
551 Words
Risen Prologue. That day — “Run. Kara please go, I’ll be okay.” She told me to leave that day, that everything will be okay. I was hesitant I couldn’t leave the love of my life, I just couldn’t. “Please run.” My legs obeyed but my heart didn’t, it didn’t want to leave her not in the slightest but my mind shouted go, so my legs carried me away. I wasn’t even a mile away when I heard a gunshot and just like that I stopped everything did, it was like time froze. A variety of thoughts were running through my mind in an endless loop of what if I would never see her again. “There she is, get her.” someone shouted, I was pulled out of my head space they were now after me. I had to run so I did my feet went as fast as they could, ducking all the brunches and trees that blocked my way. My heart pounced in fear but it didn’t surpass the pain it felt within, the pain of losing a loved one I had to survive just for her and only her. Then I reached my doom no where to hide nowhere to run, the only thing within sight was the endless body of water in front of my narrowed way of escape. I could have just jumped but I couldn’t swim, it was too deep too scary. “Stop! We’re not going to hurt you.” The voice said as it got closer to me and with each step it took I felt closer to death, I turned to it with my panting I looked into it’s eyes. It stood there tall and every intimidating, the dark eyes scared the life out of me it was going to do more than hurt me I was going to die. I took a step further back away from him, I saw his patience fade away with every step I took. If I was going to die I was going to die in my own terms. I took another step back then there it was, my time to leave this earth. I looked at them as they all pointed their guns to my face, with one inhale I took another step back. My eyes never leaving their leader the man that would forever haunt me, like I predicted the sound of a gun firing was heard. The pain was instant I felt a wave of pain in my left thigh the next thing, pain shot the my shoulder. With an aching and bloody leg I took a faint step back, the amount of pain I felt next was in my stomach. With everything going dark my body lost it’s strength off the cliff it fell, the dark cold waters of the world welcomed my dead body. I could no longer hold onto life my eyes went shut and that day I died in more ways than one. I felt someone light tap on my shoulder looking up I met my therapist concerned eyes, I must have zoned out again. Before she could ask me the same old question I gave her a fake smile then spoke, “I’m fine.” She went back behind her desk opening her note pad she waited here went another boring session, which helped not.
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