The meeting

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Jennifer's POV I slept well last night. I had no nightmares of my past as I was tired. I think my brain switched off as I was so tired. After Logan Hudson's call, I am mad as hell as I have been used again. I should have known a well-known politician would not be interested in someone like me. I am, but a rock star in their eyes, and John Hudson and his family are the kinds of people that will only use you and throw you to the side when they are done with you. I touch the scar on my arm to remind me again how bad humans are and that they will only use you and abuse you. I don't know why I agreed to meet Logan Hudson, as I know his reputation. He is ruthless and will do anything to protect his family and his little brother. My phone beep, and I look at the message on my phone. "I swear I did not give my brother your number. Jen, he must have taken my phone while I was sleeping. Please believe me," The message read, and I am confused. Will Logan Hudson go that far just to see me in one of his movies? I do not know what to believe. I like John, and I enjoyed spending time with him in Houston, but I am so afraid to fall in love with the wrong person and get hurt again. I am okay now. I am used to being alone and lonely. It is better than getting hurt and used. "Why should I believe you?" I text back as I have my doubts. I feel that I will get burned with this family, and I need to break all ties with them. "Because I swear I am telling you the truth, don't meet my brother tonight and rather have dinner with me," John texts back. "I made a promise to meet him, and I will not back down from a promise," I text back. But, unfortunately, I am busy with a photoshoot for an entertainment company, and I don't feel like talking to John anymore. "Okay, then do not take part and meet me after you meet with my brother," John texts me back, and I sigh. "Fine, but I can not stay up late, and I will not go to your place or invite you to mine. We are friends, John, and I am not planning on becoming your lover. I am not that type of woman," I say to make it clear to him he is wasting his time if he is trying to get me in his bed. "I know you are not that type of woman, Jen, and I think I am falling for you," He texts back. "Please, do not try that bs with me. We went out once, and you are "falling" for me! You do not know me, John Hudson, I will be your friend, and if things between us get too serious, I am breaking off our friendship," I text back and shake my head. I get called to do the shoot, and I leave my phone on the dresser as I walk to take a few photos. I do an interview, and the people know they can only ask about my career and no personal questions. I have walked out of interviews before when I got upset when they asked personal questions. After the interview, it is almost time for my show to start. I am tired of the whole day in front of cameras and the interview. They tried to sneak in a question about John Hudson, but I warned them about asking about my private life as soon as they did. I have nothing to do with John Hudson, but it would give them a gap to ask other personal questions when I say anything about it. I walk to my dressing room, and as soon as I get there, I see about five messages from John. "Love has no time limit, and I can not help how I feel about you, Jen," The first message reads. "I think I scared you off as you are not answering me," The second one reads. I roll my eyes. Really this guy is acting like a teenager. "I am sorry. I will not mention my feeling for you again," The third message reads. "Listen, are we still meeting tonight?" The fourth message. "Fine, be like this! I will not bother you again," The fifth message. I shake my head and think this guy is a brat used to getting what he wants in life. "I was busy and can not always be there at your command. So I am going on stage in a few minutes. I will text you when I am done with your brother, and if you still want to talk, then fine, we can talk. If not, good luck in life," I text back and put my phone down. "I am sorry, I just saw your interview and realized you were busy. I want to meet up tonight. By the way, you may answer questions about me I do not mind," He texts back almost immediately. I am frustrated as I think of John Hudson as a childish brat, but I will see him tonight and make him understand for once and for all we can never be a couple and that I will not have s*x with him or anyone else. The show is a success as always as I give my all. I am not sure what to think of John Hudson as he can be a gentleman and a child at the same time. He can be charming but also nagging. I think he is a big child spoiled rotten by his family and everyone has to take care of him and make his problems disappear for him. He needs to grow up for calling out loud. I like him as a person, but I think he can be a handful, and I feel sorry for his wife one day. The little I have seen about his brother and the way he acts in public is totally different. His brother is this ruthless tycoon type that does not worry if he pleases people or pisses them off. John, on the other hand, is a crowd-pleaser and wants to please everyone. He will make a great politician as he can talk his way out of anything. I go to my hotel and take a shower. I get dressed in a dress with long sleeves and a back that is covered. The dress is short, and I put on some long boots.  