
Wings, Beasts and Claws: Amethyst Flame

female lead
another world
kingdom building

Book 1: After years of torment and abuse Amara and her twin brother have finally managed to escape the Du Pleasant estate. Sadly, her only way out was to join a group of Noble Lady's who are competing to become the wife of the future Crown Prince. Unable to step away from such a highly guarded location, Amara decides to endure the next year as a Queeness candidate, hoping to get eliminated by doing the bare minimum during the challenges. But she unintentionally wins each new test, gaining the attention of the Crown Prince and his parents. What more can she do to avoid becoming Queen and the wife of a Dragon Prince? Why can't she control the growing feelings she has swore to never feel for another man? And who is behind the sudden poisoning deaths of some of the Queeness candidates and their attendants?

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Ch. 1 : The Queeness Competition
I sat in my room feeling bored as I re-read some of my old books, deciding whether it would be tossed aside for donation or kept for later enjoyment. I was nearly done taking down most of all my books from my bookshelf, placing the ones for donation in a wooden crate while my more treasured tomes were being gently tucked away in a small luggage case. I paused when an old dark blue leather book caught my attention. It was an old history book that was very bright and colorful, with many different illustrations and portraits inside for a child to look at. The edges of the pages were wrinkled and a few stains marred the inside. And just inside the top cover was a small written message in an elegant cursive that drew tears to my eyes. ‘To my dear, sweet twins. May the history of our land's past lead to your brighter future. With lots of love and eternal Blessings, Mommy.’ I lightly trailed a finger over her black letters, hearing her faint voice in my memories as she read this very book to me and my brother. As I was beginning to drown in my childhood a knock rang out, bringing me back to the present. “Come in.” I told them, breathing out deeply to control my sudden sadness. “Forgive my intrusion, My Lady.” I turned to find the Head Maid stepping in, her head bowed slightly before she looked up at me. “But the Duchess has asked for your presence in the tea room.” I nodded, setting down my precious book before following her out of my room. Two other maids soon joined us as we made our way down the stairs and towards the east wing of the estate. After a decently brisk walk I found myself in front of two large ornate sliding doors. The Head Maid knocked and called out to her Mistress, announcing my arrival before opening the doors for me. I kept my eyes down on the smooth polished floor until I was certain that I had walked in deep enough. “Good evening Duchess Du Pleasant.” I greeted, gathering the sides of my gown as I curtsied. “And you as well Lady Rosanna.” I added smoothly, noticing my half sister sitting beside her mother. “Good evening.” The older golden haired woman said, her voice cold and distant. “Don’t bother taking a seat Amara, this will be fairly quick.” I nodded, waiting in stoic silence for them to take another sip of tea before speaking. “As you know, you will be leaving in two days for the Fafner Palace along with my daughter.” I nodded again, feeling a well of anger slowly begin to catch fire in my chest. “You must finish packing what you wish to take and have a Greeting dress sorted out as well.” My hands trembled with my growing fury, but I kept my face completely neutral. “I have taken it upon myself to get a custom dress made for you for the Greeting of the Queeness’, as well as a new nightgown… but don’t think that you have a single chance at being chosen, or even noticed by His Highness.” Rosanna smiled a big triumphant smile at me, tilting her head up to try and look down at me from her sitting position. “I have only given you these things to ensure that you won’t embarrass the family in front of the Royals. So behave, and do what you must to help your sister become Queen, understand?” Once again I nodded, clenching my teeth as both blondes sneered at me, their eyes raking over my appearance a few times before looking away in disgust. Those mocking and venomous stares made my stomach churn, fueling my already bottomless anger as a few maids walked into the room. One pair held up a beautiful gown of a unique violet and black color. It was obviously made of the finest silk with gems studded in the perfect places to catch the light with minor movement. The second pair of maids held up a nearly transparent nightgown with thin straps and a long slit in between where the legs would be. It was very low cut with half of the back exposed and still small enough to hug my body. It was all made of a pale grey