Security Detail

1090 Words
Hawk's POV A few days after Elder Braun and Pinky showed up Joe asked me to meet him at the front gate. Said there was a group there claiming to be from Bear Moon. Mortou and I both came. I eyed the group and smiled. Mato had been generous with the men he sent. "Welcome," I grinned. Mato had sent Justin and Ray along with the three he had trusted on the stairs that day while the bikers had tried to steal Amber. "Hawk," all five bowed. "King Joe, " I started as I walked next to Justin and Ray. "These two are Justin and Ray when I say we have some good times we did, watch them at cards they cheat." I chuckled remembering the times in the dungeons when we played after I had a few murder sprees. Stepping to the left I begin to introduce them, "these three are his best." I slapped a hand on the three brothers. "Logan," speaking of the tallest, his dark hair had grey very streaks, but he looked young. "Ace," a carbon copy of his older brother but his eyes were bright blue while both his brothers were a deep brown. His hair is darker almost black. "Mike," I slapped my hand on the last brother, his brown hair and dark eyes exactly like the oldest. His only defining feature was the scar that crossed from the corner of his left eye across his nose and face to his right cheek down to his neck. "I will vouch for all of them men in battle." I stepped back looking at Joe happy to see Mato sending his best to help. "Good, Mortou show them a bunk," Joe grunted. He looked at me as they left. "You seen them fight?" "I have seen Ray and Justin fight via the dungeon we worked together a bit. They are damn good. The other three I have seen train. Not actual battle. Though they brought me the people who hurt Amber." I glanced at their departing backs. "Works for me, we can test them tomorrow in training." He nodded. "I need to call the liaison to add a member to the group she is securing accommodations for us." I watched him walk away. I headed back to the barn to watch Amber's progress with the horses. ************* At dinner that night Amber was the one giddy with introductions as she chatted with people she knew as family. All the guys treated her as a little sister. Giving me crap here and there. Jewel always welcoming like Maya. Elder Braun still eyed me nervously which I chuckled too as Athens did the same. I didn't mind it. Kept them on their toes. ************* The following next day Mortou dragged them out. Lining them up early to get ready for one on ones with him. I chuckled at the thought of them fighting Mortou. I figured he was the head so he needed to see where the team's strengths and weaknesses laid. Joe walked up to join me in watching. Leaning back against the tree near me he folded those arms across his chest and quietly gazing. I noticed his face a mask of what he thought which impressed me for a wolf. Normally you could read them well. Most would be easy to read, some slightly more difficult to in the case of Elder Braun. However, Joe was a like stone. There was nothing to read. I liked him more for it. We stood there for about an hour as Mortou handled each one. Getting to Mike as the last, "Joe this one is yours," Mortou huffed stepping back to drink some water. "Ok," Joe leaned forward undoing his arms and cracking his neck. "Don't break any trees," I heard Maya yell out to him with a grin. Joe shook his head, "I can put the toilet lid back in one if you wish?" He barked back with a smirk. "Jerk!" Maya flipped him off, her face an automatic pout. I would have to ask about that. "Alrighty boy, let's see what you got." Joe clapped his hands together then rubbed them getting in his stance. Mike charged. I noted some good hits, then Joe took it up a notch like I saw him do at the tournament. His hits got stronger and the precision was perfect. Mike still didn't back down. He pushed on, I could hear both of them grunt as they exchanged blows. At some point during the fight, both men had sweated enough to get rid of their shirts. "Ooh, new beefcake yummies to watch?" I heard Athens say. I flinched a little but was getting better at him just popping up. "These are the guys Mato at Bear Moon sent over." I ignored his statement altogether. "Have the others gone?" Athens leaned against the tree to watch now. "Yes, Mike is the last one." My eyebrows raised as they circled still exchanging blows. I had to admit Mike was a bit of a badass in battle. A few more sounds of fists smacking flesh and grunts followed before Mortou called it. "Alright, that is enough! I have my rankings and I will ask the others to weigh in as well." Mortou glanced at Joe and me wanting us to come to him for a chat. We all walked over. I noticed Athens tagging along. "What do you think of this crew?" Mortou glanced at us all. "That last one is a beast," Joe mentioned rubbing the back of his neck. "He went toe to toe with me and I held nothing back." "I am curious about their weapons training." I threw it out there. "I have watched their hand-to-hand and bear forms but never seen weapons." I glanced at Mortou, nodded. Leaning outside our group to look at the men. "Do you guys have weapons training?" "We all do." Logan the oldest answered for the whole group. "What types of weapons?" Mortou shot back. "Ace, Mike, and I have staff and sword training. Justin and Ray have, knife and double sword training." Logan offered again. "Athens you up for sword tryouts?" Mortou raised a brow. "Of course I can play with some beefcake," Athens snickered. "Let me pop back and get my sword." Then he was gone again. "I can take a few if need be as well." I offered. I noticed Mortou nodded accepting my offer. I headed back to the room to get my sword. This would be fun.
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