Chapter 31 heading to my old pack

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Updated Hope’s P.O.V   This was so unreal, this whole situation was beyond belief and yet here I was and this was really happening, but why? Why was it happening now and not before when I actually needed help? Why didn't whoever that wanted me to be protected help me when I was in my old pack? Why didn't they help me when I was being beaten and almost raped? Why didn't they help me the seven years I was alone in the woods?   “I’m telling you the truth, my Queen.” Sabrina said and I just stood there looking up at her.   “Okay, so hmmmm, who sent you here to protect me? As you can clearly see I don't need any protection now, so where were you before when I actually needed help and protection?” I asked, but Sabrina shook her head.   “I’m sorry my Queen, but I can not tell you who sent me, not yet. I can only tell you when you are ready to know the truth. As for your other question, I’m afraid I dont have the answer to that and only the one that sent me can answer it.” Sabrina replied and it only made me frustrated because I still didn't know anything. I was about to ask another question when suddenly Sabrina’s head shot up and she started looking around.   “I’m sorry, but I need to get going. I need to keep an eye on Roman and I have to make sure he is behaving. Everything will be known in due time, my Queen. I promise.” Sabrina said and bowed to me before quickly running off. I shook my head at everything she had just said, this elf is surely crazy, I’m not a Queen of anything and what did she mean by keeping an eye on Roman? What the hell is going on? I sighed, shaking my head and trying to wake up from this weird dream as I walked into the pack house and straight to Rick’s office. I walked in just as he was hanging up the phone, putting it back in his pocket and I was going to tell him about the elf, Sabrina and what she had said, but quickly changed my mind when I saw the look on his face. I hurried over to him, placing my hand on his chest and looked into his eyes.   “What's wrong? What happened? Is everything okay?” I asked, but he stayed silent. He looked like he was deep in thought, but what about?   Alpha Rick’s P.O.V   How was I going to explain this to her? How was I going to tell her that the phone call I just had was with the Alpha of her old pack, Alpha Cole Cunning. How was I going to tell her that the ones who hurt and abused her were now asking me for my help? He was telling me about all the rogue attacks his pack had suffered recently and I wasn't sure how Hope was going to handle this, but when they called for my help there was no way I could refuse. I have never let anyone down, but now I was dreading telling ehr. This was her old Alpha, the one who tried to rape her, the one who condemned her to hell adn treated her badly. Hope’s hand was placed on my chest and when I felt it I held her hand and sat her on my lap, looking into her eyes. I didn't want to help him, if anything I wanted to kill him for what he did, but that revenge belonged to Hope and there was no way I was going to take it away from ehr if it was what she still wanted.   “Hope, we’re about to go through something and I pray you will understand that when another Alpha calls me for help because rogues are attacking them that I have to help them. I can't turn my back on them because I have been there with my parents and brother and I would never wish that on anyone else. The pack in question doesn't know how the rogues are getting into their territory, they have guards posted at every inch of their border and yet the rogues are still managing to get inside. I always go and help when I’m called to, they depend on me.” I replied and Hope looked at me confused.   “Okay, so why are you so scared and don't say you're not because I can sense it. I’m not going to say no to someone who needs help from us.” Hope replied, looking even more confused as I tensed up. She might not feel that way when I tell her who it is.   “Rick, who is the Alpha that needs our help? I’m not going to say no, so tell me who it is.” Hope asked and this was the part I was dreading.   “But you might say no to this one…'s Alpha Cole Cunning, it's your old pack.” I replied and she was stunned into silence. For a few minutes there was nothing but silence between us and then she suddenly stood up from my lap with a determined look on her face.   “When do we leave?” Hope asked and this shocked me.    “You really want to help them?” I asked and she nodded. After everything they had put her through she was still willing to help them, after all they had done to ehr and how badly they had treated her she was still willing to go there. Hope was truly an incredible person, but I was still unsure if she was really ready for this, even though it had been over eight years now.   “I knew one day I would have to go back to them. I’m not scared because it's time to face the ones that hurt me in the past. They might not recognise me now, but I will always recognise them.” Hope replied and I admired her even more for this. She was so brave and courageous.   “Do you want time to think this through? If you don't want to come then I completely understand.” I said, but she shook her head.   “No, I need to do this. I want to go there and help, as long as I have you then I’m happy.” Hope replied and I smiled brightly at her. I made her happy, that was the best feeling in the world to me, to know that I made my mate happy.   “Okay, I’ll give them a call tonight and let them know we will be on our way there tomorrow morning.” I said and took out my cell phone from my jeans pocket. I dialed the number I needed and waited for him to answer it.   “Alpha Cole, we will be on our way tomorrow morning. We’ll find out how they are getting through your guards and then we will leave.” I sternly said and hung up the phone, not giving him time to reply. Just because I was helping his pack out didn't mean I had to be nice to the man who abused my mate. I was only doing this because rogues were involved and it is my duty to help other Alpha’s, but if they so much as put a foot out of line where Hope is concerned I will bury them and their pack.
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