Chapter 30 what a freaking elf

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Updated Hope’s P.O.V   Over the next few days the cabins were built on and now there was enough room for all the warriors and their families. Each of them had their own bedroom and bathroom, there was a kitchen and a dining hall in both cabins too. Every member trained harder each and every day, they were starting to grow stronger and as I watched them I was so proud of them and how far they had come in such a short amount of time. The one thing I did notice was that since I had trained with them that day they had not sparred with each other since, but why? It was a natural and normal pack thing to do, spar with each other and push each other to get better, so why weren't they doing it? I stood there watching them and after they had finished doing their warm ups, I decided to stop the training. I was going to get to the bottom of this. They all turned to look at me and came to the front, standing in front of me.   “Why don't you spar with each other?” I asked, but no one answered me. Vince came over to us and watched everything that was happening from the side lines. I looked at him, but he just nodded and didn't say anything.   “You do realise that if you spar with each other you will get better, you will push each other and get better at sensing what the other is going to attack you with. It will help you with sensing your opponent's next move and it will help you in any future fights you have with enemies.” I said and they all listened intently to me.   “Okay, I want you to do something different. I want two women and two guys to face off against each other. I want to see what you have and what you can do if you are facing someone that wants to hurt you or your family.” I announced and watched as Lara and Karie stood in front of each other and then Chung and Lou stood in front of each other.   “Ready, now spar.” I said and watched as Lara and Karie began to circle each other, sizing the other one up. Lara did a round kick and then flipped back, kicking Karie in the jaw. Karie recovered and did a sweeping kick, knocking Lara on her butt, then jumped over her and hit her with her elbow. Karie then grabbed her by the neck and flipped her over.   “Damn, you two learn fast. I’m very proud of you both.” I said, stopping the fight. They were like machines when they were fighting and they quickly reacted to each move, punch and kick that was thrown their way.   “Okya guys, it's your turn.” I said and the two guys started sparring straight away. They didn't bother to circle each other and size each other up, they just jumped straight into it. They were punching, kicking and tossing each other around. They were doing good until Lou took Chung’s neck in his hands and almost ripped his head off.   “LOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, MAN?! I SAID SPAR, NOT KILL EACH OTHER!!”  I screamed out and they both immediately stopped, stepping away from each other as I walked towards them.   “If you can not control your temper then you will lose if we ever have a war. Is that clear?” I asked and Lou bowed his head.   “Yes, Luna.” Lou replied, still bowing his head.   “Alright, we’ll continue this tomorrow, go wash up and rest until dinner.” I said and watched as everyone left, heading to the cabins.   “You are doing brilliant, you are teaching them and they need it. I’m proud of you, Luna Hope.” Vince said, running over to me after everyone had left.   “Thanks Vince, I appreciate that. Where are you heading to now?” I asked and he smiled, blushing at me.    “I’m going to see my mate.” Vince replied and I was shocked. I had talked to Vince many times, but not once had he mentioned a mate.   “Your mate? Who is that? How come you never mentioned her before?” I asked and he sighed.   “Because I didn't have one before, I have only just discovered that she is my mate, she doesn't even know yet. Before today I never helped with the training because I was too busy dealing with all the pack work with Alpha Rick, but today I decided to take a break and came out to watch what you were teaching them. I saw her sparring and she looked so amazing, I think she must have smelt me and that's why she lost the match because she was shocked or disappointed, I’m not too sure yet and I’m nervous as hell.” Vince replied and it made my heart melt for him. He was talking about Lara because she was the one who lost, which at the time I thought was weird because she is the strongest and most skilled female warrior out of them, but now it all makes sense. She was a beautiful woman with long black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. She never wore any make-up, but she didn't need to because she was naturally beautiful. If ever two people were meant for each other it was Vince and Lara, they were so much alike and I don't know why I didn't see it before now. They were both quietly spoken and kind hearted, but very protective over their pack and family.   “Well, what are you waiting for? Go and talk to Lara.” I said, making him happily sigh at the sound of her name. He smiled at me, nodded and then quickly ran towards the womens cabin. I chuckled to myself at the sight of Vince’s love sick puppy face, but then I had a weird feeling, the same weird feeling I had been having for the past few days. I turned to the woods, knowing that someone was there and I was getting sick and tired of this now. I hated being watched and I hated my pack members being watched.   “Okay, I know you have been out there everyday, watching us. Either come out and let me know who you are or I’ll come in there after you. Whatever you are, I'm not scared of you.” I said and suddenly saw movement in the woods. A few branches snapped and there she was, standing taller than me. A freaking elf! I had read books and heard about them, I had only ever seen pictures of them, but I didn't think that any of them were still alive. The woman stood at six foot tall, with beautiful wavy blonde hair and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. She was wearing an old type of dress that they were known for wearing and my eyes grew wide as she walked closer to me.   “Why are you here? What do you want? What is your name?” I asked, not sure if she was a threat or not just yet. This didn't feel real, there was an elf, an actual elf standing in front of me and this was something I could never in my wildest dreams ever have imagined happening.   “I am here because I am your protector, I want to keep your pack and you safe. My name is Sabrina and I have been watching over you ever since you fled from your old pack. Someone much more powerful wants to make sure that you are protected until the war comes and then you will have to defeat him to save all the clans, covens and packs, my Queen. You are the Queen of all werecats.” Sabrina replied and to say I was shocked was an understatement.   “Are you crazy? Who set you up to say this to me?” I asked, looking at her like she was nuts.   “No one set me up to do anything, I am telling you the truth, my Queen.” Sabrina replied and I was stunned. Why does she keep calling me that? What is she really doing here? Who is this person that wants me protected? Where did she come from? Who sent her here? If she has been watching all this time then why didn't she protect me like she was supposed to?
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