material that looked to have some kind of fine glitter all over it. I wanted to throw up at the sight of these new garments, but I bit my lip to keep from giving them the reaction they wanted. Instead choosing to bow and thank them for their kindness. I was then excused and able to return to my room, where I could freely lash out at everything around me. “You cold-blooded bitches.” I huffed, glaring at the gowns the maids had laid on my bed. “You’ve spent the past ten years giving me nothing but torn, old hand-me-downs. But now that I’ve been picked along with your precious daughter to be a Queeness, you suddenly want to dress me up in finery so I won’t embarrass you?” I grabbed the sheer nightgown tightly, fighting with the urge to tear it in half. “Pathetic.” I huffed, exhaling all my rage as I turned to look out my window. It had been a month since I was told about this turn of events. A month since I was named as a candidate for the Crown Prince’s Queeness competition, where he would spend time with, possibly sleep with and test twelve Noble women in an effort to find his future Queen. It was a time honored tradition that all Crown Princes had to go through before they could get engaged, married and then crowned as King. Since I was a daughter of a Duke my name was added to the list of choices last year along with the eligible daughters of other Nobles in our country. From that list the Royal family and their most trusted advisors would then go through some elaborate selection process that would narrow down the number each time they went through it. After months of removing names, they end up with twenty-five girls that are then visited by the Royal Physician. This helps narrow down the list even more since only fertile and healthy women are allowed to compete. This left them with just nineteen names that needed to be cut down further until there were only twelve. Nobody really knows what the last process is or what is required to make it to the final twelve. But my sister and I both managed to make it onto that highly coveted list. And since my stepmother and father couldn’t do anything to stop me from competing, they were left with no choice but to allow me to pack and prepare. Ironically, after the announcement was made the Duchess and her two older sons had stopped tormenting me. And my fellow competitor Rosanna had been left to stew quietly, unable to hit me as she wanted since any sign of abuse that was visible on a Queeness would end up seen. And that would mean that their highly valued Du Pleasant name would be looked upon in a dark light. That was something none of them would ever let happen. So I was gratefully left alone, peacefully gathering my things and preparing to leave this hellhole. Of course, the Royal family, the Crown Prince in particular, would soon see the terrible rags that I was forced to pack. He would end up seeing how much I was despised at this house and probably begin to ask questions. That is, of course, if I held even a speck of his attention, or if he pitied my pathetic appearance. Since I didn’t know the Prince like my sister did I couldn’t really guess how he would react to my trashy attire. But I didn’t really care what-so-ever. I already knew that Rosanna was going to end up being the final victor in the year-long competition. She had gone to the same private Academy as the Prince and her older brothers, befriending him quickly before he graduated since he’s a few years older than her and I. After that they exchanged letters and she would sometimes even join him on picnics with his close friends. She even bragged to her small circle of followers and to the rest of our family that the Prince had promised to make her his Queen. That he just needed to get through the Queeness competition for traditions sake and that the victor would be her. A part of me couldn’t deny the bitter feeling that came over me whenever I thought of that. Or the feeling of pity towards the other competitors that would no doubt think that they had a chance to become Queen. But I always made myself feel better when I remembered that I had no obligation to help her out during the competitions. I wasn’t going to be forced, or beaten, or starved by her mother and brothers if I didn’t do what they asked of me. I would be living within the Queeness Palace, miles away from the Du Pleasant estate. They would lose all control over me the minute I left on the carriage, and once the competition was over I wasn’t going to come back. I smiled as I continued packing, glancing at the portrait of my twin brother and I from when we were kids. We had both agreed that after I lost the competition, no matter what stage I was in, my brother Arden would help me sneak away. We would then run for the coast where we would sell all of the expensive things we managed to pack with us and take a ship to