Master of Flirt and Tease

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Sky Pov : "wake up cupcake " Said soft voice of my grandma. "5min more nana" i whinne. "You have only one hour to shower , change clothes and have breakfast doll. it's already 8:30 you know that" With that said i jerk up from my bed. "Really why didn't you wake me up nana. And I'm gonna kill Ru for not waking me up" I said stripping my clothes. My grandma give me a warm smile saying "She did. It's you my panda who didn't hear her and besides you were up late night in your square box doing god knows what so i just let you sleep" "It's laptop nana now m going for shower. Will you please tell Ru to prepare my breakfast pweeeease....!! Pretty please" I try to make cute baby voice. "Did you just make that voice .....ewww gross....lemme throw up" Tease my cousin through door. Grandma laugh at us while we have our pillow fight. "Forget about your breakfast. You're gonna suffer for hitting me cousin remember that" My cousin threatens me with her dramatic hair blow. "We will see that Ms. Ugly walker" I reply in equally dramatic serious voice. "Well i have deposited your pocket money in your account so make proper use of that. Plus we have lots of work in farm today so m gonna be busy. Make sure you eat well and return back safe." Grandma says making my messy bed and picking up my clothes. "Nana stop doing that , m grown up now I'll do my own chores. And i don't need money, i have a part time job now so please keep those for you." I say holding her hands. Nana still love doing things for me. "No matter how much you grow up you'll always be my precious doll. I've literally raised you all your life. You're more like my friend and daughter than granddaughter" Grandma say with a warm smile. God...!!!! I love this women so much. Family is such a beautiful thing if you really take a break and notice. Such selfless love, trust and faith that makes you feel angel even if you're in rugs. I really believe when they say 'God couldn't be everywhere with you so they created family'. After my beautiful morning with grandma's love and my evil cousins constant bickering we went to college. Gratefully i got my breakfast and lots of kisses from my grandparents along with sarcasm from my cousin. As we are walking down halls towards the lockers I heard sharp whistle from behind. Ru was about to turn but i hold her hands before she could. "We're not pets to turn around on whistle Sis. Never react to whistles unless you're in marathon" I warn my cousin in my usual cold voice. She nods her head in understanding. Yes we might live in middle class family but we're taught to become proper honourable humans by our family. I would never let someone look down on us like that. We kept walking ignoring those annoying whistle but guess someone couldn't hold their horses for long as we heard "Heyyy you....Gucci may i have your attention please" with that being said we turned around to see bunch of good looking girls. And by good looking i mean only good looking not pretty. They must be waiting for me to speak but i didn't. They asked for my attention not speech. I just kept my poker face staring them straight in the eye. Ru kept quite because she always enjoy my this side of dealing with strangers, she says she finds it hilarious how i can fake personality according to people. Once she almost dragged me to hospital saying i have bipolar disorders..... just to annoy me ofcourse... "We have tryouts after classes for cheerleading. I see a good potential in you. You should try" Says a girl handing us tryout forms with big stretchy fake smile. I took it calmly folded it in multiple sides , made a paper boat and gave them back to which ru ended up laughing looking at very pissed faces of girls. "This means sail your boat somewhere else, she's not interested girls tataaaaa" Ru said waving hands Infront of them. We were about to turn around and move but this time another voice stopped us "Who do you think you're , you low piece of s**t. I've been watching your movements since you entered that gate and we're trying to be nice and polite to you but no...!! all you've been doing is being rude , almighty , throwing us attitude, Guess some people do not understand language of good words anymore." Said a tall gorgeous redhead, she was raging with anger as i can see her flaring nostrils. Blue eyes, red hair, a perfect slender body which anyone would die for. She was in middle of them crossing her hands right below her chest. Trust me if i wasn't on my mission here i would surely be drooling for her. But my bad, I'm a tough nut to crack. I have noticed earlier she was checking me out too, i smirked because even behind those angry blue orbs there's faint lust lingering around. I guarantee you she's thinking about choking and eating me out at the same time. Tsk tsk tsk but poor her Although she's gorgeous but she insulted me in very unforgivable way which means i gotta play my little game here too. I stepped forward without giving her chance to react , held her waist pulling her close. She seemed shocked but composed herself with hard glare and trying to push me away but i maintained firm grip holding her hand with mine. "Damn baby did you had chillies in breakfast ?? Because you look hot right now. With you being angry is adding smokiness to it." I say in a sensual voice, she looks startled while i was trying hard not to laugh at her reaction. Her friends try to move to help but i glare at them which makes them freeze at their spot. "Calm down princess, My apologies for being rude earlier. But if it's pleasures you then i can get on my knees.......... bet you would love that sweetheart"   I say but whispering last part near her ear. I felt her shiver at my words. I mentally smirk again , guess i was right about her eye f*****g me earlier. "You'll forgive me right ??" I say in a calm tone caressing her cheeks while tucking her hair besides her ears to which