Did I die?

1722 Words
Christiana’s POV “But, I love you, Peter,” I cried as I grabbed his arm, preventing him from turning around. He turned his face to the side, not bearing to look into my eyes. “You should’ve considered that before cheating,” he hissed, pushing my hand away and walking away as I sobbed. “And cut!” the director yelled, and I wiped my tears. Finally, this hell was over. I faked a tight smile at my co-actor as he flashed me a cheeky smile. He came over and gave me a side hug. “Great job, Tiana,” he said, lowering his hand from my waist to my butt. Pervert. I said in my mind. I pushed his hand away, rubbing my neck awkwardly. “Good job, everyone.” The director clapped his hands as he got up from his chair. He smiled at me and James, my co-actor. “You two were amazing,” the director praised us and we chuckled. “James, your sister is here,” someone called, and he glanced at me. “See you in a few minutes, Tiana,” he said, kissing my cheeks. As soon as he left, I wiped my cheek with disgust, causing the director to look at me. “It’s all for you Ryan, I don’t like the guy,” I grumbled and he guffawed at me. My only way to take this role was to have a relationship with my co-actor, and I wasn’t the type of person for relationships, especially with someone like James. It was all for publicity. I chanted in my head, running my fingers through my hair. I waved for my assistant and she hurried in my direction with a water bottle in her hands; she handed it to me and I chugged down the water as I was thirsty. “Your mother called, and you were supposed to see her two hours ago,” my assistant said, glancing at her phone for the time. I put down the water bottle and nodded. “You can take the day off,” I said, walking to my room. “Thanks, Ms. Summer,” I heard her yell over the noise. I reached my room and pushed the door open. I got out of the set clothes and wore a pair of black shorts along with a white crop top. My phone buzzed, receiving multiple messages. I checked it. Finding my sister was the one sending them. I ignored the texts, thinking she was telling me about my date with mom. I threw my phone in my purse and headed out of the room, running into James. Can’t I just leave in peace? I wanted to roll my eyes, but stopped myself, not wanting to look rude. James wasn’t my type. I liked loyal men and James was the opposite of loyal; he slept with almost the entire cast except me, of course, but I was on his list. I hated every shoot that we had to be intimate. He took his chance and touched me. I had to stop myself from breaking his nose just for this role. This movie is supposed to be a big hit and maybe that’s why I’m holding myself back from fighting with James. I didn’t want any scandals on the news right now. “Where are you going? I thought we were leaving together,” he said, grabbing my hand in his. “Mom wants to see me all of a sudden. See you tomorrow, James,” I mumbled, pulling my hand out from his grasp. Thank God, my mother called. I gave him a sad smile as he sighed. I answered the call and walked away, leaving him alone. “Yes, mom I’m on my way,” I said as I walked towards the parking lot. “Don’t be late, honey, there’s something important your dad and I want to tell you,” she said in a warm tone. I wrinkled my nose, backing the phone away from my ear. Was that my mom or someone else? She never spoke to me with that tone before. “Don’t worry, thirty minutes and I’ll be there,” I answered her, and she hung up. My family was never close. I grew up witnessing many fights between my parents. It was a living hell, all their screaming, throwing things at each other. It was scary. What they did to me left a scar behind. I was afraid that maybe one day my marriage would turn out like theirs, full of anger and hatred. The only person who was close to me was my older sister, Kylie. She was my anchor. I sighed and slipped my phone into the purse. As I reached the parking lot, I grabbed out the car keys, pressing the unlock button. My car flickered, and I smiled, happy to leave the set. I opened the driver’s seat and entered the car. Welcomed by the smell of fresh mint, I threw my purse on the seat next to me and put on the seat belt. I started the car and drove away from the set, driving into LA’S busy streets. Ten minutes into driving and I already stopped at a red light. I checked my watch, noticing I had plenty of time. My eyes went to the red light, waiting for it to turn green. I heard my phone ring; I glanced at my purse and brought the phone out, answering the call. “Thank God you answered,” my sister said in a panicked tone. “I sent you like dozens of messages, where were y-“ I put the phone in speaker mode. Kylie’s loud voice filled the silence. “Why aren’t you replying to my text?” “I thought you were talking about mom wanting to see us,” I mumbled, seeing the lights turn green. I placed my phone on the dashboard, pressing the gas pedal furiously when the cars behind me honked at me. Only a second passed when I heard Kylie bursting out. “What’s wrong with you, Kylie? Are you hurt?” I asked, hearing her sniffle. “I’m at the airport. Please pick me up, that jerk broke up with me,” she cried and I rolled my eyes at my dramatic sister. I always warned her about her choice of men, but she never listened. Men were like clothes for her, she changed them a lot and I got sick of keeping up with her. The last time I met one of her flings, he tried to r**e me. And that definitely left a scar, too. Kylie was still in line, crying her heart out. My sister never cried over a man if he broke up with her. It was either she fell in love with him, which is not her regular self, or she got herself into trouble. I stopped the car again at a red light and I sighed, looking at the people crossing the road. “Seriously, that’s why you called me? I told you he would break up with you.” The light turned green, and I drove again with my eyes on the road as I spoke. “I thought he would stay for our baby, but no, he left his pregnant girlfriend alone.” Pregnant?! This word stuck in my head, and I worried about my sister and her reckless self. I blinked at what she said. “Pregnant? You got yourself pregnant,” I said bluntly, making my sister cry even more. I cursed under my breath, feeling a headache rise to my head from her cries. “Kylie, calm down. I’m on my way. Call mom and tell her I’ll be late,” I grumbled, glancing on my left, looking for a U-turn. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, swerving it as I found the U-turn. A speeding car came rushing and my feet immediately pressed the brake. My body jerked forward, only to be pushed back by the belt, and my phone fell off the dashboard. “Sorry,” the other driver shouted, and I faked a smile, then continued driving. “Hello? Tiana, I can’t hear you,” I heard her shout, forgetting she was still on the line. I glanced at the phone that fell next to my right leg. The street was empty; I pulled over at the side of the road and reached for my phone, grabbing it. “Watch out,” someone shouted. I lifted my head, looking to my left, seeing a speeding car heading towards mine. “Oh no,” I mumbled, feeling my limbs paralyzed and frozen. I couldn’t move any of them. I just stared at the car, seeing my entire life flash in front of my eyes. The car crashed into mine and I shut my eyes as my car flipped multiple times before landing upside down. I groaned, opening my eyes slowly, a grunt escaping my lips from the numbing pain. I was held by the seat belt upside down, feeling blood rush into my head because of my position. A warm liquid trickled down on my face, dripping on the shattered glass. I tried to move, stopping as soon as a wave of pain rushed in. I winced from the pain, breathing in the air harshly. “I’m fine,” I whispered to myself. My eyes snapped at the other car. Seeing the other driver, half of her body went through the windshield. Her hair was stained with blood and her green eyes met mine as her body laid there on the hood. She slowly closed her eyes. And I don’t if she just died or passed out. My phone rang, and I looked at it as it laid there on the ceiling. Kylie's photo popped up on the screen. I tried to reach for my phone, but a piercing scream escaped my lips, placing my hand on the source of the pain. I bit on my lips, trying not to think of my pain. I pressed my hand on my stomach, crying silently. I lifted my hand to my face, seeing blood. Black dots filled my vision and my eyelids closed slowly, falling into darkness. Was this my end? Did I just die?
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