Las Angeles

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Jennifer's POV My next stop is Las Angeles. I will only do two concerts there as I can not do more than two in a city anymore. I have decided to take the role offered to me by Logan Hudson as long as I do not have to do any nude scenes or have to kiss anyone. We will shoot the movie in Houston, so that fits me perfectly, and I can be home and go to night classes without having to worry about tours and concerts for the time being as my fans know I will be shooting my first movie, and they are all looking forward to it. I have already memorized all my words as I have an excellent memory, and when we did the auditions, the director was surprised that I did my audition without a script. I can act as I have acted my whole life. I know how to live in a make-believe world as my life as a rockstar is make-believe. I try to forget about my past, and I have made up this happy person, and that she has a great life in my mind. It is better than living in the past. I still get nightmares, and I think I will get them for the rest of my life as I know I will never get married or have an everyday life of my own. I am the shadow child that lives in the shadow of other people's love and happiness. I do not know how it feels to be loved or how to love. I am broken, and no one can heal me.  John Hudson is still bugging me, and he followed me to Las Angeles. I wish he would leave me alone, but I do enjoy his cheerful personality. Unfortunately, he is getting too close to me, and I think I might fall for his charm if I am not careful. Not that I will ever marry him, but I may lose my heart and get it broken.  I have not seen or heard from Logan Hudson since we met that night. I let my agent talk to them and negotiate a deal for the film. I read the contract, and I was happy about it. The newspapers and tabloids were full of stories about Logan and me the following day after our meeting, which is why I think he is staying away from me. I am not his type, and I know it. I smile as I think about it. After the concert, I go to my dressing room, and as usual, John is waiting for me. I smile as I see him because he makes me forget my past and somehow makes me feel loved. He has tried a few times to get into my pants, and I think that is all he wants from me. "There is my beautiful princess," John says as he walks to me, and for the first time, he kisses me. I am taken aback and push him away. I do not like people in my private space. "Relax, princess. It is just a kiss," John says as he pulls me into his hold again and kisses me again. I know this is going too far. I have to stop this. But my heart is beating like a drum, and I feel like my head is spinning. So I push him away again after a few seconds. "No, John. Stop this, please. I am sweaty and need to get to my hotel room to take a shower and get dressed," I say. I am not sure what to think about the kiss as no one has ever held me like that and made me feel like that. Is that what love feels like? I do not know. I am stupid when it comes to love. We run to his car, and I get in fast. We go to my hotel, and John waits downstairs as I go to my room to take a shower and get dressed. I'm not too fond of the smell of alcohol on his breath when I come down from my room. I wouldn't say I like alcohol, but I get that some people drink, and I have to get over it. "Can we eat here tonight at the hotel? I am not in the mood to go out as I have a long day tomorrow," I ask John. "Sure, can I stay in your room tonight?" He asks. "No, I told you before, John. I am not going to sleep with you, so stop asking," I say. "Fine, I have a present for you," John says, and he takes out a ring. I look at it as if it is a snake that is going to bite me. "It is just a promise ring, not an engagement ring," He says. "A promise ring? What the hell is that?" I ask. "Well, it is my promise to you that I will marry you one day when you are ready. But, I get that you are still young and not ready to settle down yet," John says. "Sorry, I can not take it as I can not marry you," I say. I give John his ring back.  "Nonsense," John says and puts the ring on my finger. I see a man taking a photo, and I feel that I am being set up or something. "Fine, but I am still not going to marry you," I say. "We will see," John says. We order our food, and soon I forget about the ring on my finger. It is a bit big for a promise ring, but I let it slide. After we ate, John left, and I went to my room to sleep. My phone rang early the following morning. I did not sleep well as I had nightmares and sat up most of the night writing new songs. I am still sleepy. I see it is Ann and answers. "You got engaged without even warning me!" Ann says. "I am not engaged. Where did you get that crap from?" I ask. "Well, switch on the news," Ann says. So I reach for the control and switch the news on. I see John confirming that he asked me to marry him, and I said yes. The camera shows photos of him sticking the ring on my finger and me smiling at him. I am going to kill him! I swear I am going to kill John Hudson. "I did not get engaged. John said it was a promise ring and when I wanted to give it back he refused to take it back. So what the hell do I do now, Ann?" I am panicked as I know I did not agree to marry him. "Call him and make him tell the media it is a joke," Ann says. "I will try, but somehow I think he set me up last night," I say. I am so bloody stupid! Why did I expect the ring? I should have stick to my gut feeling and refused the ring. I hang up and call John. "My pretty fiance is calling me early," John says. "I am not your fiance, and I will deny it. However, I have taken of the ring, and you better come and fetch it! I never want to see