she nods her head. By now her cheeks are all pink and warm. I let her go and she finally seems to take a deep breath. I just kiss her cheeks , tap on Ru's arms and move away while she follows. "Sweet Jesus how do you do that ?? And you said sorry sky, And why the hell it always works ......daaamn trust me if you were a player sis you would have STD by now. And why are you not angry at them?? they insulted us sky .... And by the way are you gay ?? I just realized I've never asked you before cause you haven't dated anyone yet..... just so you know curious judging at all" My cousin blabbers cheerfully raising her hands up at the last part. She looks like a happy happy kid who just discovered magic. Despite of all times when she looks like a chimpanzee to me , right now she looks adorable. "They're cheerleaders Ru , didn't you see they scream trouble. And the one who was shooting daggers at us must be queen bee. I'm sure they have many boys under their feet waiting for a chance to jump up which they can use against us for revenge. I want to stay low-key away from trouble that's why i settled it in a decent way. I am not 100% sure about my sexuality yet, i am bi curious right now let's say that. I'm comfortable with both but also i don't want any of em and you know why right ?? .......and many girls like it when someone's bold , someone's who can take charge as well be gentle that's why my tactics work most of the time...not every time tho. And i said apologies which doesn't count as sorry since I don't mean it. I would not say sorry unless I'm guilty or actually at fault. Plus intimidating is easy sistaaaa cold looks run in our family did you forget that or something?? .....but yeah on the other hand how would you know since you're adopted" I say with a calm voice looking at her in the end of my lines. "You're so f*****g dead now" she says as she begin to hit me with our books. I try to take two step forward to run away from her. But before i could someone bumped into me but not hard enough to fall down.....i grip her waist before she could fall and here she's, our clumsy adorable nerd who looks like she ran a marathon.... must be running late for classes...hmm guess I'm not the only morning person after all. "I didn't knew you'd fall for me so easily and so soon" I smirk and tease her while she's taking her sweet time to catch her breath and maintain firm grip on my arms and t-shirt. It's gonna look creased or worst damn my grandma's efforts. "Le....let go please, we're getting late" She says stuttering, this girl gets nervous real quick doesn't she. "Are you sure" i ask to which she nods her head. I just let go but don't blame me she asked for it. Ru and i end up laughing. She lands on her butt but don't worry we were almost halfway down about to fall before i grabbed her so she isn't hurt much. I look down at a pouting celena who's giving me look of betrayal. I almost felt guilty but i too ended up falling down by someone pushing from behind. "Oops did it hurt , when karma kicked your back" Said a sarcastic Amy who's giving hand to her best friend making her stand while Max raise his hands towards me which i accept and get up. I was about to thank him but realized he's not looking at me straight in the eyes......Oooooo secret crusher ladies and gentlemen.....i mentally cheer but doesn't show it on my face. I glare at amy who's busy glaring at Max.....Aheeemmmn jealousy my lovely audience......I wanted to have a word battle with this knight in shining armour here but these turned out events are funny enough to turn off my mini anger. I can use their feelings for my advantage later but right now before anyone could say anything bell rang , indicating our classes are about to begin. Ru and i head off first leaving the group behind to take their own time. I look at celena for last time she's diverting her gaze, which i find cute. She looks cute when she's annoyed. While we take our respective seats i feel my cousin's glare at me "What is it Ru ?? Just bark " I say without looking at her doing my math notes. "Do you have crush on celena ?? I think you like her " Her words made me freeze my work on hand as i glared at her. "Say that again" I say with rage which she feels because she stopped smiling. "Don't lash out I'm just voicing my observation" She says mumbling. "Which is ? " I insist for further explanation. "Earlier even with those hot cheerleader you didn't flinch a little. You weren't intimidated. You stayed calm, run your charms on them but when you bumped with nerd over there i saw you smiling.......not the fake ones that's professional or that screams something evil...but a genuine one. You were looking at her with gentleness which i see only when you're with family. You were laughing freely which you rarely do by the way and i felt you looked happy" She says with a sigh in the end. Normally i would have comeback for anything she says but right now i felt speechless. I want to debate but words seems to stuck in my throat. I look at the glassy nerd in last corner with pen in her lips. She's in her simple attire today yet she looks gorgeous. Her baby blue t-shirt perfectly matching with blue ripped jeans. Her braided hair with Chinese stick to hold it around. And her glasses which adds cuteness to her oval face. She looks at me and i feel world vanished the moment our eyes met. I felt her holding back her usual warm smile coz she's just little disappointed I don't know why....maybe earlier that i let her go that's why. She hasn't complained anything yet i feel i can understand her heart without any words said. Her gentle heart , her compassionate character, her alluring warm eyes which speaks her emotions clear like water. She's really an angel like they say. You can't help liking her once you know her. I felt a shake followed by a tuk tuk noise. Our English professor was glaring at me with board wiper on her hand. She really giving me those scary teacher vibes you know