Ch.23 : Surprise Ally

2420 Words
My blood ran cold, my body numb to all outside influence as Ivy’s words taunted me. I fought against them, not wanting to believe that my brother had been dragged to the Palace Prison. My knees locked and my body soon lost its will to stand, my body tilting to the side as Ivy held me, stopping me from hitting the floor. “I need to see him.” I muttered, brushing past her and towards the doors. She had to pull me back and remind me that I was in nothing but a nightgown, urging me to take deep breaths before I started getting ready. I tried doing what she said, tried to fill my lungs with air as she scampered around the room, pulling out pieces of my outfit. Still in a heavy fog of disbelief, I followed her orders, not really seeing what I was stepping into or what she had done to my hair. But when she was finished I shook the heaviness away from me, rushing out of my room with Ivy right behind me. I passed by many other Queeness’ and Knights who all seemed to be spreading this new load of gossip, their eyes boring into me as I passed them. The path towards the Palace Prison was very long, passing through the eastern gardens that were mostly just a hedge maze with different little gazebos scattered within it. We passed some smaller Palaces, another large flat place for Knights to train on, a distant stable where the carriages and horses were kept and a small stone storage building that held the gardeners tools. After going past all of these things the Palace grounds became darker, ominous and cold with only one small stone building in the distance. It was heavily guarded and had only one entrance that was currently the center of attention for the many Knights stationed here. Two Palace Knights were standing shoulder to shoulder, their black gold and red uniforms adding another layer of anxiousness to the atmosphere as I came closer. Their weapons were still sheathed but their hands were resting on the hilts of their swords, preparing them to be drawn if necessary. And standing in front of these cold faced Knights with her back to me was Lady Spornette. She looked to be shaking and her voice carried her desperate plea that stunned me. “I beg of you, let me speak to the Commander!” She said, her voice breaking once with unshed tears as she clutched her chest. “This is all a mistake! Sir Arden would never be a part of such villainess acts!” I nearly tripped hearing her beg for my brother, my steps slowing just slightly as she continued. “There was even an attempt on his own sister! How could anyone believe that he would hurt her? He would first take the poison himself rather than risk her life, please, just let me speak to the Commander! There has to be more evidence to prove his innocence.” Once I was just a few feet away and the Knights looked up to acknowledge me, I spoke. “I am Amara Delphia, Sister to Sir Arden Delphia.” Lady Spornette turned and gasped, startled by my sudden presence. “I demand an audience with Commander Lovarne.” One Knight sighed and slowly moved aside while his comrade simply looked me over, silently assessing me. “The Commander has been waiting for you Lady Delphia.” the first Knight said, reaching out to hold the metal door open for me. “As Sir Arden’s twin sister and current Queeness you have been permitted entry.” I nodded, ignoring the other Knight and moving forward, but as I neared the threshold the Knights moved to block Ivy and Lady Spornette, stopping them from following me. “They are coming with me.” I told them, my tone hard as I glanced at both trembling women. “You were the only one given permission to enter, Lady Delphia.” The other Knight said, finally speaking. “No one is permitted other than you.” I glared at them, clenching my hands tightly into fists before releasing a heavy breath. “As you wish.” I gritted, tilting my head up and meeting their steady gaze. “Escort them to my brother's cell then.” They glanced at each other again, the minds visibly running through the orders they were given. “I trust he is allowed visitors.” After another quiet moment they nodded, one of them motioning to a Knight that was out of view. Soon we were joined by two more Knights who nodded towards Ivy and Lady Spornette, facing me. I turned and finally continued into the building, stopping when I arrived in front of a set of stairs that descended into darkness and a large wooden door to the left of it. Another Knight stood guard between the stairs and door, arching a brow at me as the Knights behind me started walking down the stairs. Ivy reached out and gave my hand a squeeze as she passed, and Lady Spornette smiled weakly, her eyes, nose and cheeks flushed from crying. When I couldn’t see them anymore I turned to face the doors, straightening my back and taking in as deep a breath as I could before knocking. “Enter.” A deep gruff voice answered. I pulled the door open and walked inside, stopping almost immediately after stepping in, the door swinging back and closing against my back. A large burly man sat across the door in a dark room filled with files, shelves, books and weapons. The large wooden desk he sat behind was just as imposing and intimidating as he was. And when he tilted his head to look at me, with his thick brown hair and hazel grey eyes, I felt like I was staring into the eyes of a wild bear. “Lady Delphia.” His voice was deep and intimidating but also laced with exhaustion that gave me a small idea of how this man was doing with the investigation. “I was wondering when you would step into my office.” He stood and shuffled some papers around, tucking them into a folder before straightening his uniform and walking around the desk. “I trust that you are here in regards to your brother's imprisonment.” I nodded, “Yes, I was informed that some form of evidence was found in his room?” He hummed, stopping in front of his desk and leaning back against it, his hands flexing his fingers. “A small glass vial was found containing residue of the poison used during the festival and in the most recent attack on the Crown Prince and Lady Du Pleasant.” He rolled his shoulders back and sighed, my mind taking in his towering figure as he searched my