Watching her sleep

1558 Words

Archer I was on my way to surprise Gwen with some dinner, knowing that she hadn’t eaten much today. She had said that she was going to work late and that she had asked Malec, the guard I had placed at the door, to go home, but I had told him to stay close. I had called him while I was waiting for our food to make sure she was still there and that nothing had happened and he informed me that he was doing a sweep of the road to make sure there was nothing suspicious, so the last thing I expected to see when I walked into the store, was Gwen pushed up against the counter by her ex. I knew it was him, I saw a photo of them in one of the articles and even though he looks skinnier than he did in the photo, I could still tell from the color of his hair and the style of clothes he wore. The ange

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