Episode 5

2006 Words
Amelie’s P.O.V “Good evening ladies, how may I assist you this evening?” The Hostess spoke to us as we kindly entered the restaurant.  “We actually want to know if our group is here? Reservations for Greg Jones.” I softly smile as she looks up the reservation list.  “Greg Jones here it is. Oh, It seems some of the party has already arrived. Come on follow me.” The hostess speaks as she grabs a couple of menus and leads us to our table.  “Good evening Mr. Jones, Good evening Mr. Wells.” Misty and I greet as we sit down.  “Good evening Misty, Amelie.” Greg smiles softly at us.  “Evening Ms. Jenova, Evening Ms. Romano.” Taylor greets us as he looks at the menu. We greet him as well.  “Well ladies the reason we formed this meeting tonight is to go over a few business related things.” Greg starts off as we give him our undivided attention.  “The first thing on the agenda. How are sales this quarter?”   “Well sales have gone up 10% since last quarter but we are still below our goal. We need new clients.” I speak up as I pull out a file from my suitcase and hand it to Greg.  Misty grabs her copy of the paperwork as well and goes over the data.  “Our client isn’t Interested in Armor per se they are more interested in weapons,” Misty speaks grabbing everyone’s attention.  “Really?” Taylor questions as he begins to skim over the file himself.  “Well according to our sales report the buying of Armor is down by at least 500 sales since last week. They have bought more weapons from us than armor. I think that’s the only reason why our sales have gone up.” Misty speaks as her head is down and she is reading the report.  “I agree, Sales have only increased in our weapons,” I whisper as I see the Hostess walking our way with a gentleman following her.  “Good evening everyone, I apologize for being late.” A young man apologized as he sat down and smiled at us.  He was around 6’3 and had a strong build. His light brown hair was cut short on the sides and left a little longer at the top. He had a strong jawline and a long pointed nose.  He had a 5 O’clock shadow and his hazel eyes stared at me as I examined him. He was dressed in a navy blue suit with a silver tie and a white shirt underneath. He was good looking.  “Mr. Královský how nice of you to join us.” Mr. Jones spoke as he stood up and shook his hand.  “Please call me Nyx.” The man replied as he looked at Greg in the eyes.  “Of course. Nyx.” Greg corrected himself.  “Good evening Nyx.” Taylor smiled as he shook the man’s hand.  Misty and I quickly stood up and greeted the man as well. “Nice to meet you Mr. Královsky. I am Amelie.” I smile as I shake the man’s hand.  “Nice to meet you Amelie, and may I say you are absolutely stunning.” He smirks back as he watches my cheeks turn red.  Greg clears his throat and we all sit. Once we are sitting Misty slightly nudges my side and I shoot her a confused look. She smirks and winks at me and I can’t help but smile. Knowing exactly what she means.  “Alright, Taylor so tell me. Why should I invest in your company? You know aside from being friends.” Nyx chuckles as he questions his friend.  “Well, our sales have gone up 10% since last quarter.” Taylor smiles like he knows a million dollar secret.  “Is that so? Well, then why on earth would I want to give you more money if you are already making enough of it?” Nyx challenges, making Taylor go silent.  “Our sales have gone up but we are still under our margin.” Greg quickly interrupted.  “That just means your sale representatives aren’t doing their job and Those who supervise them aren't doing them either.”  “Excuse me?” Misty questioned in annoyance surprising all of the men.  “We are the ones who supervise them.” Misty spoke again while pointing at herself and I. “We make sure they are they're speaking professional and making sure they close the deal.” She added.  “Women don’t close things… They open them.” Nyx spoke while staring at Misty and myself.  I could feel my blood boil under his watchful gaze. He did NOT just say what I think he said.  “Excuse me?” I spoke up in shock.  “Oh dear.” Misty and Greg Whispered.  “Well, it is true sweetheart. Women-”  “The reason our sales are down is that men like you don’t like armor they’d rather have a shiny new gun. Compensating for what they lack. Our sales are only down in armor. Why? Because men believe that they can’t get shot and when they do they want to blame others. That’s how people get killed. Too much offense, not enough defense.”  “People get killed because they don’t follow rules, not because of armor. If you wanted-” Nyx started.  “Honestly if I wanted to kill myself I would climb your ego and jump to your IQ.” I seethed at Nyx.  “Is that so? Well, I have something else you could climb.” Nyx smirked as he watched me blow steam.  “That’s enough,” Taylor warned at both of us.  