you again, John Hudson," I say. "It is too late, my little rock star. No one will believe you as I already made a statement, and my parents are on their way to meet you," John says. I am in a flat spin. This can not be. I will not meet his parents, and I will not let the world think I am engaged. There is only one person that can help me now. I hang up without even saying goodbye to John. I call Logan Hudson's number. "Well, if it is not the woman that tricks my brother into marrying her," He says sarcastically. "I did not, and I am not engaged to your brother. He is the one that tricked me last night, and I need you to talk some sense into his stupid head," I say. "Hmm, yeah, well, that will be impossible, and my father and stepmother are already on their way to Las Angeles. Good luck with Jolene Hudson. She will give you hell as she will not see you as fit to marry his precious son," Logan says. "I am not going to marry him! Would you please let him tell the world that it was a joke," I say? "I am sorry, Miss Preston, but I can not help you. You are the one that allowed John to stick that ring on your finger," Logan says. "Fine, then I will handle it myself, but if your brother looks like an i***t, it is not my fault," I say. I hang up, and five seconds later, my phone rings again. It is Logan. I ignore his call as he is an asshole. I know he is in Las Angeles as Ann met with him and his team last night for the final details of my contract. I am sitting in my bed, and I feel like crying for the first time in years. There is a knock on my door, and I quickly put on a long sleeve sweater and sweatpants before I open the door. In front of me stand two very angry-looking older people. I recognize Jack and Jolene Hudson and let them in. "You little tramp! You are good for nothing w***e! You think for one moment I will let you marry my son," Jolene Hudson screams at me. I just stand there and keep trying to keep my face straight and expressionless. It is nothing I have not heard before. "I am not engaged to your son. He was playing a prank on me last night. He said it was a promise ring and put it on my finger. If you watched the videos, he did not even get on his knee to ask me to marry him," I say with a voice dead of any emotion. Inside I am breaking. The woman's words hit hard and hurt, but I will not show it to them. "We called jack this morning, and he confessed to the engagement. So do not try and keep yourself innocent here," Jack Hudson says. What the f**k? I swear I am going to kill Jack. "He said he will only marry you and no other woman and that we better accept it. He said he loves you and that you love him. But, you are not good enough for our son. So you better fix this and break things up with him. Do you understand me? I will not accept a person with no background and no family into my family," Jolene says. Her voice is cold as ice, and I shiver. What have I done to deserve this? "You used your pretty little face and your body to trap our son. Didn't you? You are good for nothing b***h, and you better stay away from John. I will talk some sense into my son's head. Besides, the girl he is really in love with is Pauline, and she is pregnant with his child. This little game of yours almost made her have a miscarriage," Jolene continues. I stand there, not knowing what else I can say. Finally, she walks forward and raises her hand to slap me. She strikes me. I start laughing as it is not near as hard as I am used to. "That is enough, Jolene. She is telling the truth. I talked to the person that took the pictures last night, and you owe her an apology. Besides, Jennifer is my girl, and no one will touch her or say anything bad about her, or I will cut you off from my business and stop supporting the two of you and John," I hear a voice coming from the door. Logan walks in and takes me in his arms, holding me. I take the ring that is lying on my bedside table and hands it to Jolene. "Give this to John and tell him his little prank went too far. After that, we can no longer be friends," I say as Logan pulls me in his arms again. They leave without saying a word. Not even sorry. I sit on my bed. I know my face is pale, and the red of where she hit shows, but I do not care. I will not cry. I promised myself I would never cry again. Logan looks at me and sits next to me. "Thank you," Is all I can say to him. "I only helped you out because I did not want you to tell the world the truth and make my brother look like the clown he is, but for the time being, you will have to play my girlfriend, or my brother will never leave you alone," Logan says. He looks tired. "Even if you just did it for your brother, I still want to thank you. No one else would have helped me," I say. Logan looks at me funny. "I know you are an orphan, but don't you have someone that knows and care about you?" He asks. "No one that can help me in situations like this," I say. I am not too keen to talk about my past and not to someone I don't know. Logan look at me where he sits on my bed. "I will help where I can, but you have to stay away from my brother. He is not a good man and not a good friend," Logan says as he looks at me. "Take a nap, Logan," I say, and he looks at me with a smile. "Do I look that tired?" He asks. I nod as he lies down on my bed to take a nap. I leave him as I go and work on my new song. It is still early, and I have nothing to do today. Only the concert tonight. I look at Logan, who looks relaxed and peaceful as he sleeps. He looks even more handsome when he is calm. I do not play my guitar as I do not want to wake him up. I work on my lyrics, and after a while, I go and take a shower. Logan is still asleep when I come back into my room.
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