New beginnings

1483 Words
Gwen I stand in the middle of my new apartment and sigh in relief. It has been a rough six months since I found my ex in my bed with another woman and I am finally able to start over. At first I was going to keep the apartment that I got for me and Cedric, I mean, it is mine, the first place I bought for us, but it became clear very soon that I can’t stay there. A month after he walked out of the apartment, I started receiving gifts, first roses and then jewelry, with every gift came a note, begging for forgiveness. I threw it all away, not wanting anything from the bastard. After a few weeks of notes and gifts, he started showing up at the apartment, begging for me to give him a chance, but I kept telling him no. He started coming around less and less, and then for a week there was nothing, I thought it was over, but boy was I wrong. Soon he started with threats, saying he will have me one way or another, that he will make sure no other man looks at me ever again. A week ago, my apartment was torn apart, all the valuables stolen. For some reason, the only thing that made me panic was the idea that he might have torn or stole my shirts. I have an obsession with big baggy t-shirts with my favorite series or movies printed on it. I was relieved when I saw that they were still there, including my now favorite one of them all, the white dress shirt of the handsome stranger. It took me a week to finally wash the shirt, and it was a very depressing moment for me. I tried looking everywhere for the cologne that he wore, but couldn’t find it anywhere. I was lost in my own world when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I started to worry when I saw it was work calling. “Stacey, please tell me the place hasn’t burned down, I have only been gone for two days.” I say in a teasing voice, but honestly I am a bit worried. I have never taken a day off unless I was extremely sick and couldn’t get out of bed and that hardly happens. “No, we’re still good, but you will never guess who just called into the store to make an appointment with you!” She says with a little shriek, and I had to rub my ear to get the pain to go away and be able to hear her again. “Um, the president?” I ask sarcastically. “Nope, even better.” She is going to drag this out and keep me in suspension. “Will you please just tell me already.” I say in frustration, I would like to bask in my moment of finally moving into my own place. I have a lot of unpacking to do and I don’t need this right now. “Okay, okay, don’t get your panties in a twist. Archer Cullen.” The name sounds familiar but I just can’t put a face to the name. When I stay quiet too long, she gives a loud sigh. “How can you not know who Archer Cullen is?” She asks in disbelief. “Sorry girl, I am just not that interested in other people’s lives.” I tell her. “He is only the youngest billionaire and the most wanted bachelor in New York! Goodness , we need to get you up to date with the world around you.” She says exasperated. “Any case, I told him that you weren’t in for the next week and offered him one of the other optometrists’, but he said he only wants you and I told him I will call him when you come back in, but we both know people with his status will only go somewhere else, so I thought I would give you a call and find out what you want me to do.” She says and I want to groan in frustration.  “Call him back and tell him I will be there in a few minutes, but I will only be there for an hour, no longer.” I tell her as I grab my keys off the counter and make my way to my car. I end the call and start the car, wanting to get this over and done with. I really want to get back as soon as possible and start unpacking my things. When I made it to the store, Stacey told me he said he would be here in the next twenty minutes and I decided to make my way to Felix. He is our own personal designer. He does amazing work with designing personalized frames for the store and that is one of the reasons we are so famous among the rich and famous people, they all want something unique and they are willing to pay a lot for his work. His boyfriend, Rhett, makes the frames and also runs the lab we have on the premises, making it possible for us to prepare the lenses on the day while patients wait instead of having to send it away like most of our competition. “How is my favorite designer doing today?” I ask him as I walk into his office. He is busy sketching on a new piece and I can’t help but admire his work. Felix smiles up at me and whips a piece of his platinum blond hair out of his light blue and green eyes. His skinny frame makes it look like he is underfed, but I for one know that he can eat more than any other man I have met. His clothes are always colorful and suit his happy and flamboyant personality perfectly. Rhett is the complete opposite from Felix. He is quiet and a big beefy man. He has tattoos running up both his arms and dark brown hair with dark green eyes that only ever seems to light up around Felix. “Damn girl, going really casual today. Not that I’m complaining, you look really good in jeans.” He says appraising my looks. I look down at myself and realize that I am still in my jeans and my t-shirt that has a picture of Sam and Dean on it with Supernatural printed under them. I want to hit myself for not changing, but most of my clothes are in boxes and I was only going to start packing out today, I haven’t yet had time to get to that. I guess I will just have to suck it up and face the spoiled rich guy in faded jeans and fan girl shirt. My hair is braided at least, and the few strands of hair that hangs out doesn’t look too bad. I have no makeup on either. I really should’ve taken a moment to fix myself up before running out of the apartment like hell was on my heels. After sitting with Felix for twenty minutes, giving him my advice and also working on a design of my own, I get up to find out if my patient has shown up. I start getting irritated when I find out he is late, but decide I will wait the hour that I promised and go back to working with Felix, but finding it hard to concentrate on my work. After another fifteen minutes, Logan comes walking into the office with a patient card in her hands, looking flushed. Logan only works part time and by the dreamy look in her eyes, she is probably very happy she decided to swap shifts with Harley, the other student working for me. “He smiled at me and I swear I died and went to heaven.” She says in a breathy voice. I can't help but laugh, but a part of me is now more curious than ever. I take the card from her and then walk out the office. There are a few patients waiting to be helped, but everyone seems to stand still and take in the man standing at one of the stands that holds the house brand frames that Felix and I have designed, when he turns a bit to the side, I catch a glimpse of his face and nearly swallow my own choke on my own breath. There in front of me, stands the man I have been dreaming about for the past six months, the man that has taken part in every s****l fantasy I have had since I walked out of that hotel room. Please God, don’t let it be him. I pray as I try to get myself under control. I need to act professional and get him out of here before I lose control and do or say something stupid. I take a deep breath and focus on getting this over and done with. I look at the card and scold my face, let’s do this. “Archer Cullen.”   
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