I quickly breathe out and look away from Nyx not letting him know how much he set me off. He is very good looking but he just knows how to push my buttons. How dare he say that. He is ridiculous. I don’t want to say he’s an i***t because that would just offend stupid people.  I don’t understand how a man can be so infuriating while being so good looking as the same time. I hate him but I still admire the way he looks. I just can’t ever let him know that.  “As I was saying... “ Greg continued.  I didn’t continue listening to him. Just knowing Nyx was sitting so close to me made me break out into goosebumps. I still wasn’t quite sure if it was attraction or hatred. I was leaning towards the lather.  “Good evening my name is Ashley and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you guys off with any drinks?” The small petite waitress came up to the table and spoke in a kind tone.  She had long blond hair that was currently un in a ponytail and she wore a cute light blue blouse with a pair of blank dress pants and a small tie around her thin neck. She had piercing green eyes and i was amazed at how perfect her face looked with little to no makeup on it.  “Can you please just bring us a bottle of your best wine for the table,” Nyx spoke as he focused on the menu.  “Of Course sir right away.” Ashley smiled as she took notes.  “Actually can you please bring me a glass of water and one  for my colleague as well.” I quickly added before she had time to walk away.  “Of Course Ma’am, Right away.” She smiled.  I smiled back and looked to the menu. All talk about business had ended and right now everyone at the table was currently looking up things to eat. After revising the menu for about a good 15 minutes I finally settled on a bowl of Alfredo pasta and some grilled chicken.  When the waitress returned we all ordered our food. Misty ordered a Filet mignon with Mashed potatoes and a few grilled veggies. Taylor and Greg ordered a rack of ribs each with some fries and Nyx ordered a small quail with veggies. Once the waitress took down our orders the sommelier started to pour us some wine.  As he came to me and Misty I quickly and kindly refused.  “None for us thank you.” I smiled.  The sommelier politely bowed and left.  “You don’t drink?” Nyx questioned as he swirled the wine in his cup.  “Not anymore,” I replied curtly as I looked away from him.  “Why is that?” Nyx questioned as he placed the cup down and looked at me with curious eyes.  “I’m pregnant,” I stated flatly.  Nyx looked at me with shocked eyes. It was clear he didn't expect my answer to be so forthcoming.  “I-I apologize, I wasn’t aware that you were married,” Nyx whispered softly.  “I’m not,” I replied as I sipped on my water.  “Then who is the-”  “Well, Nyx I’m sure you’re not here to talk about Ms, Amelie’s Love life. Can we get back to business?”  Greg quickly intervened.  I thanked him as he drew away Nyx’s attention from me and started talking once again with Taylor and Greg. I looked at Misty and she softly smiled at me. Her smile didn't reach her eyes. I sighed and continued to think to myself.  After a few more minutes the waitress came back with our food. We ate in silence and when we finished the guys continued their business talk, while Misty and had held our own side conversations.  When dinner was finally over we all decided to head our separate ways. The men stayed behind and kept talking while Misty and I decided we had had enough. Taylor and Greg paid for the meal and we thanked them.  Misty and I quickly stood up and said our goodbye. It was time for us to head home and that was exactly what we did.  Nyx’s P.O.V  She was gorgeous. She was just breathtaking. The way she spoke and the way she held her own against my sexist comment. This woman intrigued me and I Didn't exactly know why.  I watched as she and her friend got up and dismissed themselves from us. It was obvious she wasn't really paying attention to us ‘guys’ talk about business and I didn't really blame her.  Business isn't for everyone. they quickly left and I caught myself wanting to go after them. I wanted to find out more about her. Ask her out on a date. Wine and Dine her.  I couldn't believe what I was thinking. I never thought about women like that. I was Nyx Královsky. I could have anyone I wanted.  “So what do you think Nyx? Are you willing to invest in our company?” Taylor questioned. He had broke. My train of thought and a part of me was relieved about that.  “I have a proposition for you, Taylor, let me become a partner and I'll take care of sales,” I replied curtly.  Greg and Taylor exchanged a few looks until finally, they agreed. I smiled and stood up.  “Pleasure doing business with you guys.” I smiled as I shook their hands.  “I’ll see you guys on Monday morning,” I spoke as I turned and left. I will see here again. I just have too. 
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