Ch. 8 : Chance Encounter

2549 Words
‘Of all the people to run into…’ I thought to myself, standing there stunned as Calix clung to the Crown Princes’ neck. ‘Wait… did Calix say Uncle?’ “Where have you been Calix?” The Prince asked him, looking down at him with a warm smile. “Your mother told you to stay near the library.” I couldn’t focus on Calix’s answer as I stood there, suddenly distracted by the Prince. ‘He’s very handsome… How come I’m just now noticing this?’ My mind wondered, recalling the past few moments in which I was near the Prince. He was tall, a full head and shoulders taller than me, with broad shoulders and well defined muscles that could be seen beneath his clothes. There were solid black markings on his arms, spaced out and scattered around him. These, I knew, were sacred tattoos that he had gained throughout his life as the only child of the Royal family. Each marking and design represented something that he had mastered, a great task he had succeeded in or a new responsibility he had gained or taken from his father. They also made him seem mysterious in a way. He also had an air of authority to him that mixed with wisdom and something else that I couldn’t place. The way he was smiling at the little boy that turned out to be his nephew was causing a dizzying effect in my chest, awakening a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. It was all a little overwhelming and embarrassing to realize that I did indeed find the Prince attractive. And very much so, if I was being honest. “So, Lady Delphia was helping you get back to your mother?” I shook my head clear of this sudden and unneeded realization, focusing on the Prince after hearing my name. “We were having fun playing games and trying tasty foods.” Said Calix, turning to smile at me. “And she can make pretty purple fire that doesn’t hurt you! I got to touch it, and it feels warm and fuzzy.” “Really?” The Prince turned and smiled at me, making me hold my breath for a moment before returning the smile. “Well I’m glad you got to have fun, but you need to go back to your mother, it’s getting late.” “No, wait!” Calix shimmied out of the Princes’ grasp, stumbling a little as he landed on the ground before he darted towards me. “I can’t go yet! I have to protect the Lady until her brother gets back, I promised.” My face started to burn slightly as I smiled down at him, feeling the weight of the Princes’ gaze on me while Calix beamed at us. “Don’t worry Calix, it’s alright.” I scrunched down to his level and patted his head, wanting to find a way to escape from this private moment with the Prince before the other Queeness’ caught me. “I was just going to return to my room after we found your mother.” “But… I promised.” He pouted, his little shoulders sagging as he fiddled with the hilt of his dagger. “That’s a very good point Calix.” The Prince stepped closer to us as he spoke, extending his hand out to help me back up. “A promise is always kept, no matter what.” His deep red eyes searched my face for a moment, making the heat in my cheeks grow even more from how close he was to me. “So how about I help you escort Lady Delphia back to her room, and then I’ll go with you to the library.” I blinked a few times as I tried to process this, my mind reeling as Calix bobbed his head rapidly, eager to fulfil his promise. “There’s really no need, Your Majesty.” I tried to stop this plan from being executed, knowing that I would be spotted with the Prince if he escorted me back. “It’s not far, and I’m sure my brother will join me on my way there.” “It’s alright.” He said, motioning for us to begin walking. “We’ll go our separate ways if your brother finds you.” ‘This can’t be happening!’ I smiled as I had a little mental panic, glancing around frantically to see if any of the candidates had already spotted us. ‘They’ll think I’m a threat and start targeting me first.’ I held back a groan as we managed our way out of the festival grounds, making it to the stone walkway that led to the Queeness Palace. ‘I didn’t even want to join this competition!’ “I feel like I owe you an apology.” I flinched a little as those words left the Prince while Calix ran ahead of us. “An apology?” I muttered back, turning to look at him. “For what, Your Highness?” He sighed and tilted his head to the darkening sky, rubbing his hand over his face before explaining. “I have to admit that before I met you, I had the worst impression of you.” He turned his head and frowned a little, those soul-searching red eyes peering into mine. “I had heard some… not so truthful things about you and decided to believe them because of the person that was telling me.” I turned away and glared at the ground, knowing that he was talking about Rosanna. “And I recently discovered that person's true colors, so I must apologize for never even giving you a chance.” “It’s alright, Your Majesty.” I said calmly, a part of me enjoying the fact that Rosanna had somehow ruined her perfect little image of herself to the Prince. “Nothing bad came of it, and the words and rumors of others have lost their effect on me, so please don’t allow yourself to be burdened by this.” I glanced at him and found him already staring at me, making that damned pink flush return to my face. Clearing my throat and turning away, I focused on Calix who had been swinging his little dagger around wildly, pretending to be protecting us from secret attackers. A small giggle left me as the silence stretched on, seeing him huff and puff as he ran around. Watching him like this made my own childhood memories surface again, picturing Arden and I chasing each other with wooden swords while our mother ran through her drills nearby. We continued to walk in silence, both of us drowning in our own thoughts until we finally reached the main entrance of the Queeness Palace. We all stopped at the foot of the steps leading to the double doors, with me facing Calix and the Prince as I prepared myself to thank them for escorting me. “Your Majesty.” I stiffened, recognizing that overly sweet tone as the door to the Palace opened, revealing an eager and secretly angry Rosanna. She practically skipped down the steps and moved in front of me, placing herself in between His Majesty and I while another person joined us. I tried so very hard to look at everything else but HIM, but he was her Guard and had to follow everywhere she went. “How wonderful to run into you here.” Rosanna continued, inching closer to him after her dainty little bow and soft greeting. “Would you, perhaps, spare me a moment of your time and join me for some tea?” Fighting to stop myself from groaning and rolling my eyes at her, I moved a little to the side and bowed to the Prince, smiling as a thank you before turning towards the stairs. “That’s very kind of you, Lady Du Pleasant.” I heard the Prince say, picking up on the slight edge of annoyance that was lacing his words. “Unfortunately, my nephew and I were only here to escort Lady Delphia back to the Palace safely since her brother was occupied.” I faltered slightly as I reached the top, wincing internally after hearing him say my name. ‘Stop it!’ I silently shouted, clearing my throat as I reached for the door handle. ‘My few months here will end up miserable if I’m lumped with you!’ “I got it!” I jumped as a blur of brown dashed past me, pulling the door open as I stood there, stunned. “Calix.” I breathed, smiling as he swept his arm in front of himself, motioning for me to enter. “Thank you.” “Maybe next time.” I turned at the sound of a man's voice approaching me from behind, realizing that I had missed the entire conversation that Rosanna was having with the Prince. “Your Highness?” I blinked a few times as he stopped right behind me, glancing at his nephew before arching a brow at me. “You don’t need to trouble yourself any further.” I told him, trying to catch a glimpse of Rosanna from behind him, but his large frame was blocking my view. “You can enjoy your time in the festival with Calix now… my room is just down the hall.” He smiled for a moment, shaking his head before doing the same motion that Calix had. Only when he did it it was much more smooth and elegant, softening the edges of his intimidating aura. I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat and turned around, walking into the Palace with him and Calix close behind me. “Forgive me.” He whispered, his voice and physical presence suddenly pressing into my back as we entered my wing. “I needed an excuse to avoid spending time with her.” My body became engulfed in flames then, my feet picking up the pace so that we were much further apart as we walked. “It’s alright.” I choked out, my voice breaking with the level of embarrassment and heat that I was feeling. “I’m glad I was of help to Your Majesty.” He chuckled then, sending those damned butterflies into a frenzy while Calix skipped ahead of us once more. I stopped in front of my door and turned to face them, breathing in deeply to calm myself, but I felt the heat in my face increase once my gaze locked with those deep red eyes. “Thank you, Your Majesty, for taking the time to escort me.” I managed to say, grateful that my voice actually sounded normal. “And thank you Calix, for keeping me company this whole time.” “Your welcome…” Calix started to say, his words fading before he jumped towards me and took one of my hands in both of his, his bright amber eyes glowing with a sly playful glimmer. “Your welcome, My Lady.” He raised my hand to his lips and gave it a little kiss, stunning me as the Prince burst into a fit of laughter. “Where did you learn that Cal?” He managed to say, looking between my shocked face to his nephew's proud one. “I saw some men do that to some pretty ladies at the festival.” Calix said, looking between us with a slightly confused look on his face. “Why? Is that bad?” “Nono… It’s just… something that grown ups do.” I stammered out, recalling the many couples that were openly affectionate with each other at the festival, hugging, holding hands and kissing. “Men usually do that to a lady that they like… so you should wait until you find someone like that for you.” “But… I like you Lady Delphia.” His innocent little voice and bright, happy expression wasn’t helping me control the flames that were painting my cheeks. The Prince struggled to contain his laughter, his crimson eyes dancing as he looked at me, waiting to see how I’d answer his nephew. That helped turn my embarrassment into determination, wanting to escape this awkward moment while at the same time not hurting little Calix’s feelings. So I dropped down to his level again and smiled, ignoring the amused and beaming face of the Prince who stood behind this little Knight in training. “I like you too, Calix.” I started, my smile growing when his little cheeks turned pink. “And it makes me feel very happy and special that you feel that way.” I ruffled his hair and slowly straightened up. “I think you’ll become a great Knight when you grow up.” His smile grew and his amber eyes glowed so brightly with his little hopes and dreams, making my chest tighten and giving me a chance to excuse myself before he said anything more. “I hope you have a wonderful rest of your night, Your Majesty.” I bowed to the Prince and turned to open my door, struggling to keep myself from narrowing my eyes at his still amused face. “You as well, Lady Delphia.” He chuckled out, smiling brightly as he watched me enter my room. Once I was completely inside, they turned and started making their way out of the hallway, allowing me to close my door. I sank into one of my loveseats in the sitting room, glancing around and noticing that it had been lit by someone. As I sat there I laughed, thinking back at everything that had just happened to me. But as I smiled and laughed and wiped the joy filled tears from my eyes, I caught sight of my sword tattoo on my palm. All the laughter died instantly, the long bright pink scar that broke the blade of the sword helping to bring me back down to reality. ‘I can’t let another moment like that happen.’ I told myself, staring down at my hand. ‘So what if I find the Prince attractive? So what if he awakens emotions that I swore to never feel for another man? It means nothing in the end…’ I got up from my seat and made my way into my room, stepping out of my shoes and beginning to stretch on the floor. ‘I’m only here to kill some time until my brother manages to raise enough money for us to leave… The Prince doesn’t matter… These emotions don’t matter….Love doesn’t matter.’
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