where you think they're devil reincarnated. Maintaining her professional looks and tone as devil spoke to me clearing her throat. "Miss Walker , As i can see you're such an carefree observer. I would like to offer you stand Infront the whole period and do your observing but ....this time on what I'm teaching, Is that clear ?? " She ask me , more like ordered me . "Yes mam" i say walking up to damn shameful stage Infront. "It's Mrs.Blossom for you and all, Thank You" she says a little louder for everyone to hear. As i stand Infront with every eyes on me, i can feel multiple stares of my classmate. Some curious, some lustful, some happy also some sympathetic ......only of moon that i care tho....and beside her i saw her bff amy raising middle finger towards me. Ofcourse she's gonna be happy. But before she could hide her finger back  from me Mrs.Blossom saw her.......hahah busted ,take that bitch...... I cheered mentally. "And it would be lovely if Miss.Ray would join Mrs. Walker up stage" Said our lovely English professor. Class filled with laughter as i can see my cousin and celena's friend cracking up banging desk with palms. "Silence..!! I will not tolerate this behaviour. Who won't listen will fail in upcoming test" Roared Mrs.Blossom with her authoritative tone. Whole class had their lips sealed while Amy stood beside me glaring hard at me. "Karma is a b***h isn't it" I whisper tease her back to which she display her 32's in fake/annoyed way. I just smirked in satisfaction. As Mrs. Blossom continued with her teaching i was listening to her attentively this time, although it's boring as f**k but she's a good explainer. Celena's Pov : I frowned looking at Sky and Amy , they're standing Infront of everyone like those naughty kids who doesn't get along at all. I feel they're similar poles of magnet because even blind people can see they don't get along at all. I sigh in defeat looking at both of them still shooting daggers with eyes at each other( →_→) ...(←_← ). But nonetheless they look adorable. Early morning I overslept my alarm. I hurried as fast as i could but mama wouldn't let me go before having something in my system. She's always like 'Moon morning food is always important for your body and health, you should always have proper meal, world can adjust their clock' So after swallowing my food with big bites , i ran like I'm gonna miss my train. On my way to college some scout children were selling cookies for donations but nobody was buying them and i didn't had heart to ignore them.I was in Scouts too back in school days, i have lots of experience so i thought i would teach them some of my techniques. So i helped them which also meant my friends were dragged in my deeds. After helping kids we literally ran marathon to enter campus which gates were almost closed in our face. Luckily guard let us in. Amy and Max decided to get our books real quick as they're both athletes, you know high stamina and quick run, while Sam and i decided to get inside class before Professor . Then i stumbled upon Sky again in middle of hallway intersection, it was midpoint i couldn't see anyone so it's not anyone's fault but I think i should change my glasses number because i never bumped into same person dramatically over my 18 years of peaceful life. Sometimes i feel glad because despite being unknown she's always been good towards me.....too good.... But what she did afterwards shocked me to the grounds. She left me , just like that .....i was hurt a little not much tho ...but damn she sounded so melodic while laughing. I was admiring the moment with pout but within a blink she was on floor too. I wanted to laugh back but my mannerisms stopped me. Amy being badass she is , did what felt right to her which is always either fight or bite. I always try to stop her but she never listens to me........wait she does listen but never complies. While amy helped me up , getting dirt off me. Max helped sky , he was playing his gentlemen card but something tells me it's not gonna work with sky. While he was being all shy shy , i saw Sam rolling her eyes at her brother while amy was literally throwing fire arrow with her eyes at max. This time it felt different though.... Amy's jealous....does that mean she has feelings for Max. I felt something dropped inside me. An unsettling feeling emerged in my heart. I just couldn't pin exactly what or why. I should be happy right ?? But nothing's clear in the surface right now so i just buried my feelings inside me avoiding everyone's eyes because they say I'm easy to read. After Mrs. Blossom period was over. They apologized to her for their immature behaviour and came back to their respective seats. "Uuuugghhhh finally some relief to my bottoms and legs" Amy moaned in relief. "Hey i can give you some massage to your bottoms if you want me to" teased Max to which Sam chuckled and amy glared at him. "Give massage to that hot mess for all i care, Don't talk to me, I'm disowning you as a friend for the day" Said amy slapping Max's arms. Sam was looking very attentively at them. "Hey stranger , wanna go on a ice-coffee and pastry date with me ?? My possessive bodyguard isn't around today " Asked Max in playful way which made Amy's lips stretch upwards. "I would love that since an annoying monkey's not here to ruin my mood, You better pay attention to your date handsome." replies Amy coz I don't know about dates but she never says no to some good coffee and pastry treats. "Do you think they have something in between going on or am i overthinking this scenario" whispers Sam near my ear. "You too think so" i whisper back to which sam nods with umm hmm. Again that unsettling feeling inside me is back as i see Max and Amy's are back happy. Max lovingly kiss Amy's forehead , her eyes closed, a happy smile on her lips. They look cute together. But why i feeling like mourning. It's hurting and i feel like a worst friend.
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