18. The Fight

1394 Words

It was almost two month later when I had it with him. I was going back and forth from his place to my parents, then to mine every once in a while to check on my place, pay the bills and just to unwind and have a nice chat with Dale and his daughter, and some days I would regroup with my girls there. I was like a vagabond, he was not letting me just stay at my parents. He was adamant that we should stay together as a family unit. I was flattered at his suggestion, but lately he was busy and would come home late. Dawn accompanied us most of the time when we were at Ivan's, and I was being patient with him. "Why am I here if you're just going to come for  couple of hours then leave us again? You can always visit those couple of hours at my parents or at mine. Why can't we stay at mine? I'm

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