First day at the clinic

1245 Words

Carina I felt like an i***t, sitting in the car next to Jaxon as we drove in to work. It was the longest twenty minutes of my life! When I tried to tell him that I can arrange for a hired car, he told me that it would be a waste of time and money as he is right there to use and I know I could've argued, but I didn't. Instead I sat in that car and looked out the window, ignoring every attempt he made at conversation. The second he stopped at the clinic, I jumped out of the car and rushed to the entrance of the clinic. I quickly introduced myself to everyone and then got to work. I asked everyone what their worries and complaints are. Tina is a petite twenty year old with beautiful black shiny hair. She has absolutely no problem other than the fact that Jaxon isn't in the optometry depar

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