face. “May I be frank with you My Lady?” I pondered his words for a moment, wondering why he would want to purposefully speak informally to me. True, things like this never really bothered me, and I had even asked Ivy and a few other Palace maids to speak casually with me. But I also knew that Knights went through a very rigorous and strict training that drilled many social expectations and mannerisms into their heads. And for those that served a prestigious Knighthood like the Royal Fafner Knightage, things like informal speech and relaxed postures were heavily frowned upon. I had even heard that the Commander himself had punished a few Knights after they had been caught speaking casually to a group of young Nobles. Yet here was said man asking if I would allow him to speak to me in an easygoing manner. “Of course Commander.” I finally said, seeing him relax even further against his desk. “I know your brother was framed, that to me, is obvious.” I opened my mouth to interject but he raised his hand, stopping me. “And I know that he is not involved in the poisonings in any way either, I’ve seen the kind of man he is and how much he values the way of the sword, and he’s not who we’re looking for.” He sighed again, reaching up to rub his eyes before continuing. “But I have no choice but to imprison him, for now.” He looked up and frowned, no doubt seeing the fury in my eyes at his words. “I understand that this sounds hypocritical of me, but I can’t show favoritism in a case like this.” He waved his hand toward the mess of papers near the corner of his desk, a frustrated growl rumbling in his chest as he spoke. “These poisonings… whomever is behind them, is clever and has managed to leave us in the dark. And somehow a vial ends up in your brother's room after I had personally inspected every Knights quarters…” He shook his head, looking tired again. “Look, all I can do right now is hold him here, keep him comfortable and safe… and I know this is quite low of me to ask but… I would like your help in this situation.” I blinked a few times, stunned that he had blatantly asked me, a Noble woman, for help. “Why me?” I asked, hesitantly taking a step forward. “Because whoever the culprit is went to a lot of trouble to frame your brother.” I sensed more so I took another step closer. “And because I had heard that His majesty had already spoken to you about the investigation since the night it started.” Another step closer. “And also because… I fear that my one or more of my own Knights might be behind this… along with some Central Palace servants…” I stopped breathing, feeling a rush of cold as I processed his words. When they finally sank in I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes, knowing that I had no other choice in the matter if I wanted to prove my brother’s innocence and set him free. So I agreed and talked over how the next few days would proceed for me as well as a hastily thought out plan. Once we were both in agreeance, I stepped out and made my way down the dark staircase that Ivy and Lady Spornette had taken to see my brother. The space felt small as I descended, making me feel anxious in the dark as I kept both hands on one wall. When I finally reached the bottom I followed the faint dancing light of a torch down an even darker corridor. I continued to let myself be guided by the stone wall to my side, glancing over the other end to find thick bars and empty prison cells. I turned a corner to find another smaller hallway as well as Ivy and Lady Spornette standing in the middle, both of them facing one of the cells. “Arden!” I rushed forward, stumbling on the uneven ground before crashing into the cold metal bars. “Hey Little Flower.” Looking through the bars I gasped and fought back a sob at the state of my dear brother. “I look worse than I really am, trust me.” He placed his hands over mine and I cringed, feeling how cold they were against my skin. He was covered in dirt and his training clothes looked stretched and slightly torn, as if he had gotten into a fight. Under his nose was a small glob of dried blood and his knuckles were red and a little swollen. “You fought back?!” I hissed at him, my hands trembling as I struggled to keep the tears away. “Arden you bastard, why would you do something so stupid?” He chuckled, rubbing his thumbs over my hands before letting go and stepping back. “I couldn’t help it,” He looked away from me, cringing away from Lady Spornette’s gaze. “I worked hard to get to where I am as a Knight… and when they called me out for my arrest and the so-called proof they found… I don’t know… I just snapped.” I could hear Lady Spornette’s soft sobs echo in the darkness, my brother turning to look at her with the most torn and broken expression on his face I had ever seen. It looked as though it physically hurt him to see her cry for him. Like her every tear turned into a needle that dug deep into his heart. “Ivy.” I looked over my shoulder at her, making sure she could see the meaning in my eyes. “Please take Lady Spornette back to my room and help her relax, ok?” She nodded quickly, taking the pale and sniffling Lady by the elbow and walking her out. When they were gone I turned to my brother, a fierce flame of determination spreading through me as I looked into our identical eyes. “I’m getting you out of here Ardy.” I told him, smiling a little when he placed his hands over mine again. “I’ll find whatever I can use to prove your innocence, ok?” He nodded weakly, a tired smile curling the corners of his mouth. “Just promise me you'll be careful, ok Little Flower?” He tightened his hold on my hands, his eyes conveying the urgency in his words. “Don’t do anything alone, take Ivy with you… or better yet, have Prince Dorian accompany you.” “Stop calling me that.” I groaned, ignoring his suggestion. “You‘ve only ever called me that so I wouldn’t be mad at you.” “I know.” He chuckled, his eyes growing distant for a moment. “You used to get mad at me for the silliest reasons.” A couldn’t fight the tears anymore as I watched him reminisce about our childhood, my hands trembling with the fear of losing my brother.
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