the furthest country. We never wanted to hear the name Du Pleasant again, or come face-to-face with either one of our half siblings. “My Lady.” I turned as the door opened and watched as a familiar and friendly maid entered. Her name was Ivy and she was a couple years older than me. She had been working in the estate since she was a kid and was one of the few maids, along with the Head Maid, that didn’t look down at my brother and I. She even took it upon herself to step in as my unofficial Handmaid since my stepmother strictly forbade my father from assigning one for me, leaving me to struggle through asking random maids whenever I needed things. Ivy smiled softly at me and motioned for me to take a seat in front of my vanity and said, “It’s getting late, Lady Amara, you must rest before you overexert yourself.” I nodded, sighing as I stepped away from the nearly full luggage and plopped down on my seat. She then proceeded to undo the ribbons and braids from my hair that had been styled into a low knot, combing out my thick locks gently. Once it was completely smooth she helped me get out of my dress and shoes, slipping on a bathrobe and escorting me through my open bathroom door. I hadn’t realized that she had already been in here and prepared the bath for me, smiling when I noticed the thin tendrils of steam rising into the air from the water. Another sigh left my lips as I climbed in, sinking down until my hair was drenched before settling against the cool marble. “Are you excited about the competition, My Lady?” Ivy asked, moving around the room as she added my favorite bathing oils and flower petals into the water. I chuckled lightly, turning to look at her as she took a seat on a small stool and started gently scrubbing my hair. “No, there’s no point in being excited, or even looking forward to it.” I raised my hand out of the water and stared at it for a moment, analyzing the damp orchid petals that were stuck to my skin. “Rosanna will no doubt become the Queen in the end, so I have nothing but disappointment awaiting me if I end up caring about it now.” “But, you could still win over her.” Ivy said, her voice filled with determination and passion. “You’re very beautiful My Lady, and kind and smart and so many more wonderful things.” Her hands moved faster through my hair as she talked, picking up on her rising energy. “You could turn the Prince's head and show him that you’re a thousand times better than her!” She yelped as the words left her mouth, freezing for a moment before leaning in close to me and whispering. “I mean, Lady Rosanna is a very cold and greedy person, she’ll surely drag the Kingdom through more struggles than you would…. So… you should try and beat her.” I smiled as her soft words slowly faded, no doubt being weighed down by embarrassment at her outburst and honest opinion. “I don’t know.” I finally said, wiping the water droplets off my face after she washed away the subs from my hair. “Would it really be worth it, putting in all my efforts to gain his favor if he’s already in love with Rosanna?” I flinched a little as that dreaded ‘L’ word left my lips, shaking my head as I slowly stepped out of the tub. “No, let my sister keep her Prince… I don’t want to end up making the same mistake again and make a fool out of myself.” Ivy frowned as she wrapped my hair up in a towel, wringing out the excess water before helping me slip into my robe again. “Besides, love is for the foolish and weak… and I refuse to be used and lied to by some man’s poisonous sweet words.” She stayed quiet after that, combing through my hair and helping me slip into my nightgown. Once she was gone I made my way to my desk where the portrait of my brother and I rested. I picked it up and smiled, feeling myself relax as I looked into the bright and smiling faces of our past. My brother had me on his back with his arms locked behind himself, holding me up by my thighs. He looked much thinner than he does now, with lanky arms and legs that peaked out through his simple blue Primary uniform. His dark brown hair was grazing his eyebrows as he smiled at the person that took the portrait, his head turned back to look at me. I was holding on to his shoulders tightly, with my legs wrapped around his waist and one shoe missing. I wore a similar Primary Academy uniform, but the dress had added white lace accents that were slightly dirty from playing. My hair was a few shades lighter than his and pulled back in a very messy ponytail that looked ready to give up. But the one thing that always called the most attention was our identical amethyst colored eyes. Eyes that weren’t common for the Du Pleasant family. Eyes that clearly separated us from all our Du Pleasant ancestors. Eyes that let everyone know that we were the Duke’s illegitimate children.

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