As I walk down to the hotel lobby, I text Logan Hudson that I am waiting for him at the hotel lobby. I saved his number this morning after he called me. I do not know what to expect, and I feel I will not like this tycoon with the  expressionless face and eyes. He looks cold and heartless as one looks at his photos on the internet. He is handsome, though. Much more attractive than his brother. I am tired and a bit irritated about my meeting with John after meeting with his brother. I see Logan Hudson walking into the hotel lobby and straight to me. He looks me up and down and nods. "Just what we need for our film," He says more to himself than to me. "Excuse me?" I ask. "Sorry, I was thinking our loud. Shall we go?" He asks. I was a bit surprised as he did not even introduce himself to me, and he took my hand and led me to a limo outside the hotel. I see the paparazzi taking photos of us, and I wonder what the hell they are going to write in the newspapers tomorrow. I can see the headlines. Brothers shares Jennifer Preston or What brother is dating Jennifer Preston? I do not give a s**t what the newspapers are saying about me. We drive in silence to a restaurant, and again we are met by paparazzi that was obviously following us. "Well, this is going to make a great story tomorrow," I say to myself. "Excuse me?" Logan asks. "Nothing, I was just thinking out loud," I say sarcastically. "You know Miss Preston sarcasm is the lowest form of wit," Logan says. "Yeah, I was just wondering if you thought this whole "business deal" through. You bring me out in public, and you hold my hand while leading me to the limo. There is paparazzi everywhere, and I guess my good name is gone as two brothers are sharing me," I say straightforwardly to him. He looks at me as he is holding my hand again to lead me into the restaurant. "Somehow, I don't think you care about what people think of you. You do not have much trust in humanity, do you?" He asks, and I smile. "You know people don't you, Mr. Hudson," I say. "Let's eat, then we talk business," Logan says as he hands me the menu. I order an appetizer as he does, and we both order the same thing—fried calamari. The main dish I order is a steak with french fries, and he also orders the same—we both order cheesecake for dessert. I shake my head and am not sure if he did it on purpose or not. "You do not eat like other superstars. Aren't you afraid to gain weight like most of the superstars?" He asks me. "I am not worried about my weight. I eat what I feel like. Tomorrow I may be dead and still be craving that steak," I say. Logan looks at me with a smile. "Well, that is an approach to life I have never encountered," Logan says. "Yeah, I bet you only had the best in life," I say. "I did, and I take it you have not," Logan says. "Let's talk business Mr, Hudson as I have to get some rest. I have a busy schedule tomorrow," I say. "Don't forget about your date with my brother later," He says. I frown. He really keeps taps on his brother, doesn't he? I pick up my phone and text John. "Sorry, I can not make it tonight. The meeting with your brother is taking longer than I thought," I say. "Well, okay. I am going out with a friend anyway," John replies, and I am relieved. "Not anymore," I say. I see Logan take out a screenplay, and he hands it to me. The name is intriguing, and I read a few pages of the script. It does not sound bad. "Who will play the male lead?" I ask. "We have not cast it yet," Logan says. "Well, let me know after you have cast the male lead, and then I will decide," I say. I do not like the people in Hollywood much, and I am skeptical about the male lead. Also, I do not like strangers touching me. So I know I will most probably decline the role. "I know what you are thinking, and I will make sure it is not one of Hollywood's superstars as you will be the star of the film," Logan says. I look at him and shake my head. "You got me all wrong. I do not want to be the star. I do not care who the star is. I just do not like being touched by strangers, and I do not like the nude scene, so I think I will decline," I say. Logan looks surprised. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is a script by one of the best scriptwriters in Hollywood, and you decline because you do not like the nude scenes or some stranger touching you?" Logan asks. "Yeah, I don't like being nude," I say. "I have scars, buddy, and a lot of them. If you see them, you will not even think of casting me," I think to myself. I get up, and he follows my lead before he can do anything. I pay for the food. "Dinner is on me since I wasted your time, Mr. Hudson," I say. "My name is Logan, and we can talk about the nude scene and the love scenes. We can use a body double," Logan says. "I will think about it," I say. Logan takes my hand again as we walk to his car, and the cameras almost blind us. Well, tomorrow's tabloids are going to be interesting. So I think to myself as we get in the car and drive back to my hotel.
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