreshed as well," John says, looking at me. "Yeah, for once, I did sleep well," I say. I was tired last night, and I slept right through the night. "I am going to call Jennifer and ask her out for breakfast," John says. "I would wait until a bit later if I were you. You know rock stars, they party until late and normally drink or do other stuff," I say. I know superstars. They are mostly addicted to something. I have seen it with so many actresses, actors, and other people in the entertainment world. Melody used to drink and do cocaine before and after her catwalk shows. One of the reasons I did not continue our relationship and fought for her when she left me. I was kind of sick of her behavior. "Jennifer, do not drink or do drugs. I know because at the charity event the other night, she refused any alcohol. Even when I took her out, she did not drink at all," John says, and I smile. Most of them do it behind closed doors. "Yeah, we will see about that when you get to know her better," I say skeptically. I am not a big fan of superstars. They are all spoiled brats in my eyes, and I can not believe that there is one that is an angel. I work in this industry, and I know the divas and their little tantrums too well. Their dressing rooms must be a certain way, or their makeup must only be from a particular brand. All of them have their little issues. "I am sure she does not use anything, even after a concert she goes straight home or to the hotel. She never smelled like anything, and she never looked drugged," John says. I frown. John is standing up for this rockstar, and I hope he does not have a crush on her. I know John too well. He will fall in love in a blink of an eye, and then he will get what he wants. After that, he loses interest in the girl again. Everyone in the entertainment world knows Jennifer is a loner, and she never makes scandals. I just hope my brother gets what he wants fast and forget about her. "Well, just remember your political career and don't have too much fun with her and end up falling in love," I say. "I will not fall in love. But, I know what type of woman will be the right type for the wife of a senator and later the first lady," John says. He picks up his phone and calls the number for Jennifer. I know he is calling her because he just winked at me. I shake my head and drink my coffee while reading the newspaper. There is a photo in the newspaper of Jennifer looking annoyed at my brother as she tries to get past him. She did not look in the mood to be around him. I frown and wonder what game she is playing. "She is not answering," John says as he looks annoyed at me. "I told you superstars sleep late," I say. So I scanned the article, and the journalist made it sound like Jennifer is not into my brother at all and that it is him that is chasing after her. She also mentioned that Jennifer did not look to happy to see John and looked irritated and annoyed. So I throw the article at John, and he reads it. I can see he does not look pleased about it.  "These journalists do not know what they are talking about, and they do not get all the facts right. Jennifer was tired as she had a bad day," John says. I can see that Jennifer has now become a challenge for John as he takes his phone and calls her again. He puts his phone on speakerphone as he is busy making a fresh pot of coffee. "Hello," Jennifer answers. "Hi, Jennifer. How is my favorite girl doing? Want to have breakfast with me?" John ask. "Busy, listen, John. I know we are friends, but please, I have to work and can not entertain you. Why don't you call some of your other friends and go out with them or something?" She asks. I can hear she is busy as there is a lot of noise in the background. "Wow, I am going to get a complex if you keep putting me down. I came to New York to see you and all I get is the cold shoulder," John says. "Well, I am working, and I hardly have free time, so you wasted your time. Maybe when I am back in Houston, I will stick you for dinner or something, but for now, I am busy, and my schedule is packed. I have to go," Jennifer says, and she hangs up on my brother. I see him frowning. He is not used to being treated like this by any woman, that is for sure. I do not know if I should feel sorry for him or laugh. His face looks like he is in total shock. "She stood you up again. But, wow, there are women out there that can resist the charm of John Hudson," I say, and I have to duck as he throws me with the newspaper. I laugh. I pick up my phone and call Jennifer's number. "Hello," She answers after a while. She sounds out of breath and not to happy to be disturbed. "Miss Preston?" I ask. John glares at me as he thinks I am joking with him. "Speaking," She says. "It is Logan Hudson. I want to make an appointment with you. Before you say know, please just hear me out. I have tried to negotiate with you through your agent before, but you always said no. Can we meet over dinner or lunch and talk. I promise I just want to show you the script, and if you do not like it, you can say no," I say. "You got my number from your brother. I knew he wanted something from me. Now I know what he wanted. Since the two of you were so clever to fool me into giving my personal number to him, I will give you a chance. Meet me at my hotel after my show, and please do not bring your brother with you," She says as she hangs up. I think I just screwed up any chance John had with Jenifer Preston. "Did you steal her number for my phone?" John asks. "Well, we need her for a role in a movie, and I took the chance," I say. "That is not cool, bro, not cool at all. I bet she is furious with me now," John says. "Well, it was not like you were getting anywhere anyway," I say. "Logan, I swear if you do something to keep me away from her, I will marry her, and you and our parents can all go to hell for all I care," John says, looking furious. My little brother is in love. Well, this can become dangerous for him. "I am doing nothing with her but business. I do not play with superstars as they are not my type," I say coldly. "Did she agree to see you?" John asks.  "Yeah, for business only, and she said I am not allowed to bring you," I say. "I swear if you f****d up my chances with Jennifer, I will never forgive you, Logan!" John shouts as he storms to his room and slams the door. I smile as I know him by now. He is childish, and when he does not get his way, he will throw a tantrum. "I am not going to woo, your little rock star, brother. She is not my type," I say as I get my suit jacket ready to leave for work. "You better not pursue her as she is mine, and I will have her. Then, once I am done with her, you can have my leftovers," John says as he walks out of his room with a determined expression on his face. I shake my head. I never wanted to have his leftovers as they are not my type of woman. I prefer my woman classy and not easy.
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